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GEC: 106 SECTION: E329 DATE SUBMITTED: October 20, 2020



1. In your own words, define the following: a. Art Appreciation b. Humanities c. Aesthetics:

a. Art is a thing that depicts beauty, admired and appreciated by the people, and be found in
places where anyone can visit. In doing an artwork requires a great way of imagining things
to give a piece of work a desired value or beauty. To fully understand the context behind a
specific art, it requires a deep appreciation. Art appreciation is the way we use our senses to
explore and analyze any art form that we are introduced to. It counts your understanding
about what a specific artwork means, where it is originated, and its background. By having
this kind of subject, there will be a huge improvement in our own techniques and the way
how we make such creative works. Also, in having such, we can find ways to understand the
feelings of the writer and the reason why he made an excellent artwork with significant

b. Humanities refer to the subject that study humans, their very own ideas, literature and
background. Basically, humanities are those branches of learning that regard primarily as
having a character binded by culture,, theater,art, human being, literature, food, music and
stories that try to bring out the sense in the world as we see it. It includes the discipline that
introduces us into places and ideas that might not have crossed our minds yet. To explain
further, this study shows how events that took place in the past affect the current and
future happenings, and how a person can evolve from those experiences he has gone
through and by what he has seen. To sum up everything, this study is not scientific, and then
would probably help us in weighing what is important and what is not.

c. Aesthetic is necessarily interdisciplinary and may be interpretive, prescriptive, descriptive or

a combination of these three. It’s a study that deals with aesthetic objects and of the
specific and subjective reactions of observers, readers, or audiences to the work of art. The
word “beauty” is subjective in a way that there are things that we love the most but others
don’t and in contrary, there are things that others like but we don’t. This idea implies that
the pleasurable experience of attending to something in perception should not only consist
in liking a thing only, because it fulfils some definite function, satisfies a desire, or lives up to
a prior standard or principle. There are subjective responses which we are justified in
demanding from others: these are not idiosyncratic likes and dislikes, but deeply rooted in
our common nature as experiencing subjects and founded on a pleasurable response to the
form of the object as it is presented in perception.
2. Among the four functions of Humanities, which one do you consider as the best use of
Humanities? Why?

If I were to choose among 4 functions of humanities, I would probably select the first one which
is to make all persons become better human beings. We were released from the womb of our
mother without knowing our purpose in this world. As we continue to grow, we start to
recognize things and try to apply learning in our everyday living. We may experience ups and
downs, but we are already on the right age, we may become braver and stronger because of
those experiences. It is not that easy to attain a total development of ourselves, but humanities
may help us realize the importance of striving and sacrificing things in order to become a
successful person.

3. Among the nine (9) art forms taught under the Art Appreciation, what particular art form do you
like the most? Why? You can select the arts that you are practicing/passionate of or maybe the
one you like to pursue if given a chance.

Among the 9 different art forms, the best one for me is Literary Arts (Fiction, Poetry, Essay, and
Play). When I was young, I was greatly inspired by the actresses I saw on television and even
started admiring the beauty of poetry because of Helen Keller’s works particularly the one
entitled “autumn”. By those, I start collecting books and doing plays. As of now, I and my
brother is accepting essay writing from different schools as our part time. I can really foretell
that I am still bringing this passion, that’s why I decided to take a course that is highly relevant
to this field which is Bachelor of Arts in English. We can’t deny the amusement we can feel if we
see actors in the stage acting their heart outs, reading the works of the authors who dedicated
their life to make us feel how art can change your perspective and even those writers who never
get tired of sending us inspiration that we can acquire in this reality. By this feeling, we can say
that we start appreciating the art made by determined professionals.

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