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NAMA : Siti Nurhaliza Br Perangin-angin

NIM :0704211029


MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris

Mr.Bean :Good morning Jane

Jane :Good morning, Mr. Bean How are you?

Mr, Bean :I’m fine thanks and you?

Jane :Not too bad Mr, Bean this is my husband Michael, Michael this isMr, Bean my

English Teacher

Michael :Pleased to meet you Mr Bean.

Mr, Bean :Pleased to meet you too. Are you from england , Michael?

Michael :Yes, from Manchester. Do you live in Landon

Mr, Bean :No, i’m from Manchester, but i live in manchester while am teaching at college.

Jane :Well goodbye Mr, Bean it was nice to see you.

Mr, Bean :Yes, it was nice talking to you, goodbye.


Write sentence using the words below!

1. My dad just bought a new car.

2. There is a bug in my bed.

3. My brother is very clever.

4. He was afraid to talk to his teacher.

5. She is a good cook.

6. They arrived home at 10pm.

7. I can sing very well.

8. My mom wants to learn English.

9. My brother is always free in the afternoon.

10. I'm cooking in the kitchen.

11. I stores apples in the refrigerator.

12. There was a ghost under his bed.

13 .Milk and bread is good for health

14. I wanna go out, but I can't.

15. this is my last hurrah

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