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(Basic Skills, footwork and stances)


Serving: A rally's main entry point, including overhand and underhand serves.

Passing: Controlling and directing the ball to a setter using your forearms.

Setting: Putting the ball in a position where a teammate can attack it, usually with the fingertips.

Spiking: Attacking the ball with force and accuracy to score points.

Blocking: Defending against the opponent's spikes by jumping and attempting to block the ball.

Digging: Diving or reaching to save the ball from hitting the ground.


Approach: The sequence of steps a player takes before a spike, involving a quick run-up to the

Shuffle Step: Used for lateral movement, especially in defense, where players shuffle their feet
to adjust to the ball's trajectory.

Cross-Over Step: A technique for quick changes in direction, often used by settlers to reach
the ball.

Backpedaling: Moving backward while facing the net, useful for tracking balls hit deep into the


Ready Position: The default stance where players are on their toes, knees slightly bent, and
arms ready to react to the ball.

Serving Stance: The posture a player adopts before serving, which typically involves a toss of
the ball with one hand and the other hand's arm ready to strike.

Blocking Stance: When a player is positioned at the net, with arms and hands ready to block
the opponent's spike.

Defensive Stance: A lower, crouched position used in anticipation of receiving a serve or dig,
providing better mobility.

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