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Search Engine Optimization

In addition to optimizing keywords, other blog SEO strategies are

essential to help your site appear on the first page of SERP. ChatGPT
can generate the following to help speed up the optimization process:

 Meta tags. ChatGPT can suggest an SEO-optimized meta title

and a description based on your post’s title. In addition
to improving crawlability , they provide readers with more
information about your content.
 Schema markup. Schema makeup is code that provides search
engines additional information about your blog post, like its author
or content type. It helps search engines understand your content
better and makes your website stands out in SERP.
 Alt-text. An alt-text tells search engines the content of your image.
ChatGPT lets you generate it by prompting the image’s description
and keywords.
 Internal links suggestion. A robust internal link strategy helps
search engines crawl your blog content better, improving its
ranking. Use ChatGPT to create a list of potential content pieces
to link to your post.
Best Prompts to Use

 Create meta tags for the [title] blog post.

 Make a schema markup for the [title] blog post.
 Suggest internal links for the [title] blog post.
 Generate alt-text for the image about [image description].

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