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My history

I am from Honduras, I am 1 years old, I have two sisters and a brother,

my brother is currently living here in the US but in the state of
Tennessee, I am white, short, I have green eyes and brown hair, my
favorite color is green and I’m in love with the dinosaurs.

That's the first thing I'd say if someone asks me to introduce myself, but
really the question of "Who am I" goes deeper than that, at least for me.

I don't like to define myself because I feel that defining oneself is limiting
oneself, but I'll try.

I grew up in Honduras, however I am of Spanish descent, I have

considered myself an ambivert, very extrovert for introverts and very
introvert for extroverts.

I have not had an easy life, however I do not consider it to be bad, all the
experiences I have had have made me the person I am today.

Since I was a child I was a person very interested in studying, mature

and with goals that were too big, however I still have the mentality of
striving for them.

My first goal was achieved, coming to study in the United States; It is not
easy, I am alone in a new world with a strange language and customs, I
know I can return to my country whenever I want, but I am not sure if I
want to, because life is based on adventures and if I give up in difficult
times, How will I survive this thing we call life?

I am a very determined person, although sometimes I feel that I am

going too fast, I don't know what to do many times and I don't like to ask
for help, but little by little I feel that I can improve myself and find my best
My aunt once told me “Play smart or live hard, It’s your decision which
one you are going to take”

My faith in God grew during 2022 by having more contact with him,
today I consider myself a very believing person.

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