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Cyz Jhaboy V.

BSCPE-4A 10/20/23

TLA B – 6

DQ Management

1. Identify Possible DQ Problems

The Possible DQ Problems in my CPEStudents data is lack of data to be sufficient enough
to be considered as information.

2. Business Impact
If a certain column is not included on my table, it would because a lacking of data
needed for the table to be complete of details required.
3. Prioritization
The Prioritization for this table is the column StudentID, because in this column it
represents the content of the student or it is a column that is referenced in another table
that would be easily be traced once checked.

4. Remediation
To correct the missing or false data provided, I must gather the exact and only the
required data and input it correctly on the table that is assigned to so that I can show my
data gathered correctly and nothing is missing on its contents.

5. Defining Validity Rules

This is where you will state your set of rules for each column that you made. You must
also state correctly and precise on what rules you set.

6. Enforcement of Rules
To enforce my rules, I’ll double check each rules after days past and correct the following
errors or missing data on it manually or using software tools.

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