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Best method to increase the muscle strength is:

a) Isometric exercises b) lsotonic exercises c) Aerobic
exercisesd) Electrical stimulation

2.The site of fatigue In an Intact animal is:

A) Neuromuscular junction b) Synapse c) Spinal cord d)
3. A state of sustained contraction is:

A)'Tëtanus b) Clonus c) Treppe d)

4. The character of white muscle Is:
a) It has a short latency b) It has a long latency c)
Theyrespond slowly d) They are postural muscles

5. The calcium — binding protein which acts as second


a) Calmodulin b) cAMP cGMP d)


6.Sarcomeres are present In

A) skeIetaI and cardiac muscle b)neuron c) smooth muscle
d) nephron
7. The Neurotransmitter at N — M junction is
a)noradrenaline b}serotonin c)gIutamate
8. Myelin sheath in peripheral nerve is formed by
a)astrocytes b)Mueller cells c}schwann calls
d) oligodendrogliocytes
9.In smooth muscle, depolarization is brought about by,

a) Na influx b) Cl influx c) K influx d) Ca influx

.10. D-curare blocks conduction of impulse at,
a) synapse b) vagus and heart c) neuromuscular junction
ofskeletal muscle d) gap junctions
11. Which of the following is an inhibitory neurotransmitter?
a) Glutamate b) GABA c) serotonin d) Ach
12.Resting length of sarcomere is
a)1mm b) 1 micron c) 2micron d) 5 micron
13) For muscle contraction the energy is provided by
a) Stored ATP b) Phosphocreatinine c}glycogen
d) all the above
14) IPSP s due to chloride influx are produced by
a) Ach b) GABA c) Glutamate d) substance P
15. Chronaxie is minimum in
a. Large myelinated fibers b. Skeletal muscle c. Cardiac muscle
d. Unmyelinated fibers
16. Myelin sheath in peripheral nerves is provided by ----------—---
c. Connective tissue cell
a. neuron b. Oligodendrocyte
d. Schwann cell
17. Raynodine receptor is located in ---------------

a. Sarcolemma b. T tubule c. Cytosol d. Terminal

cisterns of sarcoplasmic reticulum

18. Smooth muscle does not contain

a) Actin b) Myosin c) troponin d) Calmodulin

19Best method to increase the muscle strength is:

a) Isometric exercises b) Isotonic exercises c) Aerobic isotonic exercise
d) Electrical stimulation

2O.skeletal nurse lc develops maximum tension at a sarcomere length of

a. l.5 microns b. 2 microns c. 3.2 micron.s d. 4 micron

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