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Response Codes

In the table below you can find the response codes and their descriptions.

Status Code Description

200 - OK Successful

201 - Created A new entity is created

The request is valid and will be processed

202 - Accepted Unlike 200, it does not guarantee that the request
will be handled successfully. You can check the
Logs for the result.

400 - Bad Request

Invalid JSON body
(Syntax Error only)

401 -
Unauthenticated apiKey is invalid or integration is disabled
(Not Unauthorized)

402 - Payment apiKey is valid but the account cannot do this

Required action because of subscription plan

403 - Forbidden apiKey is valid but the apiKey cannot do this

(Unauthorized) operation because of permissions
apiKey is valid and authorized but we do not
403 - Forbidden 40302
support the request

404 - Not Found Resource or handler not found

405 - Method Not

URL is valid but HTTP method not supported

406 - Not
Requested format is not supported (Accept header)

ID or name conflicts with another entity. E.g.

409 - Conflict
integration name already exists

410 - Gone Feature is deprecated

415 - Unsupported Request body format is not supported

Media Type (Content-Type header)

416 - Requested
Range Not The given range is not supported.

422 - Unprocessable
Semantic errors in request body

428 - Pre Condition Entity is used by another entity

Required (schedule,escalation,team,etc)
429 - Too Many

500 - Internal Server


501 - Not

503 - Service
Back-end servers are at capacity.

If you get 503, you should retry the request, but if 429 you should wait a bit then retry the
request *

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