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Espineli, Erichelle U.

BSA 3-1 April 24, 2022


Answer the following:

1. Explain the statement: “Man is the measure of all things.”

“Man is the measure of all things”, a statement by the ancient Greek philosopher
Protagoras. As per my searches, it is commonly believed to mean that humans hold the
most value. In my understanding, it says that a man believes however he perceives a
thing. A man can perceive things he does as good, but for others, it is seen as bad.
Regardless of how the world taught us the right and the wrong, it won’t matter if a person
firmly believes something is right, although it’s not. An answer depends on who is being
asked and our perception is often influenced by our experiences and environment.

In the present era, I can say that knowledge also contributes to how a man sees
a situation. Lack of knowledge often led to making and doing the inappropriate and still
won’t consider what they did as wrong. I can also include some ‘fanatics’ as an example.
It can be seen frequently on social media. We can see too many young people
defending a person that was clearly in the wrong, not checking the facts, just because
they’re their idols.

2. Is there a relationship between art and nature? Explain fully.

Others say that art can mimic nature. Yes, because art can be inspired by
nature. Making it simple, we can always see that nature is the most common subject
pictured in arts. Just like how beautiful our nature is, artists can also make such beauty
into art. We can make art using nature. Wood arts, flower or leaf garlands, wood houses,
are some of the many examples of arts made with natural materials. Nature has
everything we need. Materials like woods, charcoal, clay, stone, water that are used in
making arts and paintings are all products of nature.
Lastly, we all know that God created the world. Looking at how beautiful it is, I
can say that God really made the best art there is. The sky we see day and night, the
ocean, rivers, lakes and seas, the mountain, they are all arts that were made by God that
we can use to make more.

3. What are the functions of art in the context of enhancing your personality? Explain your

According to an article in, art is a form of creative human expression,

a way of enriching the human experience. We use art for our entertainment, cultural
appreciation, aesthetics, personal improvement, and even social change. I can say art is
therapeutic. I saw many posts and watched in a few drama series how art is used by
psychologists to enhance a person’s mental health. Problems at work, stress in schools,
family problems are the most common issues that affect one’s mental health, and
eventually changes a person’s behavior. Others view art as something that can calm
their minds making it one of the best ways to relieve their stress.

We can also express emotions through art. I watched it many times in movies
where children express how they feel in their drawings and sketches. Art is not only
limited to drawing, paintings and sketches. It can also be in the form of performances like
dances. It enhances self-expression and builds self-confidence over time. As we
appreciate art, we tend to develop self-appreciation as well. Art can enhance how we
perceive things. All of those are only a few things on how art enhances our personality.

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