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Hey everyone!!!!! I’m Wulfe and I’m here to do a video of an introduction to Fortnite.
This will be the first video in the series, and there will be roughly 10 videos. This
video will include:
What maps are useful to use and practice on
Which content creators I have personally taken inspiration from that can help elevate
your understanding of the game
And a little bit about me.
First off I just want to say that I do play on a keyboard and mouse, and I am on PC,
however, these videos are not restricted to those conditions. You can be on
controller, console, or even the switch.
Alright, let’s get into it.

So, first off I want to say, Welcome back to OG Fortnite, the map that you see today
is the Chapter 1 map. However, with every day, something changes within the game,
whether that be the loot pool, POIs, or parts of the map itself

And due to these changes, the meta changes too. Now, I am creating these videos
to keep you guys in tune with the new meta and to allow you guys to improve as a
new player or even as an existing player. So make sure to watch all the videos in the
series to ensure great results.

Before I get into the maps and the content creators, I just want to say that Fortnite at
its most basic form has 3 components; being Aiming, Building, and editing. All three
of these components are vital to a player and their ability to play the game. In this
video, I will show you the BEST MAPS to help you improve all three of these KEY

The first map I would like to show you guys is Raider's “impossible” edit map. This
map showcases various techniques that will be vital to use in game. Just some
mechanics include Single cone edits, Double edits, and triple edits.
I suggest when you first get on, you use this map to warm up your editing and

The second map was created by a creator named Pandvil. Pandvil’s 1v1 map is a
great place to practice freebuilding with no stress. It has an up-to-date weapon pool,
as well as a reset builds button for those who want to continuously build. Of course,
these are just some of the perks. Unlike the previous map, Pandvil has allowed this
map to have a lobby of up to 2 players meaning you can 1v1 build fight another
player. This allows for fantastic practice. If you do not have another person to 1v1
that’s just fine because Pandvil has also added the feature of public matches,
allowing you to play with a random player who’s also looking for some friendly

And the last map I want to show you guys is Jivan’s Practice Map. Jivan is a huge
content creator with lots of videos that can elevate one's gameplay in just no time.
His knowledge of learning techniques is unmatched, which easily makes him the
best creator on this list. Not only is he an excellent creator, he is also excellent at
producing maps that ensure improvement in one’s gameplay. This map has various
features that will enhance your aim, gamesense, building and editing, this map has it
all. My personal favourite is “Rapid Box Fights” In this one, you are in a 1v1
simulation with a bot that can shoot you when you’re not behind cover. This teaches
you what peaks are good and what peaks are bad. I would suggest this map for
someone who is a bit more experienced, however, one is perfectly capable of
practicing in this map no matter their skill

Well, guys that concludes the video today, thank you so much for watching and
make sure to subscribe so you never miss another video. And please make sure to
check out all three amazing creators and their maps, they will all be linked in the
description below. Peace

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