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Assignment 3

Student Name Student Number

Mukul Sood 301331070

Yadwinder Singh 301328428

Anshdeep Singh 301328380
Harshpreet Singh 301350819


Course Name: -Human Resource Management (HRMT 301) (SEC.012)

Instructor Name: - Veronica Utton

Due Date: -2023-12-02
Use the following questions as a guideline to help draw your conclusions:

1. Consider the perspective of the existing employees at Reginald – how would they
1) Recognizing Current Employee Opinions:
a. Feedback and Survey: To learn more about current employees' opinions on the
recent changes in diversity, conduct focus groups or a secret poll. Find more
about their comfort zones, worries, and recommendations for promoting greater
integration. (Allen Smith, 2021)
b. Groups for Employee Resources (ERGs): Promote the creation of ERGs
based on shared interests or traits, such as parent status, ethnicity, or age
groupings. This gives workers a forum to communicate their emotions and
experiences in a comforting setting.
c. Managerial Check-Ins: Have one-on-one conversations with staff members to
address any personal issues they may be having. Make sure supervisors give
assistance and actively listen to employees.
d. Training Programs: Provide diversity and inclusion training to current staff
members, highlighting the advantages of a varied workplace. Clear up any
misunderstandings and encourage an appreciation of various viewpoints. (Allen
Smith, 2021)

2) Fostering Inclusive Communication:

a. Workshops on Communication: Arrange seminars on how to communicate
effectively, stressing candid discussion and active listening. This can promote
understanding and close communication barriers between employees from
various backgrounds. (Allen Smith, 2021)
b. Training in Cultural Competence: Conduct workshops aimed at improving staff
members' comprehension and appreciation of cultural diversity. A more
courteous and inclusive workplace may result from this.
c. Leadership Communication: Make sure that the leadership discusses the
value of diversity and inclusion honestly and transparently. It is the responsibility
of leaders to model inclusive (Valentine, 2021)behavior and to motivate staff
members to celebrate individuality.

Reginald Industries can establish a more peaceful and inclusive workplace by

addressing the opinions of current employees, encouraging inclusive
communication, implementing (Valentine, 2021)engaging team-building activities,
and regularly evaluating the success of efforts.
2. Consider the perspective of the new hires to Reginald – how would they feel?
1) Onboarding Experience:
a. Welcome Atmosphere: Assess the present onboarding procedure to make sure
it establishes a friendly environment for recently hired staff members. Put tactics
in place to give them a sense of inclusion and value right away. (healthy workplace)
b. Buddy System: Implement a buddy or mentor system that matches recently
hired staff members with current workers. (healthy workplace)This makes it easier
for newcomers to share experiences and insights and offers them a network of
c. Training Courses: Organize orientation workshops that highlight the company's
commitment to inclusivity and the advantages of having a diverse workforce, with
a specific focus on the diversity inside the business.
2) All-Inclusive Work Environment:
a. Inclusive Policies: During the onboarding process, explain the company's
inclusive policies, which include non-discrimination and equal opportunity. Make
sure that new hires are aware of the company's diversity commitment.
b. Diversity Education: Throughout the onboarding procedure, offer diversity and
inclusion education. By encouraging awareness, comprehension, and polite
behavior, this training ought to support an inclusive atmosphere.
d. Emphasizing Success Stories: To motivate prospective recruits and highlight
the accomplishments of staff members with a range of experiences. This can
assist them in realizing that the organization appreciates and honors
contributions from people with diverse backgrounds. (healthy workplace)
3) Ongoing Assistance:
a. Continuous Support Programs: After the first onboarding phase, provide new
hires with continuous support programs. Check-ins, mentorship programs, and
further training opportunities can all fall under this category.
b. Diversity and Inclusion Ambassadors: Assign staff members to the role of
diversity and inclusion ambassadors so they can function as contacts for recent
hires looking for advice or support. These representatives can aid in bridging
gaps in communication.

Through a thorough onboarding process that takes into account the perspectives of new
hires, Reginald Industries can create an inclusive workplace culture, encourage
integration and socialization, provide feedback channels, and provide ongoing support
to make sure that newcomers feel valued and assimilated into the diverse organization.
3. Consider your own perspective – are there positions, orientations, values or traditions
that you hold that may influence your own approach to this task?
It is imperative that we as HR team members acknowledge and control our own
prejudices and viewpoints. Any biases or prior beliefs may unintentionally affect how
diversity programs are carried out or decision-making procedures are carried out. It is
imperative that you approach this assignment with an open mind and a focus on justice.

4. In what ways can one re-examine him/herself to become integrative in a diverse

In a diverse workplace, becoming integrative requires awareness, introspection, and
constant work to foster inclusivity. The following are a few methods for self-reflection to
promote integration in a diverse workplace:
a. Self-Awareness: Consider your cultural upbringing, morals, and prejudices.
Recognize any assumptions or preconceptions that might affect how you interact
with coworkers.
b. Educate Yourself: Continue to learn about various viewpoints, customs, and
civilizations. To learn more about diversity, have discussions, go to workshops,
and read books.
c. Examine Your Biases: Recognize and confront your prejudices. All people have
unconscious prejudices, and to treat coworkers fairly and equally, it is crucial to
be aware of them.
d. Active Listening: Engage in active listening to fully comprehend other people's
viewpoints. Steer clear of assumptions and ask questions when you need
clarification. This encourages candid dialogue and understanding amongst
e. Cultural Competency Training: Take advantage of the organization's cultural
competency training initiatives. These courses give participants knowledge about
communication preferences, cultural differences, and how to collaborate well with
others in a diverse workplace.
f. Ask Assumptions: Raise questions on presumptions about what constitutes
"normal" or "typical." Understand that different people approach tasks, solve
problems, and communicate in different ways and that these variations add to a
vibrant and diverse workplace.
g. Accept Differences: Develop an attitude that recognizes and honors variety.
Accept the notion that diversity fosters a more inventive and creative workplace.
h. Adaptability: Develop an adaptable work style and communication style.
Acknowledge that people may differ in their needs and preferences and be
prepared to make adjustments to foster a more inclusive workplace.
i. Constant Learning: Recognize that promoting inclusion is a continuous effort.
Remain dedicated to lifelong learning and development and modify your strategy
in response to changes in the workplace and its diversity.

People can help create a truly integrative and inclusive workplace by actively
seeking to understand and value differences via self-reflection, learning, and
proactive actions.

 Valentine, A. C. (2021, November 3). Baby Boomers, generation “X” and generation
“Y” in the Workplace. Resource 1.
 Allen Smith, J. D. (2021, September 12). Generational mindsets affect the workforce.
 5 benefits of diversity in the workplace. Ability Options. (2023, January 9).

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