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Cyz Jhaboy V.

BSCPE-4A 11/14/23


1. What advantages might you experience due to Dr. Olsen’s position as the hospital COO?
Dr. Olsen's position as the hospital COO provides the advantage of having a key decision-maker
as the project sponsor, potentially expediting project approvals and resource allocation. Her
authority can also be leveraged to address any organizational challenges that may arise during
the project, ensuring a smoother implementation process.

2. What advantages and disadvantages will Dr. Olsen’s busyness provide relative to your ability to
manage the project?
While Dr. Olsen's busyness may pose challenges in terms of time availability, it could also benefit
the project by encouraging a focus on efficiency and clear communication. The need for concise
updates may lead to streamlined project management processes and a heightened emphasis on
prioritizing critical project tasks.

3. What advantages will Dr. Olsen’s responsibility as manager of Physician and Patient Services
provide to your project? What potential disadvantages will the management responsibilities of
others (the purchase and management of the hospital’s technical equipment and staffing) have
to your project?
Dr. Olsen's role in managing Physician and Patient Services aligns directly with the project's
healthcare focus, ensuring that project goals resonate with the hospital's core mission of patient
care. However, potential disadvantages may emerge if the project requires resources or changes
that conflict with established practices in those services. The management responsibilities of
others, particularly in technical equipment and staffing, may introduce dependencies that
require careful coordination to avoid disruptions to the project timeline or objectives.

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