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1. How many % of the body weight is the total blood volume?

A. 5%
B. 8%
C. 15%
D. 4 0%
E. 6 0%

2. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A. Osmole is the molecular weight of a substance divided by the number of freely
moving particles liberated in solution.
B. Osmolarity is the number of osmole per kg solution
C. Osmolality is the number of osmole per liter solvent
D. Osmolal concentration of a solution is not affected by temperature
E. All of the above

3. Plasma osmolal concentration is:

A. 2700smlL
B. 2800smIL
C. 2900smlL
D. 3000sm/L
E. 3 1 0 osmlL

4. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?

A. Osmosis is the movement of solute across a semi-permeable membrane in attempt to
balance osmolal concentration on the 2 sides of the membrane.
B. Passive dif fusion is only effective across a short distance
C. Facilitated diffusion makes use of carrier protein & occurs down the concentration
gradient across the membrane.
D. Active transport uses carrier protein & occurs against the concentration gradient
across the membrane.
E. Exocytosis & endocytosis tend to be the mode of transport for protein.

5. Which of the following is an example of counter-transport?

A. Sodium-Glucose pump
B. Sodium-Potassium-Chloride pump
C. Sodium-Potassium pump
D. Sodium-Amino acid pump
E. Sodium-Chloride pump


6. Resting membrane potential of neuron is about:
A. -5 0mV
B. -6 0mV
C. -7 0mV
D. -8 0mV
E. -90mV

7. Which of the following statement is FALSE?

A. There are more anions inside cell membrane than outside the cell membrane
B. The interior wall of cell membrane is more negatively charged than the exterior wall.
C. Membrane potential is partly maintained by the intracellular protein.
D. Membrane potential is closer to the EK than ENa because K is more permeable-
E. Chloride is the predominant diffusable anion across cell membrane.

8. Which of the following statement regarding axon is FALSE?

A. Progesterone promotes myelin synthesis
B. Wallerian degeneration refers to distal axonal degeneration after transection of axon.
C. Action potential is initiated at the axon hillock
D. Fast anterograde axonal transport is mediated by kinesin
E. Slow anterograde & retrograde axonal transport is mediated by dynesin

9. Depolarizing threshold (threshold potential) of neuron is about:

A. -35mV
B. -4 0mV
C. -45mV
D. -5 0mV
E. -55mV

10. Electrotonic potential occur between:

A. -95 to -7 0mV
B. - 7 0 to -55mV
C. -55 to DmV
D. 0 to +55mV
E. +55 to +70mV

11. Which of the following statement regarding electrotonic potential is FALSE?

A. Electrotonic potential is due to active opening of NalK channels
B. Electrotonic potential decays exponentially
C. If electrotonic potential reaches depolarizing threshold, action potential will be
D. Decay of electrotonic potential is because the hyperpolarizing force is much stronger
than the depolarizing forces.
E. None of the above


12. Which of the following statement regarding nerve conduction is FALSE?
A. Propogation of action potential is unidirectional as the membrane behind the
propogational front is in refractory period
B. Saltatory conduction occurs in all types of neurons
C. Strength of stimuli has no correlation with the amplitude of action potential
D. Synapse potentials are not all necessary propogated down the post-synaptic axon
E. All of the above

13. Which of the following statement regarding action potential is TRUE?

A. Generation of action potential is an ATP dependent process
B. Depolarization in the neuron is due to the opening of voltage independent Na
C. Na channels are of high concentration in the regions of nodes of Ranvier.
D. Repolarization of neuron is due to the opening of voltage dependent Ca channels
E. Threshold potential of individual nerve fiber in the peripheral nerve is constant.

14. Which of the following pairing of nerve fiber type & its function is FALSE?
A. Au fiber - somatic motor
B. A8 fb
i er- Pain , cold & touch sensation
C. Af3 fiber- touch & pressure sensation
D. C fiber -motor to m spindle
E. None of the above

15. Which of the following is TRUE regarding nerve fiber sensitivity to the following
A. Speed of conduction increases with the diameter of nerve fiber.
B. Local anesthetics suppresses smaller diameter nerve fiber before larger diameter ones.
C. Pressure on a mixed nerve causes conduction defects in the larger nerve fibers first.
D. Type B nerve fiber is most susceptible to hypoxia
E. All of the above

16. Which of the following statements regarding sarcomere is TRUE?

A. Thick filament is twice the diameter of thin filament
B. Thick filaments is made up of myosin
C. Thin filaments is made up of actin, tropomyosin & troponin
D. There are no syncytial bridges between individual skeletal muscle cells.
E. All of the above


17. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Sarcoplasmic reticulum is in direct continuum with the extracellular space.
B. Sarcoplasmic reticulum allows rapid transmission of action potential from cell
membrane to all myofibril in them
C. Dystrophin is important for structure support & strength of myofibril
D. T tubule system in the skeletal muscle is located at the Z line
E. Calcium is stored in the lateral sacs of sarcoplasmic reticulum.

18. Resting membrane potential of skeletal muscle is about:

A. + 9 0 mV
B. +30 mV
C. O mV
D. -30 mV
E. - 9 0 mV

19. Absolute refractory period in the skeletal muscle is:

A. 1-3 ms
B. 3-6 ms
C. 6 - 9 ms
D. 9-12 ms
E. 12-15 ms

20. During skeletal muscle fiber contraction:

A. Z lines are brought closer to each other
B. A band remain constant
C. I zone shortens
D. Length of filament remains unchanged
E. All of the above

21. Which of the following statement regarding skeletal muscle contraction is FALSE?
A. Actin contains ATPase which produce s energy for sliding filament mechanisms
B. Troponin has binding sites for calcium, actin & tropomyosin
C. Myosin head is covered by tropomyosin in the resting state, so to prevent actin
D. Calcium is a crucial ion in triggering the power stroke mechanism.
E. All of the above


22. Which of the following statement regarding summation of contraction is FALSE?
A. Summation of contraction occurs with repeated stimulation of the muscle.
B. Complete tetanus means there is no relaxation between individual stimuli to the
muscle fiber.
C. Incomplete tetanus means there is incomplete relaxation between individual stimuli to
the muscle fiber.
D. Refractory period of muscle contraction is about 3 ms
E. Treppe occurs with maximal stimuli delivered to the muscle at subtetanizing

23. Which of the following statement regarding the properties of skeletal muscle
contraction is INCORRECT?
A. Active tension of a muscle fiber is maximal at its resting length
B. Total tension of a muscle fiber decreases with increasing stretch of the fiber.
C. Shortening of sarcomere decreases total tension in the muscle
D. Velocity of contraction is maximal at high workload
E. All of the above

24. Fast muscle fiber:

A. mainly uses aerobic glycolysis
B. is specialized in posture maintaining contractions
C. It's sarcoplasmic reticulum has high calcium pumping capacity
D. Is also called red muscle
E. Is usually of moderate diameter

25. Which of the following statement regarding skeletal muscle metabolism is TRUE?
A. Phosphoryl creatinine provide important source of organic phosphate to muscle
B. Source of A TP for muscle at rest is provided by fatty acid breakdown
C. During exercise, glucose is the predominant energy source to muscle
D. Anaerobic glycolysis is only capable of producing 111 0 amount of ATP produced by
aerobic glycolysis per glucose molecule
E. All of the above

26. Effect of skeletal muscle denervation includes the following EXCEPT:

A. skeletal muscle atrophy
B. fasciculation
C. abnormal excitability of muscle
D. increased sensation to circulating ACh
E. Fibrillation


27. Which of the following statement regarding motor units is FALSE?
A. The size motor units are uniform
B. Each spinal motor nucleus only innervate 1 kind of muscle fiber
C. Slow motor unit is supplied by small sized motor nerve
D. Fast motor unit is supplied by larger sized motor nerve
E. Ultimate determinant of whether a motor unit is fast or slow is more determined by
the nerve supply than muscle fiber type.

28. Which of the following statement regarding skeletal muscle contraction is TRUE?
A. Tension of human skeletal muscle is about 3-4kg/cm cross sectional area.
B. Increased recruitment of motor units occur with increased voluntary movements
C. Asynchronous firing of adjacent motor units allows smooth contraction of the whole
D. Tension developed in tetany is 4 times that of single muscle twitches.
E. All of the above

29. Which of the following statements regarding myocardial fibers is FALSE?

A. T system occurs at A-I Junction
B. Intercalated discs are found at Z lines
C. Intercalated discs function to transmit contractile force from 1 muscle fiber to the
D. Gap junction between adjacent myocardial fiber gives low resistance bridges for
spread of excitation from 1 muscle fiber to the next.
E. None of the above

30. Plateau & repolarization phase in myocardial AP conduction lasts:

A. 2 ms
B. 20 ms
C. 200 ms
D. 2 s
E. 20s

31. Which of the following pairing regarding myocardial conduction is INCORRECT?

A. Initial rapid depolarization - opening of voltage gated Na channels
B. Initial rapid repolarization - opening of fast K channels
C. Plateau phase - opening of slow Ca channel
D. Repolarization phase - closure of slow Ca channel & opening K channel
E. None of the above


32. Which of the following regarding myocardium is FALSE?
A. Repolarization time remains constant despite increase in heart rate.
B. Contractile response lasts 1.5 X duration of AP
C. There is no tetany in the myocardium as the relative refractory period lasts until the
end of the repolarization phase.
D. Myocardium is dependent on oxidative metabolism
E. All of the above

33. Which of the following statement regarding Starling's law of the heart is TRUE?
A. Diastolic filling of the heart determines the initial len gth of myocardial fiber
B. Systolic intraventricular pressure is an expression of myocardial fiber tension.
C. Systolic intraventricular pressure increases as diastolic fli ling of the heart increases to
a critical point.
D. Overfilling of LV leads to reduction in systolic intraventricular pressure as there is
disruption of myocardial fibers.
E. All of the above

34. Which of the following statements regarding myocardial metabolism is FALSE?

A. Myocardium has higher myoglobin content than skeletal muscle
B. Anaerobic metabolism in the myocardium increases from 1 to 1 0% during hypoxia
C. Energy produced by total anaerobic condition is enough to sustain ventricular
contraction for a few hours
D. Under basal conditions, most of the caloric need of myocardium is provided by fat
E. All of the above

35. Which of the followings statements regarding smooth muscle is FALSE?

A. Smooth muscle has no troponin
B. Smooth muscle has poorly developed sarcoplasmic reticulum
C. Smooth muscle has no cross striations
D. Smooth muscle has abundant mitochondria as it is dependent on aerobic glycolysis
E. All of the above

36. The growth of smooth muscle is inhibited by:

A. Catecholamine
B. Glucocorticoid
C. Angiotensin II
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

37. The resting membrane potential of visceral smooth muscle is:

A. -5 0mV
B. -70mV
C. -90mV
D. -l lOmV
E. none of the above


3 8. Which of the following statement regarding smooth m contraction is INCORRECT?
A. Tonic contraction is independent of nerve supply
B. Partial contraction is maintained due to sinusoidal fluctuation of membrane potential
C. It has the same electro-mechanical coupling time as myocardial muscle
D. Smooth muscle contraction is dependent on extracellular calcium concentration
E. Stretching of smooth muscle lead to reduction of membrane potential & increased
tonic contraction.

39. Motor neuron:

A. All motor neuron are myelinated
B. Cell bodies of motor neuron are located in the anterior hom of spinal cord.
C. Motor endplate is the specialized site for neuromuscular transmission
D. Acetylcholine released at motor endplate is a calcium dependent process
E. All of the above

4 0. Which of the following statement regarding neuromuscular junction is FALSE?

A. Acetylcholine binding to nicotinic receptor at the neuromuscular junction leads to
increased NaIK conductance at the motor endplate.
B. Acetylcholine is released in quantum
C. The amount of acetylcholine released into the neuromuscular junction is enough to
produce a full endplate potential every time, allowing a propogated response in the
D. Action potential produced in the muscle is initiated at the motor endplate.
E. All of the above

41. In the myocardium, cholinergic fibers do not innervate:

A. SA node
B. AVnode
C. Bundle of His
D. Ventricle
E. All of the above

42. Which of the following regarding sensory nerve ending is FALSE?

A. Magnitude of generator potential increases with increasing intensity of stimulus
B. Threshold potential of sensory nerve ending is about -10mV
C. Large generator potential are capable of stimulating AP production in the same
sensory nerve repeatedly
D. AP is developed in the sensory organ when threshold potential is reached
E. All of the above

43. Which of the following receptors are rapidly adapting sensory receptors?
A. Touch receptors
B. Pain & temperature receptors
C. Muscle spindles
D. Carotid sinus receptors
E. Lung inflation receptors


44. Which of the following statement regarding somato-sensory system is INCORRECT?
A. Conscious sensation is projected from the cortex to the receptor location no matter
where along the sensory pathway is stimulated.
B. Receptive field of a sensory unit is discrete & unique to the sensory unit
C. Increasing strength of a stimulus leads to increasing number of sensory organ
activated including those not in direct contact with it.
D. Threshold for stimuli among sensory receptors varies
E. All of the above.

I. B II. A 21. A 3 1. B 41. D
2. D 12. B 22. D 32. A 42. D
3. C 13. C 23. D 33. E 43. A
4. A 14. D 24. C 34. C 44. B
5. C 15. E 25. E 35. D
6. C 16.E 26. B 36. B
7. A 17. D 27. A 37. E
S. B IS. E 2S. E 3S. C
9. E 1 9. A 29. A 39. E
1 0. B 20. E 30. C 40. D


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