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Lab Attender

HM Naipunnya School of Management, Cherthala


This qualitative research article explores the burgeoning popularity of home-made cakes in
the post-COVID-19 era. As the pandemic prompted significant shifts in consumer behavior,
an increasing number of individuals turned to baking as a therapeutic and creative outlet.
This study aims to understand the evolution of home-made cakes as both a culinary practice
and a burgeoning business opportunity. Through in-depth interviews, surveys, and
observational analysis, we seek to identify the factors contributing to the rise of home-made
cakes and their implications for the baking industry. The findings of this research shed light
on the socio-cultural and economic aspects of this trend, offering insights into its sustained
growth and potential long-term impact.

Keywords: Home-made cakes,COVID-19, baking, culinary practice, business, consumer



In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the culinary landscape еxpеriеncеd a notable shift,
particularly in the realm of homemade cakes. This project delves into the evolutionary
journey of homemade cake-making post-pandemic. Analysing the societal, economic, and
cultural impacts, it investigates how the pandemic influenced baking habits, recipe
innovations, and ingredient prеfеrеncеs among home bakers and on the specific phenomenon
of the increasing popularity of home-made cakes and its evolution into a viable business


 The evolution of homemade cakes posts pandemic era

 Social media and its influence in perception of home-made cakes
 The economic implications and trends on home-made cake
 The changes and opportunities on home-made cakes in post pandemic era

Historical Perspective of Home Baking:

Home baking, a cherished tradition in many households today, has a rich and varied history
that spans centuries and cultures. The act of creating baked goods within the confines of one's
home has evolved from a necessity to an art form and a means of cultural expression. The
history of home baking can be traced back to ancient civilizations where it served as a simple
means of sustenance. Early societies, lacking the sophisticated equipment and ingredients we
have today, relied on basic grains and rudimentary ovens to produce unleavened bread.
Baking was born out of necessity, a fundamental survival skill that became ingrained in the
daily routines of households across the globe.

As societies progressed, so did the art of baking. During the Middle Ages, communal ovens
were a focal point of village life. Families would prepare their dough and bring it to these
shared ovens, fostering a sense of community and cooperation. This communal approach to
baking not only ensured efficiency but also became a social event, with neighbors exchanging
recipes and techniques.

With the Renaissance came a renewed interest in the culinary arts. The refinement of sugar
production and the introduction of exotic spices transformed baking from a utilitarian activity
to a form of gastronomic indulgence. The wealthy elite delighted in elaborate pastries and
intricate desserts, marking the beginning of baking as a symbol of affluence and refinement.

The Industrial Revolution brought about significant changes in baking. With the advent of
household ovens and the availability of pre-packaged ingredients, baking transitioned from a
communal activity to a more individualized practice within the home. This era saw the rise of
cookbooks, guiding homemakers in creating a variety of baked goods, from simple bread to
elaborate cakes.

The upheavals of the 20th century, particularly the two World Wars, had a profound impact
on home baking. Ingredient rationing led to resourcefulness in the kitchen, with substitutes
and creative recipes becoming the norm. Additionally, the post-war period witnessed the rise
of convenience foods, including pre-packaged cake mixes, making baking more accessible to
the average household.

In contemporary times, home baking has experienced a resurgence as a form of cultural

expression. Television shows, social media, and a plethora of online platforms have
transformed baking into an art form accessible to millions. Baking enthusiasts share their
creations, experiment with global flavors, and revive traditional recipes, contributing to a
vibrant and diverse baking culture.

As societal attitudes towards health and nutrition evolved, so did the world of baking. The
late 20th century and early 21st century witnessed a surge in interest in alternative flours,
gluten-free options, and healthier ingredients. Home bakers began experimenting with recipes
to accommodate various dietary preferences, reflecting a broader societal shift towards
mindful eating.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Culinary Trends:

The COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented global crisis, has not only reshaped our daily
lives but has also left an indelible mark on various aspects of society, including culinary
trends. As lockdowns and restrictions swept across the globe, people's relationship with food
underwent significant transformations.

One of the most immediate and visible impacts of the pandemic on culinary trends was the
surge in home cooking. With restaurants closing or operating under restrictions, individuals
turned to their kitchens to create meals reminiscent of their favorite dining-out experiences.
Home-cooked comfort foods and nostalgic recipes became a source of solace and a means of
coping with the uncertainties of the pandemic.

As concerns about health and immunity heightened during the pandemic, there was a
noticeable shift towards healthier eating habits. The emphasis on boosting immune systems
led to increased consumption of fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in vitamins and
antioxidants. Home cooks began experimenting with nutrient-dense recipes, and there was a
surge in interest in plant-based and immune-boosting ingredients.

The pandemic saw a global rise in what became known as the "quarantine baker"
phenomenon. With more time spent at home, individuals took up baking as a therapeutic and
creative outlet. Social media platforms were flooded with images of sourdough loaves,
banana bread, and intricate desserts. The act of baking not only provided a delicious end
result but also offered a sense of accomplishment and routine during uncertain times.

Supply chain disruptions and concerns about food security prompted a reevaluation of food
sourcing. Many consumers turned to local farmers' markets and community-supported
agriculture (CSA) programs to access fresh, locally produced ingredients. The pandemic
underscored the importance of supporting local businesses and sustainable food practices,
leading to a renewed appreciation for regional cuisines and seasonal eating.

With dine-in options limited, food delivery services experienced a surge in demand.
However, the pandemic also prompted a re-evaluation of the environmental impact and
fairness of these services. Questions arose about the welfare of gig workers, the excess
packaging associated with deliveries, and the overall sustainability of the model. Some
individuals started exploring alternatives, such as meal kit subscriptions or supporting local
businesses directly.

The closure of restaurants and cooking classes led to a rise in virtual culinary experiences.
From online cooking classes to virtual dinner parties, individuals sought ways to connect
through shared culinary experiences. This trend not only provided a social outlet but also
fueled a wave of culinary creativity as people experimented with new recipes and techniques
under the guidance of virtual instructors.

The pandemic had a profound impact on the commercial food industry, with restaurants,
cafes, and foodservice businesses facing unprecedented challenges. Many establishments
pivoted to takeout and delivery models, while others struggled to adapt. The industry
witnessed closures, reimagined menus, and innovations such as ghost kitchens, reflecting a
seismic shift in the way food is prepared, distributed, and consumed.

Culinary Trends in a Post-Pandemic World:

As we move into a post-pandemic era, the culinary landscape continues to evolve. Some
trends born out of necessity during the pandemic are likely to endure, while others may fade.
The experiences of the past few years have undoubtedly influenced how we view food, from
a lens of comfort and nostalgia to one of health, sustainability, and community.

Psychological and Emotional Aspects of Home Baking:

Baking, beyond its culinary significance, has long been recognized for its therapeutic
qualities, offering a unique blend of creativity, sensory engagement, and a tangible product.
Home baking provides a canvas for creativity, allowing individuals to experiment with
flavors, textures, and presentation. The act of conceptualizing a recipe, choosing ingredients,
and executing a baking project can be a form of freeing up. The tangible outcome, whether
it's a perfectly risen cake or a batch of cookies, serves as a testament to one's creative
prowess, instilling a sense of accomplishment and pride. The process of home baking engages
multiple senses – the smell of ingredients coming together, the tactile experience of kneading
dough, the visual delight of watching a cake rise in the oven. This sensory stimulation
provides a mindful escape from the pressures of daily life. The focus required in measuring,
mixing, and baking fosters a meditative state, allowing individuals to be present in the
moment and temporarily disconnect from stressors.

Food has a unique ability to evoke emotions and memories. Home baking allows individuals
to express their emotions through the creation of dishes that carry personal significance.
Baking a favourite childhood recipe or experimenting with flavours that resonate with
specific emotions can be a therapeutic way of externalizing and processing feelings. The act
of sharing these creations can also become a means of connecting with others on an
emotional level. Home baking often becomes a cherished ritual, whether it's a weekend
baking session or a daily routine.

Baked goods often hold a special place in social interactions. The act of sharing home-baked
treats can be a powerful way to connect with others. Whether it's gifting a friend a batch of
cookies or hosting a virtual baking session, the act of sharing transcends the physical product.
It fosters a sense of generosity, community, and shared joy. Home baking can serve as a
coping mechanism during challenging times. The repetitive and methodical nature of baking
can be calming, providing a welcome distraction from stress and anxiety. For some, the act of
baking becomes a form of self-soothing, offering solace and comfort in the face of adversity.

Social Media and the Rise of Home-Made Cake Influencers:

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, trends emerge and capture the attention of
diverse communities. One such delightful trend that has been rising to prominence is the
emergence of home-made cake influencers. As social media platforms continue to be a hub
for creativity, self-expression, and community building, passionate bakers are taking center
stage, showcasing their cake artistry and creating a sweet haven for enthusiasts around the
globe. Instagram, with its visually-centric platform, has become a haven for home-made cake
enthusiasts. From elaborate fondant designs to rustic, minimalist creations, the app provides a
canvas for bakers to display their artistry. The hashtag #HomeBaker and #CakeInfluencer
have gained popularity, creating a virtual cake gallery that inspires both amateur and
seasoned bakers alike.

The do-it-yourself (DIY) culture has gained momentum across various realms, and baking is
no exception. Home-made cake influencers are not just showcasing their final products; they
are demystifying the art of baking. Through step-by-step tutorials, live videos, and engaging
content, these influencers empower their followers to roll up their sleeves and try their hand
at creating delicious masterpieces in their own kitchens. Social media has the remarkable
ability to foster communities around shared interests, and home-made cake influencers have
capitalized on this. Platforms like Facebook groups and Reddit communities dedicated to
baking have become gathering spots for individuals passionate about the art of cake-making.
Here, enthusiasts exchange tips, troubleshoot baking challenges, and celebrate each other's

What began as a hobby for many home bakers has transformed into potential business
opportunities. Home-made cake influencers, with their growing follower counts, are
attracting the attention of brands looking to tap into the thriving baking community.
Sponsored posts, collaborations with baking supply companies, and even the creation of
personalized recipe books are avenues through which these influencers can turn their passion
into profit. In a world where food content reigns supreme, home-made cake influencers are
taking advantage of the foodie culture. Short, engaging videos on TikTok showcase the
mesmerizing cake decorating process, while aesthetically pleasing photos on Instagram turn
baking into a visual art form. The allure of these platforms lies not only in the final product
but in the journey of creation itself.

Economic Implications of Home-Made Cake Trends:

The world of baking has undergone a sweet transformation, and social media is at the
forefront of this confectionery revolution. The rise of home-made cake trends has not only
transformed kitchens into creative spaces but has also stirred economic ripples. From a surge
in demand for baking supplies to the monetization opportunities for influencers, the economic
implications of this trend are both diverse and fascinating.

As more individuals embrace the art of home baking, there has been a notable surge in the
demand for baking supplies. Flour, sugar, butter, and a myriad of cake decorations have seen
increased sales, with both local and online suppliers benefiting from this growing trend. This
uptick in demand has not only boosted revenue for baking supply businesses but has also
prompted them to diversify their product offerings to cater to the evolving needs of home
bakers. The home-made cake trend has paved the way for the emergence of small-scale home
baking businesses. Enthusiastic bakers, inspired by the success of influencers and the
supportive baking community on social media, are turning their passion into profit. From
custom cake orders to virtual baking classes, these small businesses contribute to the local
economy by creating jobs, sourcing ingredients locally, and participating in community

The economic implications extend beyond the kitchen, with home-made cake influencers
seizing monetization opportunities on various social media platforms. Sponsored content,
brand collaborations, and the creation of exclusive content for paid memberships are avenues
through which these influencers turn their baking prowess into a source of income. As brands
recognize the influence of these home bakers, partnerships and endorsements further
contribute to the economic ecosystem surrounding the trend. The popularity of home-made
cake trends has not only influenced local economies through the purchase of baking supplies
but has also contributed to culinary tourism. Baking enthusiasts often seek out local bakeries,
specialty shops, and food markets to discover unique ingredients and tools for their creations.
This influx of visitors can boost the tourism industry, supporting local businesses and creating
a ripple effect throughout the community.

While the rise of home-made cake trends presents economic opportunities, traditional
commercial bakeries may face challenges. Increased competition from home bakers, coupled
with changing consumer preferences for personalized and unique creations, requires
commercial bakeries to adapt and innovate. Some have successfully integrated the trend by
offering baking classes, DIY decorating kits, or incorporating influencer collaborations into
their marketing strategies.

Challenges and Opportunities for the Future

In recent years, the trend of homemade cakes has experienced a delightful surge in popularity.
The allure of personalized, handcrafted confections has captured the taste buds of many,
creating a burgeoning market for home-based bakers. However, like any business venture, the
world of homemade cakes presents its own set of challenges and opportunities.


Regulatory Compliance: One of the foremost challenges for home-based cake businesses is
navigating the regulatory landscape. Health and safety regulations, food handling permits,
and compliance with local ordinances can be daunting. Staying informed about and adhering
to these regulations is essential to ensure the business operates legally and safely.
Competition in a Crowded Market: With the rising popularity of homemade cakes, the market
is becoming increasingly saturated. Standing out amid the competition requires not only
exceptional baking skills but also effective branding, marketing, and customer engagement.
Identifying a unique selling proposition can give a home-based baker a competitive edge.

Supply Chain Issues: Securing a consistent and high-quality supply of ingredients can be a
challenge. Fluctuations in ingredient prices, shortages, and maintaining freshness are all
aspects that require careful consideration. Developing strong relationships with suppliers and
exploring alternative sourcing options can help mitigate these challenges.

Time Management: Balancing the demands of a home-based cake business with other
responsibilities can be demanding. Time management becomes crucial as the workload
increases, especially for solo entrepreneurs. Creating efficient processes, setting realistic
deadlines, and delegating tasks when possible are vital strategies.


Online Presence and E-commerce: The digital era has opened up vast opportunities for home-
based cake businesses. Establishing a strong online presence through social media platforms,
a website, or even e-commerce platforms can significantly expand the reach of the business.
Online sales and marketing strategies can help tap into a broader customer base.

Customization and Personalization: One of the inherent strengths of homemade cakes is the
ability to offer customization and personalization. Capitalizing on this trend by providing
unique designs, flavors, and even dietary options (such as gluten-free or vegan) can attract a
diverse customer base. Creating a portfolio of signature cakes can further enhance the brand's

Community Engagement: Building a loyal customer base often starts with local community
engagement. Participating in local events, collaborating with other small businesses, and
leveraging word-of-mouth marketing within the community can foster a sense of trust and
loyalty. Engaging with customers through social media and obtaining testimonials can also
enhance credibility.

Diversification of Offerings: While specializing in cakes is a great start, diversifying the

product offerings can provide additional revenue streams. This might include cupcakes,
cookies, or even cake-related merchandise. Expanding the menu to cater to different tastes
and occasions can attract a wider audience.

This qualitative study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining in-depth interviews,

surveys, and observational analysis. Participants include home bakers who have started or
expanded their cake-making ventures during or after the COVID-19 lockdowns.


The Rise of Home-Made Cakes

Participants overwhelmingly reported an increase in demand for home-made cakes during

and after the pandemic. The therapeutic nature of baking, coupled with the desire for
personalized, artisanal products, contributed to this surge.

Business Opportunities

Many participants transitioned from amateur bakers to entrepreneurs, establishing home-

based cake businesses. Factors such as social media platforms, word-of-mouth marketing,
and local community support played significant roles in their success.

Implications and Future Directions

Understanding the factors driving the popularity of home-made cakes post-COVID-19 has
implications for both the baking industry and public health. Future research could delve
deeper into the economic and societal impacts of this trend.


The findings suggest that the popularity of home-made cakes is not merely a fleeting trend
but a lasting cultural shift. The evolution of home baking into a business opportunity
indicates a potential transformation in the culinary industry.


The evolution of home-made cakes in post covid era showcase a remarkable bend of
creativity, resilience and adaptation. As people sought solace in the comfort of their home the
art of baking took on a new significance, fostering a surge in innovative recipes virtual
baking communities and a renewed appreciation for home-made delight.This qualitative
study illuminates the evolution of home-made cakes as a notable culinary and business
phenomenon in the post-COVID-19 era. The findings contribute to our understanding of the
factors driving this trend and its potential long-term implications.


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