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Nerve & muscle 2018 ‫ أيمن الحوتي‬.


MCQs nerve and muscle

Nerve physiology
1.the salutatory conduction in nerves:
a. Is a slow process
b. Depends on circular current flow
c. Occurs in unmyelinated nerve fibers
d. Occurs in myelinated nerves where depolarization takes place at internodal areas

2. the resting membrane potential in nerve fiber is:

a. Normally about -10mv
b. Due to K diffusion from outside to inside the cell
c. Due to diffusion of intracellular proteins to outside the cell
d. A passive process
e. None of the above

3. the all or none law states that a threshold stimulus produces an impulse which:
a. Is weaker than that produced by stronger stimulus
b. Is propagated only partially along the cell membrane
c. Does not need any energy
d. Is not different from that produced by a stronger stimulus

4. all the following about electrical activity in the nerve are correct EXCEPT:
a. The RMP keeps constant after blocking the Na pump
b. The after-hyperpolarization phase is the last phase of AP
c. Repolarization is initiated by K efflux
d. The after-depolarization phase of AP is due to slow K efflux

5. the absolute refractory period :

a. Is due to hyperpolarization
b. Refers to a normal or increased excitability state
c. Follows the negative after potential
d. Is prolonged when K efflux is delayed
e. Is equal in skeletal and cardiac muscles

6. in the action potential, all are true EXCEPT:

a. The firing level is the level at which the spike potential begins
b. The rapid repolarization is due to increased K permeability
c. Decreasing the external Na concentration reduces the size of the AP
d. The absolute refractory period is the period from the firing level until repolarization is completed

Nerve & muscle 2018 ‫ أيمن الحوتي‬.‫د‬

7. about the types of nerve fibers, all are true EXCEPT:

a. The type A fibers have the largest diameter and most rapid conduction velocity
b. The preganglionic autonomic nerves belong to type B fibers
c. The type C is the smallest diameter and lowest conduction velocity
d. The post ganglionic autonomic nerves belong to type C fibers
e. The type A fibers have a spike duration longer than that of B fiber

8. the local response in nerve fiber:

a. Is caused by threshold stimulus
b. Is associated with increased K permeability
c. Is not dependent on the strength of the stimulus
d. Can produce an action potential if the membrane potential reaches -55 mv

9. the nerve cell membrane:

a. Is highly permeable to K ion
b. Is moderately permeable to Na ion
c. Maintain a potential difference across it
d. Has excitability properties that vary in different conditions
e. All of the above

10. during nerve cell excitation, the peak K efflux occurs:

a. Before the spike
b. Before the peak of Na influx
c. Coincides with the peak of Na influx
d. After the spike and the peak of Na influx
e. In the after-depolarization phase of action potential

11. the nerve impulse:

a. Can travel in one direction only
b. Is not delayed at synapse before transmission
c. Require energy
d. Is conducted by the same speed in different axons

12. in the nerve, the action potential:

a. Has a magnitude dependent on the stimulus strength
b. Is accompanied by hyperpolarization of the membrane
c. Travels in one direction only
d. Has a velocity that is reduced with demyelination
e. Has s velocity that increases with decreased fiber diameter

13. about nerve impulse, all are true EXCEPT:

a. They can travel in both directions when the axon is stimulated at its middle
b. They travel in one direction only in synapse or NMJ
c. They have a duration which corresponds approximately to ARP of the nerve
d. They are conducted at a faster rate in type C fiber than type B fibers
Nerve & muscle 2018 ‫ أيمن الحوتي‬.‫د‬

14. about salutatory conduction, all are true EXCEPT:

a. It occurs only in myelinated nerve fibers
b. It is slower than non-saltatory conduction in unmyelinated fibers
c. Its velocity decrease as temperature falls
d. Its velocity is proportional to the nerve diameter

15. about the action potential, all are true EXCEPT:

a. It is initiated by reduction of the membrane potential to a critical value
b. It is the result of transient increase in Na permeability followed by prolonged increase I K permeability
c. It is associated with reduction of the electrical resistance of the nerve membrane
d. It has varying amplitudes when produced by stimuli of varying intensities

16. which of the following statements is true:

a. The permeability of nerve membrane to Cl is 100 times more than Na
b. The RMP include all the changes of membrane potential during conduction of nerve impulse
c. The selective permeability of the membrane plays no role in the polarized state
d. There are Na activation gates inside the cell and Na inactivation gate outside the cell
e. After stimulation depolarization stops at +35 mv the Na inactivation gates close to prevent further Na

17. which of the following statements is wrong:

a. The Na / K pump require the energy from ATP and is essential to keep the normal distribution of ions
around the nerve fiber
b. The electrogenic pump couples the Na and K at a ratio of 1:1
c. The RMP the potential difference between the inside and the outside of the nerve membrane
d. During the action potential, the firing level is reached when the membrane potential reaches -55 mv

18. all the following statements are true EXCEPT:

a. The local response is characterized by an increased excitability
b. The local response does not obey all or none law. So, it can be summated
c. The firing level is reached when the depolarization becomes 15 mv
d. The firing level occurs when there is increased Na permeability
e. The firing level occurs at the end of the spike when repolarization starts

19. in skeletal muscle, the:

a. A bands are broader than I bands and contain both actin and myosin
b. H zones contain only actin and increase in width during contraction
c. Z disc are present in the middle of H-zones
d. I bands contains myosin only
e. Sole feet at the motor end plate are myelinated branches of the nerve

Nerve & muscle 2018 ‫ أيمن الحوتي‬.‫د‬

20. the nerve action potential:

a. Is initiated by efflux of Na ion
b. Is terminated by efflux of K ion
c. Declines in amplitude as it moves along the axon
d. Is not associated with movement of Na or K across the membrane
e. Is not associated with excitability changes of the axon

21. the RMP is:

a. Dependent on the permeability of membrane to K more than to Na
b. Falls to zero when Na/K ATPase is inhibited
c. More negative than equilibrium potential of K
d. Equal to the equilibrium potential of Na
e. Markedly altered if the concentration of Na in ECF decreased

22. the after-hyperpolarization phase is due to:

a. Inactivation of the Na channels
b. Increased excitability of the membrane
c. Net Na efflux to the exterior
d. Slow return of the K channels to the closed state
e. Decreased relative refractory period

23. a drug completely blocks Na channels in nerves, which of the following effects is expected to be
produced on AP:
a. Block the occurrence of AP
b. Increase the rate of rise in rate of upstroke of AP
c. Shorten the ARP
d. Abolishes the hyperpolarization

24. myelin sheath is absent in:

a. The axon hillock
b. Area of node of ranvier
c. The terminal knob
d. All of the above

25. which of the following ionic changes is correctly matched with a component of AP:
a. Rapid closure of voltage gated Na channels : RMP
b. Rapid closure of voltage gated K channels : RRP
c. Opening of voltage gated K channels : hyper polarization
d. Na /K pump : return from hyper polarization to resting state

Nerve & muscle 2018 ‫ أيمن الحوتي‬.‫د‬

Physiology of muscle cells

1.among the steps of skeletal muscle relaxation:
a. Inward spread of the depolarization wave along the transverse tubules
b. Pumping of Ca back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
c. Release of Ca from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
d. Binding of Ca to troponin

2. concerning isometric and isotonic muscle contraction:

a. Isometric contraction dose not require sliding of actin
b. During isometric contraction a load is moved and work is done
c. During isotonic contraction a greater amount of energy is needed
d. During isotonic contraction the muscle length is not changed

3. during muscle contraction, all the following is true EXCEPT:

a. The binding sites at actin filament are activated by Ca ion
b. Sliding of actin continue as long as Ca is attached to troponin
c. The detachment of myosin heads from actin needs binding of ATP molecule
d. The T-tubules become filled with intracellular fluid

4. about the activity of skeletal muscles, all the following are true EXCEPT:
a. Hypertrophy result as a result of forced repeated contractions
b. The function of the T system is the transmission of the action potential from the cell membrane to
inside the cell
c. During the spike potential, the muscle excitability is normal
d. Ach released at M.E.P. is rapidly hydrolyzed by cholinesterase

5. about the properties of various types of muscles:

a. Tetanus is the type seen in skeletal muscle may occur in the heart
b. The excitation-contraction coupling is more rapid in smooth muscle than the skeletal muscle
c. An isometric contraction mean a contraction without shortening
d. Ach is not released at M.E.P. during rest

6. in skeletal muscles:
a. The initiation of contraction occurs by binding of Ca to tropomyosin
b. The action potential follows the work done
c. The one way conduction at M.E.P. is due to location of chemical (Ach) in the nerve terminal
d. Fatigue has no relation to the adequacy of the blood supply
e. Fatigue is sets in after fatigue occurs in the nerve

7. during muscle contraction:

a. The A bands remains constant
b. The I bands are elongated
c. The Z lines moves further apart
d. The H zone becomes wider
e. The tropomyosin molecules remains in place
Nerve & muscle 2018 ‫ أيمن الحوتي‬.‫د‬

8. the spontaneous activity of plain muscles occurs because:

a. The SR is weakly developed
b. Of absence of troponin
c. The membrane potential has no stable value
d. Of nervous activity
e. The duration of action potential is 10-15 msec

9. which of the following occurs in plain muscle but not in skeletal muscles:
a. The sliding mechanism of contraction
b. Cholinergic innervation
c. Action potential
d. Breakdown of ATP
e. Myogenic rhythmicity

10. in the skeletal muscle, the transverse tubule and adjacent cisternae constitute :
a. A triad
b. The sarcolemma
c. A myofibril
d. The sarcomere

11. maximal tension is developed in skeletal muscle when they are at:
a. The equilibrium length
b. The resting length
c. More than the resting length
d. 3 times the equilibrium length

12. the immediate source of energy in skeletal muscle contraction is from:

a. Glucose
b. Glycogen
c. Phosphate derivatives
d. Free fatty acids

13. all the following are effects of denervation of skeletal muscle EXCEPT:
a. Muscle atrophy
b. Hypersensitivity to circulating Ach
c. Muscle fibrillation
d. Muscle fasciculation

14. the fast type of muscle fibers is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:
a. High ATPase activity in mitochondria
b. Specialization for posture maintenance
c. Innervation by large motor neuron (A alpha)
d. Rapid fatigue
e. Absence of myoglobin

Nerve & muscle 2018 ‫ أيمن الحوتي‬.‫د‬

15. the following characteristics are present in both skeletal and plain muscles:
a. The myofibril in both have Z lines
b. Both initiates spontaneous rhythmical contractions
c. Both contain actin and myosin and show tonic (partial) contraction at rest
d. Both can be affected by hormones and chemicals

16. in the skeletal muscle there is an inverse relationship between:

a. The muscle length and force of contraction
b. The load opposing the contraction and the velocity of contraction
c. The cross sectional area and the strength of the muscle
d. All of the above

17. a series of stimuli that cause summation of contractions leads to:

a. Rigor
b. Contracture
c. Tonus
d. Tetanus
e. Spasm

18. the skeletal muscle fiber (cell):

a. During rest its inside is +ve relative to outside
b. Contains rich intracellular store of Ca
c. Is normally innervated by more than one motor neuron
d. Becomes less excitable when its resting membrane potential is decreased

19. in the motor end plate, all the following is true except:
a. The Ach receptors are similar to those in smooth muscles
b. The nerve ending contain many vesicles and mitochondria
c. Lack of Ca diminishes the release of Ach
d. There is a high concentration of cholinesterase enzyme
e. There is delay of neuromuscular transmission about 0.5-0.7 msec

20. the skeletal muscles:

a. Contain pacemaker cells
b. Contract when the Ca is taken up by SR
c. Contraction strength is related to initial length
d. Contract when actin and myosin filaments shorten

21. about smooth muscle, all are true EXCEPT:

a. They are capable of developing tension for a long time with little energy expenditure as compared to
skeletal muscle
b. When stretched they are depolarize and contract
c. They contain myosin and actin myofilament
d. The visceral type forms a functional syncytium and obeys all or none law
e. Their twitch time is shorter than skeletal muscles
Nerve & muscle 2018 ‫ أيمن الحوتي‬.‫د‬

22. about activation of skeletal muscle, all the following are true EXCEPT:
a. The RMP is about -90 mv
b. The magnitude of action potential is more than that of the nerve
c. The firing level is reached after about 40 mv of depolarization
d. Shortening occurs simultaneously with the onset of depolarization

23. about neuromuscular transmission and end plate potential (EPP), the:
a. Neuromuscular transmission occur only from the muscle to the nerve
b. EPP is always maximal and rapidly conducted along the membrane of the muscle
c. EPP is localized state of depolarization at the motor end plate
d. EPP associated with decreased excitability of the motor end plate

24. about the isotonic muscle contraction:

a. It does not involve sliding of actin filament
b. It requires more energy than isometric contraction
c. It is characterized by rise of muscle tension
d. During it no work is done
e. It occur when the load is too heavy to be moved

25. during excitation contraction coupling, all occurs EXCEPT:

a. The AP enters inside the muscle fibers via T-system
b. Mg ions are released from SR and act as activators
c. Ca ions increase ATPase activity
d. Ca ions block the action of relaxing protein
e. Ca ions help the formation of cross bridges between actin and myosin

26. visceral smooth muscles:

a. Show increased membrane potential during activity
b. Have a stable RMP
c. Have a RMP averaging -50 mv
d. Respond better to electrical stimuli than to chemical stimuli
e. Are not affected by autonomic nerves

27. all the following about visceral smooth muscles are true EXCEPT:
a. They are relaxed by excess acids and Ca ions
b. Stretch induces their contraction in absence of extrinsic nerves
c. At the site of contact, there is an extremely low electric resistance
d. They function as a syncytium in the viscera
e. Denervation stops their activity

Nerve & muscle 2018 ‫ أيمن الحوتي‬.‫د‬

28. the function of tropomyosin in skeletal muscle is:

a. Sliding on actin to produce shortening
b. Releasing Ca from SR
c. Binding to myosin during contraction
d. Acting as relaxing protein at rest
e. Generating ATP

29. the contractile response of the skeletal muscle:

a. Starts after the AP is over
b. Lasts for a similar period as AP
c. Produces more tension when the muscle contacts isotonically
d. Produces more work when he muscle contracts isometerically
e. Can increase with repeated stimuli

30. the cross bridges in the skeletal muscle are components of:
a. Actin
b. Myosin
c. Troponin
d. Tropomyosin

31. all the following statements are true EXCEPT:

a. Tight gap junction are absent in skeletal muscle and present in smooth muscle
b. Skeletal muscle do not obey all or none law, while smooth muscle do
c. A motor unit is single motor neuron and all muscle fibers supplied by it
d. The smooth muscle contract when stretched in absence of extrinsic innervation
e. All types of muscles contracts when Ca is taken by SR

32. the action potential of skeletal muscle:

a. Has a prolonged plateau phase
b. Has a smaller magnitude than that of the smooth muscle
c. Spreads inward to all parts of the muscle via T-tubules
d. Cause uptake of Ca into the lateral sacs of SR
e. Is not essential for contraction

33. steps of muscle contraction include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Generation of an AP
b. Spread of depolarization via T-tubules
c. Release of Ca from SR
d. Release of K from troponin T
e. Formation of cross bridges between actin and myosin

Nerve & muscle 2018 ‫ أيمن الحوتي‬.‫د‬

34. in skeletal muscle which of the following events occurs before depolarization of the T-tubules in the
mechanism of muscle contraction:
a. Depolarization of the sarcolemma
b. Opening of Ca release channels on the SR
c. Uptake of Ca into the SR by Ca pump
d. Binding of Ca to troponin C

35. which o the following proteins and their descriptions are mismatched:
a. Titin : regulatory protein that hold troponin in place
b. Myosin : contractile motor protein
c. Actin : contain myosin binding sites
d. Tropomyosin : relaxing protein

36. a weight lifter attempts to lift a weight from the floor, but the weight is so heavy that he is unable to
move it. The type of muscle contraction the weight lifter is using is mostly:
a. Isometric
b. Eccentric
c. Isotonic
d. Concentric

Good luck.


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