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Q1: What is array_keys() used for??

a None

b Checks if the specified key exists in the array

c None

d Returns all the keys of an array

e Compares array keys, and returns the matches

f Both b and c above

Q2: What is the default priority of the swap partition?



c There are no priorities for swap

d 10

e 100

f -1

Q3: What does HTML stand for??

a Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language

b Home Tool Markup Language

c None

d None

e None

f Hyper Text Markup Language

Q4: What is a kube-proxy used for??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d To load-balance traffic that is destined for services to the correct backend pods

e To supplant an authentic webpage in a search engine's index and search page


The correct Answer is: None

Q5: What will be the effect of inserting 500 rows in a table with the following definition.
CREATE TABLE `categories` ( `category_id` tinyint(3) AUTO_INCREMENT, `category_name`
varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `remarks` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY?

a half the records will be inserted then an error will be generated

b None

c 500 rows will be inserted into the table

d a table with the above definition is not possible

e None

f only 100 rows will be inserted

Q6: ______ is used to destroy a variable in PHP ??

a destroy()

b delete()

c unlink()

d unset()

e None

f None

Q7: Which of the following statements is NOT true for views in SQL??
a A view drives its data from the base tables(s)

b None

c A view contains a copy of the data

d A view is updatable if it has been defined from a single relation

e None

f Select statement used in the view definition cannot include ORDER BY clause.

Q8: What is the difference between installing and activating a theme??

a When a theme is activated it’s what’s controlling your site, while an installed
theme is simply part of your theme library and available to activate.

b None

c When a theme is deactivated it’s what’s controlling your site, while an installed
theme is simply part of your theme library and available to activate.

d When a theme is activated it’s what’s controlling your site, while an uninstalled
theme is simply part of your theme library and available to activate.

e None

f None

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