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MTH620 – Project for Mathematics

Study of the Flow of Two Immiscible Viscous and Incompressible Flu

ids between Two Parallel Plates.

Submitted by:
MC210401573 Shehla Sundas
MC210400838 Ali Abid
MC210204061 Maria Ashfaq
MC210401670 Kausar
MC210402289 Hifza Arshad
MC210402027 Muhammad Zeeshan
MC210400690 Naeem Ahmad

Supervised by:
Muhammad Zubair


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In this work, we have investigates the behavior of two fluids that are unable to mix (immi
scible) as they flow between two parallel plates.This study delves into the intricate dyna
mics of the flow of two immiscible viscous and incompressible fluids confined betwee
n two parallel plates. The interaction between these fluids within a controlled environme
nt holds significance in various industrial and scientific applications, such as in the design
of multiphase fluid transport systems, microfluidics, and oil-water separation processes.
The experimental setup involved creating a well-defined channel between the parallel pla
tes and observing the dynamics of the fluid interface under different flow conditions.

this research aims to elucidate the interplay of fluid properties, interfacial interactions, an
d geometrical constraints on the fluid flow patterns, pressure distributions, and velocity pr
ofiles. Through a comprehensive analysis, this study contributes to advancing our underst
anding of multiphase fluid dynamics and offers insights into optimizing processes involvi
ng immiscible fluids.In the whole work we will use Mathtype software for writing the ma
thematical expressions.

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First of all, I start my acknowledgment by saying thanks to Almighty Allah for giving me
strength, wisdom, confidence and perseverance to continue my studies, without his suffici
ent grace and mercy I would not have been able to complete this work. After Almighty A
llah I send salutations to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who emphasi
zed the importance of knowledge by saying “Learn the knowledge from cradle to grave”.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our instructor Muhammad Zubair,
whose guidance and expertise have been instrumental in shaping the direction and scope
of this study.

We also wish to acknowledge the support and resources provided by VIRTUAL UNIVE
RSITY OF PAKISTAN that have facilitated the execution of this research. The access t
o laboratory facilities, computational resources, and scholarly materials has been invaluab
le in conducting experiments and analyses.

We want to share my appreciation for all the unconditional love and patience of our paren
ts and family who have always been there for me no matter what. We’d like to say thank t
o my dear friends and fellow students of Msc. I am thankful to all my well wisher for thei
r valuable support.

This assignment would not have been possible without the collective effort and collaborat
ion of all these individuals, and we acknowledge their significant contributions with deep
appreciation. Together, these collective contributions have culminated in the successful c
ompletion of this assignment, and for that, we are truly grateful.
MC210401573 Shehla Sundas

MC210400838 Ali Abid
MC210204061 Maria Ashfaq
MC210401670 Kausar
MC210402289 Hifza Arshad
MC210402027 Muhammad Zeeshan
MC210400690 Naeem Ahmad

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1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Mechanics............................................................................................................................3
1.2 Fluid Mechanics..................................................................................................................3
1.3 Fluid ....................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Fluid flow ...........................................................................................................................4
1.5 Fluid Properties .................................................................................................................4
1.5.1 Density .........................................................................................................................4
1.5.2 Specific Weight ...........................................................................................................5
1.5.3 Specific Gravity ...........................................................................................................5
1.5.4 Viscosity .......................................................................................................................5
1.5.5 Surface Volume ............................................................................................................5
1.5.6 Compressibility ............................................................................................................6
1.5.7 Surface Tension ............................................................................................................6
1.6 Classification of Fluid Flow...............................................................................................6
1.6.1 Laminar flow and turbulent flow ................................................................................7
1.6.2 Steady and unsteady flow ...........................................................................................8 9
1.6.3 Compressible and incompressible flow ..................................................................9 10
1.6.4 Viscous and non viscous flow ..............................................................................10 11
1.6.5 Rotational and Irrotational flow ............................................................................11 12
1.6.6 Uniform and non-uniform flow .............................................................................12 13
2 Numerical Methods.............................................................................................................15
2.1 Mathematical Formulation..........................................................................................17
2.2 Physical Diagram..........................................................................................................17
2.3 Mathematical Calculation............................................................................................17
2.3.1 Velocities.................................................................................................................20
2.3.2 Sheer Stress..............................................................................................................21
2.3.3 For same fluid..........................................................................................................21
2.4 Result and Discussion ..................................................................................................22
2.5 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................25
Reference .............................................................................................................................26

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In this Chapter, we will discuss some of the basic concepts, definition of fluid, its types, t
heir mathematical forms, related examples, and properties commonly used for analysis of

1- Introduction
Mechanics is the oldest physical science that deals with both stationary and moving bodie
s under the influence of forces. The branch of mechanics that deals with bodies at rest is c
alled statics, while the branch that deals with bodies in motion under the action of forces i
s called dynamics. The subcategory fluid mechanics is defined as the science that deals w
ith the behavior of fluids at rest (fluid statics) or in motion (fluid dynamics), and the inter
action of fluids with solids or other fluids at the boundaries. Fluid mechanics is also referr
ed to as fluid dynamics by considering fluids at rest as a special case of motion with zero

It is important to develop a good understanding of the basic principles of fluid mechanics,

since fluid mechanics is widely used both in everyday activities and in the design of mod
ern engineering systems from vacuum cleaners to supersonic aircraft.

On a broader scale, fluid mechanics plays a major part in the design and analysis of aircra
ft, boats, submarines, rockets, jet engines, wind turbines, biomedical devices, cooling syst
ems for electronic components, and transportation systems for moving water, crude oil, a
nd natural gas. It is also considered in the design of buildings, bridges, and even billboard
s to make sure that the structures can withstand wind loading. Numerous natural phenome
na such as the rain cycle, weather patterns, the rise of ground water to the tops of trees, w

inds, ocean waves, and currents in large water bodies are also governed by the principles
of fluid mechanics.

The earliest recognized contribution to fluid mechanics theory was made by the Greek m
athematician Archimedes (285–212 BC). He formulated and applied the buoyancy princi
ple in history’s first nondestructive test to determine the gold content of the crown of Kin
g Hiero II. The Romans built great aqueducts and educated many conquered people on th
e benefits of clean water, but overall had a poor understanding of fluids theory. (Perhaps t
hey shouldn’t have killed Archimedes when they sacked Syracuse.)

The Renaissance brought continued development of fluid systems and machines, but mor
e importantly, the scientific method was perfected and adopted throughout Europe. Simo
n Stevin (1548–1617), Galileo Galilei (1564–1642), Edme Mariotte (1620–1684), and Ev
angelista Torricelli (1608–1647) were among the first to apply the method to fluids as the
y investigated hydrostatic pressure distributions and vacuums. That work was integrated a
nd refined by the brilliant mathematician and philosopher, Blaise Pascal (1623–1662). Th
e Italian monk, Benedetto Castelli (1577– 1644) was the first person to publish a stateme
nt of the continuity principle for fluids. Besides formulating his equations of motion for s
olids, Sir Isaac Newton (1643–1727) applied his laws to fluids and explored fluid inertia
and resistance, free jets, and viscosity. That effort was built upon by Daniel Bernoulli (17
00–1782), a Swiss, and his associate Leonard Euler (1707– 1783). Together, their work d
efined the energy and momentum equations. Bernoulli’s 1738 classic treatise Hydrodyna
mica may be considered the first fluid mechanics text. Finally, Jean d’Alembert (1717–17
89) developed the idea of velocity and acceleration components, a differential expression
of continuity, and his “paradox” of zero resistance to steady uniform motion over a body.

A fluid is substance that deforms continuously under the application of a shear stress no
matter how small the shear stress may be Air, water, oil, honey and blood are some exam
ples of fluid.

Fluids, that is gases and liquids, are self-evidently prerequisites for normal life. They also
play a major role in the production of many arte facts and in the operation of much of the
equipment upon which modern life depends. Occasionally, a fluid is the ultimate result of
a technological process, such as a liquid or gaseous fuel, so that its existence impinges dir

ectly on the public consciousness. More often, fluids are intermediates in processes yieldi
ng solid materials or objects, and are then contained within solid objects so that their publ
ic image is very much less and their significance not fully appreciated. Nevertheless, ever
y single component of modern life relies upon a fluid at some point and therefore upon ou
r understanding of the fluid state.

Fluid flow is often confined by solid surfaces, and it is important to understand how the p
resence of solid surfaces affects fluid flow. We know that water in a river cannot flow thr
ough large rocks, and must go around them. That is, the water velocity normal to the rock
surface must be zero, and water approaching the surface normally comes to a complete st
op at the surface. What is not as obvious is that water approaching the rock at any angle a
lso comes to a complete stop at the rock surface, and thus the tangential velocity of water
at the surface is also zero.

In this topic we want to explore the “Study of the Flow of Two Immiscible Viscous and I
ncompressible Fluids between Two Parallel Plates”. The study of the flow of two immisci
ble viscous and incompressible fluids between two parallel plates involves analyzing the
behavior of two different fluids as they flow in close proximity. The flow characteristics
depend on factors such as viscosity, immiscibility, and plate separation distance. Underst
anding this flow behavior has implications in micro-fluidics, industrial processes, and flui
d dynamics research.

1.1 Mechanics:

Mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the motion of bodies under the influen
ce of forces, including the special case of the body that stays at rest. The forces that bodie
s impose on one another are a primary concern in the issue of motion.

1.2 Fluid Mechanics:

Fluid mechanics is a branch of physics which is concerned with the response of fluid to f
orces exerted upon them.

(Fig: 1)

1.3 Fluid:

A fluid is a substance that deforms continuously under the action of externally applied for


A substance in the liquid or gas phase is referred as a Fluid.

Another property that defines a fluid is the fact that fluids do not have a predetermined sh
ape but, rather, ittake the shape of their container. For this reason, a liquid can be easily tr
ansferred from one container to another.

Examples: Honey, Water, Gasoline, Air and Blood are some common examples of fluid.

(Fig: 2)
1.4 Fluid Flow:

Fluid flow deals with fluid dynamics that undergoes significant density changes.

The motion of fluid is continuous till different unbalance forces are applied to the fluid.
When a fluid passes through a point or path the various parameters associated with the flo
w of fluid changes with different pattern.

1.5 Fluid Properties:

1.5.1 Density
1.5.2 Specific weight
1.5.3 Specific gravity
1.5.4 Viscosity
1.5.5 Surface volume
1.5.6 Compressibility
1.5.7 Surface tension
1.5.1 Density:

The density of a fluid, denoted by (lower-case Greek rho), is its mass per un
it volume.

It is highly variable in gases and increases nearly proportionally to the pressure level. De
nsity in liquids is nearly constant; the density of water (about 1000 kg/m3) and increases
only 1 % if the pressure is increased by a factor of 220.

1.5.2 Specific weight:

The specific weight of a fluid, denoted by (lowercase Greek gamma), is its weight pe
r unit volume.

Air (1.205 kg/m3) (9.807 m/s2) = 11.8 N/m3

Water (998 kg/m3) (9.807 m/s2) = 9790 N/m3

1.5.3 Specific gravity:

Specific gravity is denoted by SG, it is the ratio of a fluid density to a standard reference
fluid, water (for liquids), and air (for gases).

For example, the specific gravity of mercury (Hg) is SGHG 13,580/998 = 13.55.

1.5.4 Viscosity:

The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to gradual deformation by stress.

When a fluid is sheared, it begins to move at a strain rate inversely proportional to a prop

erty called its coefficient of viscosity .

1.5.5 Specific Volume:

The specific volume denoted by V s is defined as the volume per unit mass of the fluid. A

V s=

In other words, the specific volume is the reciprocal of density.

1.5.6 Compressibility:

The compressibility of a fluid is a measure of the change of its volume (and thus the dens
ity), under the action of external forces.

If the volume or density of a fluid changes when the pressure or temperature changes, it i
s said to be compressible, otherwise incompressible.

1.5.7 Surface tension:

Liquid droplets behave like small spherical balloons filled with liq
uid, and the surface of the liquid acts like a stretched elastic membrane under tension.

The pulling force that causes this is due to the attractive forces between molecules, and is
called surface tension σs (N/m).

1.6 Classification of Fluid Flow:

There is a wide variety of fluid flow problems encountered in practices, and it is usually c
onvenient to classify them based on some common characteristics to make it feasible to st
udy them in groups. Some of the types of fluid flow on the basis of these commons comm
on characteristics are as follows.

1.6.1 Laminar flow and turbulent flow

1.6.2 Steady and unsteady flow

1.6.3 Compressible and incompressible flow

1.6.4 Viscous and non viscous flow

1.6.5 Rotational and Irrotational flow

1.6.6 Uniform and Non-uniform Flow

1.6.1 Laminar Flow and Turbulent flow:

Laminar Flow:

The fluid flow is called Laminar or steady flow when every particle of fluid during flow h
as constant velocity, constant pressure, constant density, and having regularity.

The laminar flow is also called streamline flow.


Blood flows through capillaries, Oil flows through a thin tube and liquidflows through a s
traight pipe of constant diameter and fountains etc are the examples of laminar flow.

Turbulent Flow:

The irregular and non–steady flow is called turbulent flow.


A turbulent flow is that flow in which fluid particles move in a zigzag way and flow para
meters (velocity, pressure and density) depends on time.

The velocity, pressure, and density of fluid particles remain non-uniform during turbulent
flow. In turbulent flow the speed of the fluid at a point is continuously undergoing change
s in both magnitude and direction. It is impossible to trace the motion of an individual par
ticle in a turbulent flow.


Smoke of cigarette

Wakes left in water by moving ships

Blood in the arteries

(Fig: 3)

1.6.2 Steady Flow and Unsteady Flow:

Steady Flow:

If density and velocity of a fluid are constant or do not change at every point of fluid duri
ng flow, then fluid flow is called steady flow. It is also called stationary flow.
In steady flow the flow parameters such as, velocity; pressure and density are independen
t of time.

A steady flow is one in which the conditions (velocity, pressure and cross-section) may di
ffer from point to point but do not change with time. True steady flow is present only in L
aminar flow. Mathematical steady flow can be expressed as:

This shows that density and velocity are constant so its derivative is always equals to zero.


The flow of fluid through turbines, compressors, and boilers etc. are common examples
of steady flow.

Un-Steady Flow:

The fluid flow is called Un-steady flow when pressure, density, and velocity changes at e
very point of fluid during flow.


Flow, in which quantity of liquid flowing per second is not constant, is called unsteady fl

Unsteady flow is a transient phenomenon. It may be in time become steady or zero flow.
For example, when a valve is closed at the discharge end of the pipeline. Thus, causing th
e velocity in the pipeline to decrease to zero. In the meantime, there will be fluctuations i
n both velocity and pressure within the pipe.

Mathematical steady flow can be expressed as:


Passage of a Flood, Wave Junctions, and Tidal Effects are examples of unsteady flow.

(Fig: 4) Un-steady flow Steady flow

1.6.3 Compressible and in-compressible flow:
Compressible Flow:

The fluid whose volume or density has significant change with pressure during flow is cal
led compressible flow.
Compressible is that type of flow in which the density of the fluid changes from point to
point or in other words the density  is not constant for the fluid.

Compressible flows are further classified according to Mac number, which is ratio of velo
city of fluid to the velocity of sound and it is non-dimensional.

Where v is the velocity of fluid and c is the speed of sound whose value in the is 346m/s

Compressible flow is that type of flow in which the density of the fluid changes from poi
nt to point or in other words the density ( ) is not constant for the fluid.



Steam, Vapors, Gases, and air with high velocity like a flow around an airplane are comp
ressible fluids.
Incompressible flow:

The fluid whose volume or density does not change with pressure during flow is called i
n-compressible flow.
The main criterion for incompressible flow is that the Mach number below ( ). Th
is is the necessary condition.
The difference between an “incompressible flow” and “compressible flow”: where the fir
st is characteristic of the flow, the second is a characteristic of the material.


An air flow with low velocity like breeze is an incompressible fluid.

(Fig: 5)

1.6.4 Viscous and Non-Viscous Flow:

Viscous Flow:

The fluid flow in which energy is dissipated due to resistive forces is called viscous flow.


Honey, Engine Oil, and Cooking Oil etc.

Non-Viscous Flow:

The fluid flow in which energy is not dissipated due to resistive forces is called non-visco
us flow.
The non-viscous fluid has no viscosity


Water, Gasoline and all freely flowing are common examples on non viscous fluid.

(Fig: 6) Non-viscous Viscous

1.6.5 Rotational and Irrotational Flow:

Rotational Flow:

A flow is said to berotational if the fluid particles of fluid keep on rotating about their ow
n axes during the flow, i.e. the particles have some angular velocity. If the angle between
the two intersecting lines of the boundary of the fluid element changes while moving in t
he flow, then the flow is a Rotational Flow. In general if you travel in a closed loop, you
add up all the components of the fluid velocity vectors along your path and if the end resu
lt is not zero, then the flow is called as Rotational flow.

If the flow is rotational everywhere, then the divergence of the vorticity vector is zero.

Where “ ”is a vorticity vector.


Examples might include

Motion of liquid in rotating tank,Solid body rotation and Laminar flow in a pipe etc,

Irrotational Flow:

It is a flow in which each element of the moving fluid undergoes no net rotation with
respect to the chosen coordinate axes from one instant to the other.If the fluid particles
while flowing along stream lines do not rotate about their own axis then that type of flow
is called irrotational flow.

In general if you travel in a closed loop, you add up all the components of the fluid
vectors along your path and if the end result is zero, then the flow is called irrotational.we
will see that (in the absence of viscous effects) the flow will remain irrotational. This is
approximated for smooth flows outside boundary layers. The definition of vorticity (𝜔)

is:     V , A fluid velocity field is said to be irrotational if the vorticity is zero
everywhere.For irrotational flow curl of velocity vector is zero

Irrotational flow Rotational flow.

(Fig: 7)

1.6.6 Uniform and Non-uniform Flow:

Uniform Flow:

The type of flow in which the velocity at any given time does not change with respect to s
pace (i.e., length of direction of the flow) is called Uniform flow.

A truly uniform flow is one in which the velocity is same at a given instant at every point
in the fluid. This definition holds for the ideal case. Whereas in real fluids, velocity varies

across the section. But when the size and shape of cross section are constant along the len
gth of channels under consideration, the flow is said to be uniform.


A steady flow through a long straight pipe of a constant diameter is an example of unifor
m flow.

Mathematical form:

Non-uniform Flow:

Non-uniform flow is that type of flow in which the velocity at any given time changes wit
h respect to space. Non-uniform Flow is a flow in which characteristics and parameters v
ary and are different at different locations along the flow path.


A steady flow through a pipe with bends or a pipe with a variable diameter exemplifies a
non-uniform flow.

Mathematical form:

Uniform flow non-uniform flow

(Fig: 8)

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Numerical Methods

2. Main Body:

Study of two phase fluid flow in porous media is of principal interest because it is applic
able to many natural phenomena’s like ground water flows, smog, fog, rain, dust storm, b
lood flow etc. as well as in many technological problems like refrigeration, power generat
ion, distillation of water etc. It is a major application is in petroleum industry where flow
of many hydrocarbon liquids and gases occurs. Also it is applicable in many other industr

ies like steel making, paper manufacturing and food processing etc. Many body fluids lik
e blood and semen are multiphase containing variety of cells.

In this topic we want to explore the “Study of the Flow of Two Immiscible Viscous and I
ncompressible Fluids between Two Parallel Plates”. The study of the flow of two immisci
ble viscous and incompressible fluids between two parallel plates involves analyzing the
behavior of two different fluids as they flow in close proximity. The flow characteristics
depend on factors such as viscosity, immiscibility, and plate separation distance. Underst
anding this flow behavior has implications in micro-fluidics, industrial processes, and flui
d dynamics research.

Both theoretical and experimental work is found in literature on stratified two fluid flow i
n horizontal pipes. R Hilfer established macroscopic equations of motion for two phase i
mmiscible displacement in Porous media. Packham and Shail analysed a stratified lamina
r flow of two immiscible liquids in horizontal pipes. The two-phase MHD flow and heat t
ransfer in an inclined channel are studied by Malashetty and Umavathi and Malashetty et
al.Chamkha reported analytical solutions for the flow of two-immiscible fluids in porous
and non-porous parallel-plates channels. Two-phase magneto hydrodynamic convective f
low of electrically conducting fluid through an inclined channel is studied by Murty and
Prakash under the action of a constant transverse magnetic field in a rotating system. Sri
nivasan and Vafai have reported theoretical study for predicting the movement of the int
erface for linear encroachment in two immiscible fluids system in porous medium, taking
into account the non Darcian boundary and inertia effects.

All the above studies are concerned with the steady flow.Analyzed analytically, unsteady
two phase viscous ideal fluid flow through a parallel plate channel under a pulsatile press
ure gradient with a body acceleration. An unsteady Hartmann flow of two immiscible flui
ds through a horizontal channel with time-dependent oscillatory wall transpiration velocit
y is investigated by Umavathi.An unsteady magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) two-layered f
luids flow and heat transfer in a horizontal channel between two parallel plates in the pres
ence of an applied magnetic and electric field are investigated, when the whole system is
rotated about an axis perpendicular to the flow by Raju and Nagavalli . An experimental s
tudy of two phase flow in bi-dispered porous media is made by Chen .Hussain and Rama

charyulu studied unsteady viscous incompressible single fluid flow in a porous medium
between two impermeable plates impulsively stopped from relatively motion.

Here we investigate an unsteady flow of a two immiscible viscous incompressible fluids t

hrough a porous medium bounded between two impermeable plates. In this study we foll
ow the momentum equation (Yamamoto and Yoshida [18]) for flow through porous medi
a including fluid inertia and viscous stress in addition to Darcy’s law.



is the fluid density.

is the coefficient of viscosity.

is the pressure.

is the fluid velocity vector.

is the permeability of the medium.

We consider the Couette flow generated by motion of one of the plates with a constant ve
locity parallel to other. After attaining steady state, the moving plate is suddenly stopped
and the subsequent receding flow is investigated analytically using the Variable separable
method. Expressions for velocity, stress tensor on both plates are obtained and variations
with flow parameters are depicted graphically

2.1.Mathematical Formulations:

The geometry under consideration consist of two infinite impermeable parallel plates exte

nding in X and Z directions (Fig. 1). The regions and are denoted as

Region-I and Region-II. The fluid in Region-I have density , viscosity and kinematic

viscosity , Region-II is filled with a fluid having density , viscosity and kinemati

c viscosity . The lower plate (y = 0) is considered to be fixed while the upper plate (

) is moving parallel to x-axis. The present problem is solved in two stages. In the fi

rst stage the flow is generated by the motion of the upper plate ( ) with a constant v
elocity parallel to lower plate while lower plate (y = 0) is kept at rest. The second stage c
oncerns with the subsequent unsteady receding flow when the moving plate is stopped.

2.2. Physical Diagram:


2.3 Mathematical Calculation:


This is the steady state of the fluid flow generated by the motion of the plate wit

h a constant velocity .Let and be the velocities of fluids following in Regi

on-I and Region-II respectively. In this case momentum equations in both regions are




With the hydrodynamic boundary and interface conditions

where is the permeability of the porous medium in eq.(1) and (2)and the ratio
of viscosities. Solving equations (2) and (3), we have

Applying hydrodynamic boundary and interface conditions (4) in equations (5) and (6), w
e get

Substituting constants, obtained in equation (7) in equations (5) and (6), velocities in both
regions are


After attaining the steady state flow considered in stage-1, the moving plate ( ) is su

ddenly stopped. Let be the fluid velocities in Region-I and Region-I

I respectively. In this case momentum equations in both regions are Region-I

Where, are kinematic viscosities of the fluids in Region-I and Regio

n-II. are the velocities given by equations (8) and (9) respectively. For si
mplification, taking assumption that the Kinematic viscosities of both fluids are same i. e.

and introducing following non dimensional quantities

in equations (11) and (12) and dropping the dashes, equations expressed in non dimensio
nal form are

Boundary conditions (13) and interface condition (14) in non dimensional form are

Also using non-dimensional parameters initial conditions (15) becomes

Here A is

In above equations . Solving equations (16) and (17) by Vari

able separable method for the boundary conditions (18) and (19) and the initial conditions
(20) and (21).

2.3.1 Velocities:

2.3.2 Sheer Stress:

2.3.3 For same fluid:

If we take same fluids then α = 1 i.e. . Then the velocities and s

hear stresses becomes velocity

Sheer Stress:

2.4 Results and Discussion:

The problem of two immiscible fluids flow in a horizontal porous channel with moving pl
ate is investigated analytically. The Problem is solved in two stages, Stage-I is the steady

state of fluid flow generated by motion of the upper plate ( ) at constant velocity .
In Stage-II, moving plate is suddenly stopped after attaining the steady state flow consid
ered in stage-I and the subsequent receding flow is investigated. Although correctness of t
he obtained results is not verified, the fact that the solutions satisfy all the boundary, inter
face and initial conditions (as will be seen in graphical results) lend some confidence. Res
ults are depicted graphically from figures 2 to 6 to elucidate interesting features of the hy
drodynamic state of the flow. Figure 2 represents velocity profile verses time at different
values of porosity parameter m. The velocity profiles verses porosity parameter at differe
nt time instants are shown in figure 3 .It is observed that effect of porosity on the velocity
profile is of flatten type with the velocity attaining maximum near the middle of the plate
s due to friction. It decreases towards the plates. Figures show that this effect is more pre
dominant as m increases. Further the point of maximum velocity is shifted towards the up
per plate. The effect of viscosity ratio α on the velocity of the fluids is shown if figure 4. I
t is noticed that as α increases, the velocity of the fluids in both regions decreases. This ha
ppens because as α increases, the viscous effect increases. Figure 5 depict the effect of c
hannel width on the velocity profile. From figures it is clear that as the channel width dec
reases, velocities of the fluids in both regions decreases. Variation of shear stress with res
pect to porosity parameter m is shown in figure 6.It is clear from the figures, shear stress
on the lower plate decreases exponentially as m increases while shear stress on the upper
plate increases as m increase.


Fig 3.

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 6

2.5 Conclusion:

The problem of unsteady receding flow of two immiscible viscous incompressible fluids
through porous medium bounded between two impermeable parallel plates was investigat
ed analytically. The flow was generated by motion of one of the plates, keeping other at r
est. When the steady state had reached, moving plate was suddenly stopped and the subse
quent receding flow was investigated. The analytical results were evaluated numerically a
nd depicted graphically for various values of time, porosity parameter, viscosity ratio and
channel width. It had been noticed that fluid velocity attained maximum near the middle
of the plates and decreased towards the plates. Further as porosity parameter increased, p
oint of maximum velocity was shifted towards the upper plates. Also increment in porosit
y parameter resulted in an exponential increment in shear stress at the upper plate while a
n exponential decrement in shear stress at the lower plate. It is found that flow can be effe
ctively controlled by the properties of the two fluids as well as porosity parameter.


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