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TUT Physiology

1st tut : At neuromuscular junction : a) Spontaneous potential may be recorded in the motor nerve terminal . b) Motor end plate have vesicles of ach esterase c) There is a high concentration of ach esterase d) Transmission is facilitated by curare Choose the right answer : a) Conduction of action potential is fast in skeletal muscle than in nerve fiber . b) Voltage gated Ca++ channel are important for Ca++ influx in skeletal muscle . c) The whole nerve trunk respond maximally or don't response at all. d) The Na+ -K+ pump re-establish Na & K ion concentration across the membrane . IN SKELETAL MUSCLE , T tubules : a) Source of ach. b) Act as Ca++ store c) Cover actin active site d) Conduct electrical activity along muscle fiber . myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that affect : a) motor axon terminal b) ach receptor at motor end plate c) synthesis of ach d) ach esterase enzyme activity

TUT Physiology
regarding relation of Ca++ to nerve end and muscle activity : a) increase extracellular Ca++ increase nerve and muscle excitability b) increase extracellular Ca++ enhance neuromuscular transmission c) dominant current during depolarization of Ca++ influx d) Ca++ ion don't influence neuromuscular activity v increase extracellular Ca++ decrease muscle excitability & increase neuromuscular transmission the immediate source of energy during muscle contraction is : a) glucose b) Free F.A c) Phosphate derivatives d) ATP

All neuromuscular junction : a) The end plate potential is generated as a result of opening voltage gated Na channel . b) The (EPP) propagated along rest of muscle c) Intracellular ach esterase degrades ach . d) Nicotine small dose enhance neuromuscular transmission. Force of skeletal muscle contraction is related to extracellular Ca (X)

TUT Physiology
At neuromuscular junction : a) Ca influx into the motor nerve terminal is essential for ach release b) Motor end plate contain vesicles rich in ach c) End plate potential is produced by activation of voltage gated Na channel. ATP is not essential for muscle relaxation (X)

TUT Physiology
2nd tut : 1) in skeletal muscle a)red fibers contract and fateig more rapidly than white fibers b) actin and myosin shortin when it contract c) Ca++ is released by T tubules when it contracts d) contraction strength is related to initial length of muscle fiber

2) At neuromuscular J a)there is high con. of Achestrase b) transport is facilitated by curare c) motor end plate has vesicles containing Ach

3)Resting heat production in Sk muscles a) occurs during contraction b) occurs during recovery following exercise . c)is called the initial heat d) is used by basal metabolic processes

4) concerning isometric & isotonic muscle contraction a) during isotonic contraction a greater amount of energy is needed B) muscle length is not changed in isotonic contraction c) there is no sliding in isometric contraction d) a load is moved during isometric contraction

TUT Physiology

5) regarding smooth muscles : a) contain no actin or myosin b) its cells have unstable resting membrane potential c) contraction depends more on Ca++ release from SR than EC Ca++ d) troponine is essential to initiate contraction

6) choose the right statement a) conduction of action potential is faster in Sk muscles than in nerve fiber b) voltage gated Ca channel are important for Ca influx c) the whole nerve trunk obey all or non law d) Na , K pump re-establish Na & K ion concentration across the membrane Ca increase NMT BUT decrease excitability

TUT Physiology

7) factors affecting Sk muscle contraction : a) muscle contraction is greatly depends on EC Ca level b) increase frequency of muscle stimulation enhance tention developed in muscle c) ATP is not essential for muscle relaxation d) the more the load opposing muscle during contraction , the greater the velocity of muscle e) worming of muscle leads to lengthening all phases of muscle twitch

8) contractile response show a) simple muscle twitch b) summated twitch c) stair case phenol. d) tetanus e) incomplete tetanus

9) Sk muscle can be tetanized because when it starts contraction a) normal excitability has been regained b) the muscle is still in ARP c) there is temporary rise in excitability d) the intacellular Ca is increased e) the successive impulses excite the muscle during relaxation Note: relation between muscle length & force is directly proportional

TUT Physiology

10) which type of contraction showing : a) muscle length is not changed b) external work is done c) there is no sliding

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