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Faith, Reason and Science

Unit 1 Test Review

Learning Goals

 I can explain what it means to be human through the lens for faith and reason
o Creation Stories
o Catechism
o Aristotle, Aquinas
o Argument from Desire
o Cosmological Arguments
 I can explain evidence for God’s existence using reason
o Be able to explain one (1) evidence for God’s existence using reason from the Knowing God
 I can explain what faith is and what faith is not
 I can identify the characteristics of faith
 I can explain how faith and reason are compatible
 I can explain how faith and science are compatible

Test Breakdown
Kn/Un: 5 True or False & 15 Multiple Choice
Th/In: 1 Sight Passage with corresponding question(s)
Appl: 1 Short Response

Unit 1 Review
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2. The argument from motion, concludes that there must be a first _____, and this is God.
4. A characteristic of faith
5. Creation is
8. Faith is not _________ to reason.
10. Given to humanity at creation, the ability to decide.
14. Our God given ability to think logically
15. A characteristic that sets humans apart from animals
16. Aristotle's theory to study humans suggests four

1. Aquinas theorizes the four _______ of a human soul
3. Faith without reason withers into
4. Humans are made in the image and likeness of
6. This argument claims that our longing for God, proves the existence of God.
7. Humans are body and
9. St. Augustine wrote that our hearts are ____________ until they come to rest in thee.
11. St. John Paul II writes that faith and reason are two ______ (think bird) on which the human spirit rises to the
contemplation of the truth.
12. The human soul is
13. The Creation Stories teach us that we are ________ beings.

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