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Verb Lesson

December 13th
As You Sit Down:
- Grab your book and start reading
- Grab a whiteboard
- Get out a writing utensil
- Grab your LA Notebooks
- Get out your writing journal
Dream Job
- Write about your dream job
- What are you doing at your dream
job? Give specific details about the
actions the job would require
during the day
What are Verbs?
- Think of some examples of verbs
- Look back in your journals;
underline any verbs in your
description of your dream job
Blackfoot Verbs
- Ohpáí’piiyit (Jump)
- Ipikssi (Run)
- Ohpa’wani (Move)
Types of Verbs
- Action
- Helping
- Linking
Action Verbs
- Show a continued or progressive
action completed by a given subject
- ie) Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and
Helping Verbs
- These are used with other verbs to
help show actions
- Helping verbs add grammatical
meaning to individual verbs
- ie) might, are, do, can, being, etc.
Linking Verbs
- These verbs link multiple things
(nouns, verbs, etc.) in a sentence
- ie) be, is, am, were, are
LA Workbook Time
1. FIll out the chart with examples of
the three types of verbs
2. Cut out the chart
3. Glue it into your LA notebooks
Conclusion → Finding more verbs

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