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Name Matric no.

Muhammad Amirul Haziq bin Azman 277087

Wong Kar Wei 280003

Tee Zhi Qi 277543

Hng Yeong Wey 278147
Cheah Wei Tai 285314

The Wong family consisting of a father, mother, and three sons gathers for a discussion about their
financial challenges and the need to improve their budget. Kar Wei and Zhi Qi as the parents, initiate the
conversation, highlighting the rising expenses and the struggle to save money. The family engages in a
collaborative dialogue, exploring ways to cut back on expenses, find alternatives, and increase their

During the discussion, Yeong wey, the eldest son, observes the increase in spending without much
thought. Wei Tai, the second son, suggests ideas like eating out less and finding cheaper entertainment
options. Kar Wei and Zhi Qi emphasize evaluating utility bills, finding better deals, and reducing energy

The family also acknowledges the importance of finding discounts and coupons for purchases, with
Amirul, the youngest son, taking the initiative to help with this. They discuss the potential for part-time
jobs or side gigs to boost income. Yeong wey suggests setting financial goals, such as saving a specific
amount each month or paying off debts, to provide motivation and focus.

Throughout the role-play, the family members actively participate, share ideas, and encourage one
another. They prioritize teamwork and collaboration, aiming to find practical solutions together. The
discussion highlights the importance of budget evaluation, expense management, income generation,
and setting financial goals as a family.

2.0 Role Play Description

Name: Wong Kar Wei as ‘Father’

Role: Task Leader

Description: Kar Wei is the father of the Wong family. She is a crucial part of the family’s decision-
making. The family initially struggles to conserve money and deal with mounting costs. The father
extended an invitation to the entire family to talk about more methods to reduce spending, identify
alternatives, and boost income. The father emphasizes reviewing utility bills, locating better bargains,
and lowering energy use during the conversation.

Example Line(s):

“We currently struggle to conserve money and deal with mounting costs.”

“We need some alternatives to reduce spending and boost income.”

Name: Tee Zhi Qi

Role: Social-Emotional Leader

Description: Zhi Qi is the mother of the family. She is always concerned about the emotional well-being
of her family members. During the discussion where different opinions arise among her sons, the mother
always acts as a mediator. She actively listens to everyone in the family and pays close attention to the
expressions of their emotions. She looks for areas of agreement and common ground so that a solution
that meets everyone’s concerns can be found. By encouraging open discussion and considering different
points of view, she facilitates problem-solving and guides the family towards practical and balanced
solutions to their financial challenges.

Example Line(s):

“It’s clear that everyone recognises the necessity of improving our financial situation. Yeong wey, it’s
admirable of you to advise taking on additional part-time jobs. However, Wei Tai and Amirul bring up
good points about how to maintain a healthy work-life balance.”

“Let’s explore other ways to make more money, like putting in assets that bring in money or looking for
freelance opportunities.”

Name: Hng Yeong Wey

Role: information provider and tension release

Description: Yeong Wey is the eldest son in the family. He has an important role in evaluating the family’s
budget. He’s good at keeping track of how much money is being spent without thinking too much about
it. He’s like a source of information for the family and helps everyone feel less stressed about money.
Yeong Wey pays close attention to how the family spends money. He carefully records all the expenses
and knows where the money is going. He can look at this information and tell the family what patterns
and trends he sees. This helps the family make smart decisions about their finances. He is also great at
making everyone feel better when they’re worried about money. He knows how to calm down any
arguments or tension that might come up. He can suggest practical solutions and make sure everyone
understands what’s going on with the family’s money.

Example Line(s):

“Exactly. By staying informed, addressing concerns, and working together, we can successfully manage
our budget and ensure financial stability for our family.”

“Do we have a breakdown of our expenses in different categories? It would be helpful to see where most
of our money is going.”


Role: Central Negative and Self Centered Follower

Description: Wei Tai is the second son of the family. He is very selfish and self-centered. He does not
consider other perspectives and opinions. He believes that eating out less and finding cheaper
entertainment options can solve the problem. During the discussion, he strongly disagrees with other
opinions and asks negative questions about others’ opinions. He states that finding discounts and
coupons for purchases is an inefficient idea and a waste of time.

Example Line(s):

“But Amirul, what I find and experience is even we find the discounts or even a coupon to reduce the
cost. Your idea only can solve the short-term problems, but not well for the long term”

“We need to spend time to find whether the thing that we want to purchase is in discount or not. Such
waste of time”

Name: Muhammad Amirul Haziq bin Azman

Role: Questioner and Central Negative

Description:Amirul is the youngest son of the family. He is the one who always come with questions and
denied everyone’s idea. He pointed out that cutting the entertainment to save budget is not worthy and
believes that cutting budget for the meals is better to save the family budget. He quoted that important
to them creating memories together as a family.

Example Line(s)

“Why we should cut back the entertainment?. I mean life is meant to be enjoyed and entertainment is a
necessary part of it. I don’t want us to miserly and lose out on creating lasting memories.

“ But those alternatives may not be exciting and engaging. I worry that we will miss out experiences that
can enrich our lives”
Script for role play


The Wong family consisting of a father, mother, and three sons gathers for a discussion about their
financial challenges and the need to improve their budget.

KW: Task Leader (Dad)

ZQ: Social-Emotional Leader (Mom)

YW: Information provider & Tension release (eldest son)

WT: Central Negative & Self Centered Follower (2nd son)

Amirul: Questioner & Central negative (3rd son)

Scene 1: Assessing the Current Financial Situation

Kar Wei (Father)

(sigh) I’ve noticed that we’ve been struggling to make ends meet. Yeong Wey, please provide an
overview of our income, expenses, and debts.

Yeong Wey

Sure, Dad. Our monthly income is RM5,000, and our expenses include rent, utilities, groceries,
transportation, and other miscellaneous costs. We also have outstanding debts totaling RM30,000.


Thanks for breaking it down, YW. It helps to have a clear picture of where our money is going. But can we
dig deeper into our non-essential spending?

Yeong Wey

That’s a valid concern, Amirul. I’ll review our expenses and identify areas where we can potentially cut
back on non-essential spending.

Wei tai

That sounds like a good idea. We might be surprised by how much we’re spending on things we don’t
really need.
Yeong Wey

Agreed, WT. It’s important for us to track our spending habits and identify areas where we can make

Zhi Qi

Additionally, let’s discuss our debts. YW, could you provide an overview of the outstanding debts we
have and their interest rates?

Yeong Wey

Sure, Mom. Currently, we have a car loan with an outstanding balance of RM25,000 and an interest rate
of 6%. We also have a credit card debt of RM5,000 with an interest rate of 15%. It’s crucial for us to
address these debts and work towards paying them off.


I think we should prioritize paying off the debt with the higher interest rate first to save on interest
expenses in the long run.

Kar Wei

That’s a smart approach, Amirul. By prioritizing high-interest debt repayment, we can reduce the overall
burden on our finances.

Yeong Wey

Agreed, KW(Dad). Now that we have a comprehensive understanding of our income, expenses, and
debts, we can move forward to develop a budget plan that will help us tackle our financial challenges.

Scene 2: Setting Financial Goals

Zhi Qi

Now, let’s discuss our financial goals as a family. What do we want to achieve in the short term and long

Yeong Wey

One of our short-term goals could be building an emergency fund to provide a safety net for unexpected
expenses. It’s recommended to have three to six months’ worth of living expenses saved up.


Agreed, YW. Having an emergency fund will give us peace of mind and help us avoid accumulating debt
during challenging times.

Wei tai
Can we also include paying off our high-interest debts as a short-term goal? It will alleviate financial
stress and free up more money for other purposes.

Kar Wei

Absolutely, WT. Prioritizing debt repayment is crucial, and it aligns with our goal of achieving financial

Zhi Qi

Now let’s shift our focus to long-term goals—those that we want to achieve over a more extended
period, like five to ten years.


I believe one of our long-term goals should be saving for our children’s education. We should start
planning and setting aside funds for their future educational expenses.

Yeong Wey

That’s an excellent point, Amirul. We can explore various education savings plans, such as 529 plans, to
ensure we’re adequately prepared for their education costs.

Kar Wei

Additionally, we should aim to save for retirement. It’s important to build a retirement fund that will
sustain us in our golden years.

Wei tai

Can we also include some goals that allow us to enjoy life now? Like saving for a family vacation or
investing in hobbies and experiences that bring us joy?

Kar Wei

Absolutely, WT. It’s important to find a balance between saving for the future and enjoying the present.
We’ll allocate a portion of our budget for discretionary spending and family experiences.

Zhi Qi

As we set these goals, it’s crucial to remember that our financial well-being as a family is interconnected.
We need to support each other and work together to achieve these goals.

Scene 3: Creating a Budget Plan

Kar Wei

It’s time to create a budget plan that aligns with our financial goals. Let’s have a family discussion and
work together to allocate funds for essential expenses, debt repayment, savings, and discretionary

To start, we should determine the percentage of our income that we allocate towards each category. For
example, how much should we set aside for essential expenses, savings, and debt repayment?

Yeong Wey

That’s a great point, Amirul. Let’s discuss our priorities and agree on the percentages for each category.
We can start with essential expenses, which typically include rent, utilities, groceries, transportation, and

Wei Tai

I suggest we review our recent expenses in each category to get a better understanding of how much
we’ve been spending. This will help us set realistic percentages.

Zhi Qi

I agree, WT. Understanding our current spending patterns will allow us to make informed decisions when
creating our budget plan. YW, could you provide us with an overview of our recent expenses in each

Yeong wey

Sure, Mom. I’ll gather the necessary information and share a breakdown of our expenses in each
category, highlighting any areas where we might be overspending.

Kar Wei

While YW prepares the breakdown, let’s discuss our financial priorities. What are the areas we want to
focus on in terms of savings and debt repayment?


I think building an emergency fund should be one of our top priorities. We need to have a financial
cushion to cover unexpected expenses.

Wei Tai

Agreed, Amirul. Let’s aim to set aside a certain percentage of our income each month towards the
emergency fund until we reach our target.

Zhi Qi

In terms of debt repayment, let’s prioritize paying off the high-interest debts first. By reducing the
outstanding balances, we’ll save on interest payments and become debt-free sooner.

Kar Wei

That makes sense, ZQ. It’s important for us to work together to tackle our debts systematically and make
consistent progress.

Yeong Wey
Here’s the breakdown of our recent expenses in each category, based on our income. Let’s review and
discuss each category, making adjustments as needed.

Scene 4: Exploring Cost-Saving Measures

Yeong Wey

Now, let’s discuss practical ways we can reduce our expenses and save money. Does anyone have ideas
they’d like to share?


We could consider cutting down on eating out and instead cook meals at home to save on food
expenses. We can plan our meals, make grocery lists, and avoid unnecessary impulse purchases.

Wei Tai

That’s a great idea, Amirul. We should also review our subscriptions and cancel any that we no longer
use or find alternatives that offer similar benefits at a lower cost.

Zhi Qi

And we can explore cost-effective options for family entertainment, like having game nights or movie
marathons at home, rather than going out to expensive events or venues.

Kar Wei

Excellent suggestions, everyone. In addition, we can take steps to reduce our energy consumption, such
as turning off lights when not in use, unplugging electronic devices, and being mindful of our water


Dad, what about our transportation expenses? Can we find ways to reduce them?

Kar Wei

Absolutely, Amirul. We can explore carpooling or using public transportation whenever possible. We can
also consider alternative transportation options like biking or walking for shorter distances.

Yeong Wey

And when it comes to shopping, we can be more mindful of our purchases. Before buying something, we
can ask ourselves if it’s a need or a want. Delaying non-essential purchases can help us avoid impulse
buying and save money.

Zhi Qi

Another cost-saving measure is to be conscious of our home energy efficiency. We can insulate windows,
adjust thermostats, and upgrade to energy-efficient appliances to reduce our utility bills in the long run.
Wei Tai

What about our personal expenses? Are there any areas where we can make cuts or find more
affordable options?

Kar Wei

That’s a great point, WT. We can review our personal expenses, such as clothing, personal care products,
and entertainment subscriptions, and see if there are ways to reduce costs or find cheaper alternatives.


We should also make it a habit to compare prices and look for discounts or deals before making any
significant purchases.

Kar Wei

Excellent suggestions, everyone. It’s important for us to be proactive and explore cost-saving measures in
all aspects of our daily lives. By making small changes, we can significantly impact our overall financial

Yeong Wey

Absolutely, KW. Let’s be open to trying new strategies and support each other in implementing these
cost-saving measures. By working together as a family, we can make a significant difference in our

Scene 5: Monitoring and Adjusting the Budget

Kar Wei

As we focus on improving our financial situation, it’s crucial to discuss long-term planning and explore
investment strategies. Let’s have an in-depth conversation about securing our future and growing our

Yeong Wey

One aspect of long-term financial planning is retirement savings. We should explore retirement account
options such as 401(k)s or IRAs and determine how much we need to contribute regularly to ensure a
comfortable retirement.


Dad, what about investing in the stock market? I’ve heard it can be a good way to grow our wealth over

Kar Wei

That’s an excellent point, Amirul. Investing in stocks can be a part of our long-term financial strategy.
However, it’s important to note that investing in stocks carries risks, and we should approach it with
careful consideration and research.
Wei Tai

Dad, are there any other investment options we should explore apart from stocks?

Kar Wei

Absolutely, WT. We can also consider other investment vehicles such as bonds, mutual funds, or real
estate. Each option has its own potential risks and returns, so we should thoroughly research and seek
professional advice before making any investment decisions.

Zhi Qi

It’s essential to diversify our investments to minimize risks. We should aim to spread our investments
across different asset classes and industries.

Yeong Wey

Additionally, we should periodically review our investments and make adjustments based on market
conditions and our changing financial goals. Regular check-ins with a financial advisor can be helpful in
this regard.


Dad, what about saving for our children’s education? How can we plan for that?

Kar Wei

Saving for our children’s education is indeed important. We can explore education savings plans such as
529 plans, which offer tax advantages for educational expenses. Setting aside a certain amount each
month can help us build a fund specifically for their future education costs.

Zhi Qi

It’s crucial for us to regularly review and adjust our long-term financial plan as our circumstances and
goals evolve. Life events, such as marriage, having children, or changing careers, can all impact our
financial plans, and we need to be adaptable.

Scene 6: Implementation and Strategies

Kar Wei

Now that we have a budget plan and discussed long-term financial planning, let’s focus on implementing
our strategies and supporting each other in achieving our financial goals. This is where our collective
effort and commitment come into play.

Yeong Wey

It’s important for us to track our expenses regularly and compare them to our budget plan. This will help
us stay accountable and make adjustments if needed.

We can designate a specific day each month to review our budget, track our progress, and discuss any
challenges or successes we’ve encountered.

Wei Tai

Additionally, let’s have open and honest conversations about our financial goals and any potential
obstacles we may face. By sharing our concerns and seeking support from one another, we can
overcome challenges more effectively.

Zhi Qi

Let’s also celebrate our milestones and achievements along the way. Recognizing our progress and hard
work will motivate us to continue on our financial journey.

Kar Wei

Absolutely, ZQ(Honey/ sayang, biii). Celebrating even the small victories will keep us motivated and
reinforce the positive changes we’re making.

Yeong Wey

In times of financial difficulty or unexpected setbacks, it’s crucial for us to come together as a family and
find solutions collectively. We can brainstorm ideas, provide emotional support, and help each other find
ways to overcome the challenges.


Dad, can we set aside some time each month to discuss financial education? It would be great to learn
together about personal finance, investment strategies, and other financial topics.

Kar Wei

That’s an excellent idea, Amirul. We can designate a family financial education night where we watch
educational videos, read articles, or even invite guest speakers to share their expertise. It's important for
all of us to continuously learn and improve our financial literacy.

Wei Tai

Dad, as we progress towards our financial goals, can we explore opportunities to increase our income?
This could involve exploring side hustles or seeking career advancement.

Kar Wei

Absolutely, WT. Increasing our income can provide us with more financial stability and enable us to reach
our goals faster. Let’s encourage each other to explore new opportunities, enhance our skills, and pursue
growth in our careers.

Zhi Qi

Lastly, let’s practice gratitude and contentment along this financial journey. It’s important to recognize
and appreciate the things we already have while working towards our goals. Being mindful of our
blessings can bring a sense of fulfillment and happiness.

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