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Running head: EVIDENCE 1


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In the resolution of a criminal case, evidence is the basic foundation from which both

parties develop their arguments. Law enforcement agencies investigate the crime and collect

evidence with utmost care. They preserve the evidence and establish the facts to prove the crime

commitment by the guilty party. Different types of evidence exist, depending upon the strategy

and type of crime. The crime scene investigation team must differentiate between different types

of criminal evidence to achieve optimal results.

Physical and testimonial are the two major types of criminal evidence. Physical evidence

is a tangible item or object that establishes a connection between a crime and the offender

(Singh, 2021, p. 644). Physical evidence must be a non-living object used for committing the

crime. The most significant categories of physical evidence include fingerprints, paint, tools or

equipment. Physical evidence is normally found within the crime scene. However, these

evidences can also be found in other environments. In contrast, testimonial evidence is a

statement that a witness or another individual gives in court under oath. For example, a witness

identifies the criminal involved in a murder or a robbery case. Testimonial evidence is also

known as direct evidence in the criminal justice field. Both types of evidences are crucial for the

investigation and resolution of crime in the court.

Physical evidence in the court should be presented carefully by ensuring that nothing has

been changed since its collection from the crime scene. In the court, firearms can be used to

describe the criminal case (Singh, 2021, p. 644). Besides, finger prints are critical evidence as

they show a strong connection of the accused with the crime. A law enforcement officer can

explain to the court by showing the matching results of accused fingerprints and those found in

the crime scene. The other examples of physical evidence would be tire tracks, glass, or hair.

Physical evidence is important in the trial of facts as it clarifies how crime was committed.

Moreover, it connects the accused with the crime and clears the innocent person who is also

among the accused. Therefore, physical evidence is more important than other forms of evidence

in a trial.

Court trials require different arguments to finalize a decision on a crime. Demonstrative

evidence is a crucial tool for persuasion used by lawyers in court. It demonstrates the testimony

of the witness or explains the fact proven by the physical evidence. For example, a jury is shown

the images of the accident scene to explain the conditions under which it happened. It is

important because it resolves the confusion in the jury’s mind regarding testimony and physical

evidence. In other words, it explains the connection of physical evidence and testimony with the

actual crime scene. A jury can integrate the information from testimony and physical evidence

with demonstrative evidence to conclude the case. Hence, demonstrative evidence is required in

trials to connect the points raised from physical and testimonial evidences.

Evidences can also be categorized based on conditions from which they are collected.

There can either direct or circumstantial evidence. Direct proof is immediate confirmation of a

reality, like an observer’s declaration about what that witness has seen or done. Circumstantial

evidence is aberrant proof; evidence of at least one reality from which one can track down

another reality. Direct evidence suggests the proof that affirms a reality and in which the

surmising of the jury is not needed. In contrast, circumstantial evidence alludes to the proof

wherein the jury needs to draw surmising in view of the realities acquired connecting it to the

end. Circumstantial evidence provides a direction to the jury and investigation team that who can

be the accused in a particular crime case. Circumstantial evidence is not enough to prove a case

in court because it is not evaluated while the investigation is ongoing. Hence, no jury convicts

the accused based on circumstantial evidence.

Overwhelming circumstantial evidence can point to a single conclusion or the other in a

legitimate manner. It means that circumstantial evidence is strong when it is clearly pointing to

the guilty party. It can happen in situations where no other possibility can be imagined.

Therefore, circumstantial evidence can be overwhelming. It can show the strong direction to that

who has committed the crime. This can be helpful to initiate the further proceedings of the case

or investigation However, it cannot prove the fact entirely and more evidences or facts are

required to convict the accused in a case.

Different forms of evidences are collected during crime investigations. Law enforcement

agencies should train officers regularly to ensure that they have enough knowledge to carefully

collect, comprehend, and present evidence in court. This endeavor helps a jury to resolve the

case and convict the accused. In the end, evidences are critical for any type of a crime case to

reach its final conclusion, therefore, investigation teams should be well informed for the

collection, preservation and comprehension of the evidences.



Singh, H. N. (2021). Crime scene investigation. International Journal of Science and Research

(IJSR), 10(11), 642-648.

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