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A Gloomhaven Novel


The Story So Far

So Far…

The Adventures of
The Guildhouse Guardians

The mercenary group, The Guildhouse Guardians,

currently comprised of the Orchid Spellweaver named
Frostfire, the Inox Brute named Rusty Nael, and the
human Assassin named Reaper, were at the Sleeping
Lion tavern in Gloomhaven, when they were approached
by a Valrath woman, Jekserah,
who claims that a thief has stolen important papers from
her and that she would pay handsomely for their return.

The Mercs travelled to Black Barrows (1). On the road

there, they came upon a massive group of felled trees
blocking their way. With Frostfire’s elemental magic, the
mercenaries did short work of the trees, destroying them
and sweeping them to the side.

Returning back to Gloomhaven almost empty handed

(Reaper had discovered a map to a nearby dungeon called
“Clockwork Cove” (68)), the mercs came across a
Quatryl food vendor who sold them some tasty and
invigorating exotic dishes.

On the way back to complete the Jekserah’s mission, the

mercs came upon a group of brow-beaten refugee Inox.
After providing them with aid, their shaman blessed
them, and told them of the Burning Mountain (82) and
gave them an amulet and said “we can’t return to our
homes until the Beast rests. I fear what this may mean for
us all. I hope this keeps you safe.” They then continued
to the Barrow Lair (2), where they came upon, and killed,
the Bandit Commander.
While retrieving Jekserah’s papers, they also found a map
(Crypt of the Damned 4) referring to “The Gloom”.

Upon returning to Jekserah, she tasked the Mercs with

raiding an Inox encampment (3), promising even more
lucrative rewards.


The Guildhouse Guardians recruited a new member

today: Mason, the Quatryl Tinkerer!
After a marvelous night celebrating his joining, on the
way back to their rooms, the Guardians took a wrong turn
down an alley and tripped over a mutilated corpse. An
inquisitive city guard unfortunately started to falsely
accuse them. The unlucky guard fell to the combined,
and efficient , murderous ways of the mercenaries.
Reaper and Frostfire combined their money to hire one of
their contacts to dispose of the mess, and they were all
able to escape the whole situation relatively unscathed,
minus a few coins.

After that debacle, the Guardians decided to check out

the Burning Mountain (82), urged on by Frostfire. “I just
have this feeling,” she said with an enigmatic smile.
On the way there, they passed a knapsack and walking
stick. Nearby, a hunched man who noticed them, asked
for some leaves. Though tempted to steal his knapsack,
the Guardians decided to err on the side of generosity,
and provide him with some leaves. The man was

Inside the Burning Mountain, they faced a swarm of

Earth and Flame demons, as well as Stone golems.

Deep inside the mountain, they came upon two artifacts:

the Helm of the Mountain and the Mountain Hammer.
Though nearing exhaustion, the guardians were able to
Sacrifice the Helm by throwing it into a pool of lava.
This seemed to placate the fiends, and the mountain
seemed to finally rest.

For now.

Back at the Sleeping Lion tavern, the Guildhouse
Guardians pondered on what mission to do next. Lured
by Jekserah’s promise for more gold, the mercs decide to
head to the Inox Encampment (3), deep in the Dagger
Forest to the west.

“Should we fight possibly your people, Rusty?”

Frostfire asked the Inox brute.

“I’m a little reticent,“ Rusty replied. “On the

other hand…promise of gold might be a strong
enough bait to betray my people. I’m a mercenary
after all,” as he gave a chuckle.

“I know Reaper is up for the gold,” said

Frostfire. “Pretty much left us to fight while she
took everything in that dungeon,” she laughed.

“Ahem it was a *strategic retreat* that just so

happened to coincide with the gold,” Reaper

“Oh that’s right I remember now,” Frostfire

mused. “More hush money for our bad

“Hush money is optimal,” Mason added, matter

of factly.

On a trip to the New Market, the Guardians haggled for a

map that caught their eye. Reaper and Mason paid 20
gold for the map, which promised untold riches of a
“Sunken Vessel” (93).
On their way to the dagger forest, the mercs came upon a
trade caravan, ravaged by vermlings. After helping tend
to the injured, and costing a few supplies, the survivors
were grateful to the guardians and sang their praises.

After raiding the Inox encampment, (where the

Guardians found the Horned Helm in one of the treasure
chests), Jekserah tasked the group with going to the
Diamond Mine (9) to retrieve the largest diamond they
could find.

Outside Jekserah’s manor, the team is approached by

Argueise, a Quatryl of the City Guard who warns the
group against Jekserah.
Argueise claims that Jekserah is planning Gloomhaven’s
downfall and suggests that, though the Guardians can
choose to do Jekserah’s bidding and checkout the
Diamond Mine, they should also checkout a Warehouse
(8) in Gloomhaven as proof.

The Guildhouse guardians were invited to a wedding
between two wealthy families. They decided to bring an
expensive gift, but due to their low reputation, could not
seem to catch the father of the bride’s eye to present it at
the right time.

The GGs decide to investigate this “Gloom” and so

headed out for the Crypt of the Damned (4), by a bend in
the Still River. On the way there, feeling a little hungry,
the Guardians came across a thicket of bushes covered
with red berries, but decided against trying them in case
they’re poisonous.

At the Crypt of
the Damned,
Bandit archers
and cultists in
the middle of a
ritual, bringing
forth Living
Bones and
Demons (Earth
and Wind)!

dispatching the
creatures, and
finding a
treasure chest
with the Ring
of Skulls, they
discovered scribblings in an altar in the back room,
which references two dungeons: Ruinous Crypt (5) and
Decaying Crypt (6). Going to the Ruinous Crypt would
disrupt the Gloom’s further advance, while going to the
Decaying Crypt would get in the Gloom’s good graces.


Frostfire, Reaper and Rusty came upon a scaled corridor,

where they encountered giant vipers, spitting and rending

This led to an archaic road with stone

golems and Ancient artillery. They
eventually found themselves inside a
crushing cave with earth and wind

While at the Sinking Market, a frail, white-haired woman

approached the Guardians.
“Oh my, don’t you lot look strong. Could you
possibly assist me with a small problem I’m having in the

Her eyes grow narrow. “Rats! So many rats! I don’t know

where they’re coming from, but they’re a right nuisance.
Ruined three jars of preserves just yesterday! Please can
you help me?”

After clearing out her cellar of rats and destroying their

ingress, the grateful woman paid them with 2 gold each.

The guardians briefly discussed how to proceed.

“I vote for investigating the warehouse,” Mason suggests.

“Jekserah’s a little too demanding for someone i barely

know,” he said with a huff.😤 Both Frostfire and reaper
voiced their assent.

“Alright,” Rusty said matter of factly. “To the warehouse

At the warehouse, they find a legion of Living Bones and
Living Corpses (as well as a map to a dungeon - Arcane
Library (67) inside a treasure chest) that Jekserah has
been conjuring, using the scrolls from the Bandit

Opening the final door at the back of the warehouse, they

find themselves face to face with Jekserah and her
“So, you've decided to disrupt my plans instead of help
me? You will regret that decision when I return to
Gloomhaven with a legion of undead at my back!”

Moving with great speed, Jekserah turns and runs from

the guardians, flipping out a window. The Guardians try
to pursue her, but the two gargantuan Inox blocked their

After battling the bodyguards, which ended with Mason

and Frostfire each slaying one, the GGs consult with

“She's beyond my network,” the city guard Argeise says

with a shrug. “We'd like to make sure she won't cause
more trouble, but she's fled the city, and I'm not about to
go traipsing through the wilds.
“You might have more luck with the Aesther enchanter in
town,” she suggests. “She can surely divine the coward's
location for you, if you can get her to cooperate.”

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