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Chapter 1: Introduction Page

1.1 Abstract……………………………………………………………………02

1.2 Motivation………………………………………………………………..02

1.3 Objectives…………………………………………………………………02

Chapter 2: Background

2.1 Introduction .……………………………………………………………03

2.2Background ……………………………………………………………..03

2.3 Studies …………………………………………………………………….03

2.4 Challenges ……………………………………………………………….03

Chapter 3: Chart & Diagrams

3.1 Context Diagram……………………………………………………….04

3.2 ER Diagram……………………………………………………………….05

Chapter 4: Requirement Specification

4.1 Requirement Collection & Analysis

4.1.1 Software Configuration…………………………………….05

4.1.2 Hardware Configuration……………………………………05

Chapter 5: Expected Implementation Design

5.1 Entry Page………………………………………………………………..06

5.2 Student's Page………………………………………………………….06
5.3 Teacher's Page………………………………………………………….07

Chapter 6: Conclusion & Future Scope

6.1 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………….08

6.2 Future Development Scope………………………………………08
Chapter: 1
1.1 Abstract
Our technology is getting more advance day by day and mobile is the
one of the most important part of this technology. Where we're talking
about mobile, nowadays android take up the largest part of the market
which means android operating system based mobiles are the most used
these days. We are now doing a course on wireless programming, in
particular learning android software development and hence we are
interested to develop an android app on counselling hour. Through our
app, both students and teachers communicate after their class.

1.2 Motivation:
After our classes, there is also a time when we can meet with our
teachers so that we can discuss about our any confusions, ideas or
anything else. But it is often happened that we don't know the particular
teacher's counselling time so that if we go to his/her desk we've to back
with bucket. On the other hand, it's also kind of weird that if we wanted
to know any teacher's counselling time then we've to collect it from that
teacher's room. Therefore, we're going to build an android application
so that teachers can update their counselling time on there and students
can also find out their teachers counselling information and some of
necessary information.

1.3 Objectives:
The main goal of our project is making an app which through the
teachers and the students can communicate easily. To develop a reliable
system, we have some specific goals such as-

•Develop a system such that teachers can set and update their profile,
counselling time and get notifications on previous booked time.
• Develop a database so that all the information and data can be saved
• Both students and teachers can be specified by creating their own id
and making a log in system.
• Students can search any teacher's information.
• Student can book time prior.
• A user friendly and attractive UI.
• Different types of UI for students and teachers.

2.1 Introduction
Student Guidance system is a project that will help the students and the
teachers to making their meeting easily. If a student wants to booked
counseling time prior, he/she can be booked by this app. A teacher who
can also confirmed the booked time and these all are will be stored in
the database. A teacher can also update his/her own counselling time or
profile individually.
All these modules will be able to help the students and the teachers with
more convenience and in a more efficient way as compared to an
available way.

2.2 Background:
• Ul design in android platform
• Android application development
• Entity modeling relationship
• Database connection

2.3 Studies:
• Design user friendly environment
• Connection the database with the system
• Design ER model
• Adding pictures in the application
• Create assets and implements
• Moving one page to another page
2.4 Challenges:
• Working with database
• Button interconnections
• Friendly UI design
• Gradle view settings
• ER diagram design
• Working with android studio

Chapter 3
Charts & Diagram
3.1: DFD
3.2: ER Diagram

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