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Blender Tips

Cleaning Model
1. Import model in Blender and zoom in. (File>Import then numpad .)
2. To delete part of the model make sure you’re in edit mode (Tab) and in wireframe or xray mode
(xray mode slows down blender quite a bit) (Z), then highlight the selected portion of the model,
press X and select vertices.
3. Change vertex size to help you see what to delete. Edit>Preferences>Themes>3D
Viewport>Vertex Size
4. To remove detached vertices enter edit mode with wireframe displayed, select part of the main
mesh and then all linked faces (cntrl+L) and then invert the selection (cntrl+I) and delete
5. To fix zooming slowing down Edit>Preferences>Navigation>Auto Depth checked on.
6. To fill holes, highlight surrounding edges and alt+f
7. Select the main mesh in edit mode, cnrl+l to select all linked faces, cnrl+i>X>Verticies

Method 1

(In Blender)

1. Select the model, Export GLTf, selected objects, turn off animation

(In UE5)

2. Create a new folder in the content browser, import>select your GLTf (check “Build Nanite”) &
allow the mesh time to prepare

Method 2


(In Blender)

1. Download & install the addon “send2ue”

(In UE5)

2. Enable the “python editor script plugin” & “Editor Scripting Utilities”
3. Edit>Project Settings> Search python & enable remote execution

(In Blender)

4. Right-click mesh>Move to collection>Export

5. Pipeline>Export>Push Assets
Collision creating/editing
Method 1 (High res/low performance)

1. Open your mesh in the content browser & search “collision complexity”
2. Collision complexity>Use complex collision as simple>save (top left)

Method 2 (low res/high performance)

1. Open your mesh in the content browser

2. Collision>Remove Collision
3. Collision>Add box simplified collision>place as needed (hold alt and drag to duplicate & place as

Enable Cesium
1. Create a Google Maps API
2. Download & install Cesium for Unreal (Epic Marketplace)
3. Create a blank project & enable the Cesium For Unreal plugin
4. Create a new empty level & link your Cesium to your Unreal account
5. Add Blank 3D Tiles Tileset & Cesium SunSky
6. Highlight Cesium3DTileset0 in the Outliner, go down to the Source box & select “From Url” and
in the Url box and paste your API (
7. Highlight CesiumGeoreference0 in the Outliner, set your Origin lat, long and height as desired
(you can extract these from google maps>right click>paste into notepad)

Crop Cesium

Add player character

1. Open your content browser (crtl+F12)
2. Click the +Add button>Add Feature or Content Pack
3. World Settings>GameMode Override to BP_ThurdPersonGameMode
4. Window>Place Actors (make sure to place the actor on something with a collision while the tiles

Post Process Volume

1. Infinite extent > on
Migrating Assets
1. Open project containing assets.
2. Select the asset folders under contents root folder in the project containing the asset, right click>
3. Navigate to your new projects content folder

Vertex Painting
1. You cannot mesh paint a nanite mesh.
2. To create a full material you need;
a. A diffuse texture (RBG values, a picture of what it will look like, BaseColor).
b. A normal texture (uses lighting to fake bumps and dents, greatly enhances the appearance
of low polygon models)
c. A occlusion map/greyscale height map (white pixels indicate areas that should receive full
indirect lighting and black pixels indicate areas that should receive none.)

Unreal Engine 5 – Cinematic Settings

Render Settings
 Plugins > Movie Render Queue
 Windows > Cinematic > Movie Render Queue > + Render > (Navigate to level sequence) > Output
- Output Directory (navigate to folder)
- Output Resolution > 1920x1080
- Override Existing Output
 Windows > Cinematic > Movie Render Queue > (Navigate to level sequence) > Unsaved Config >
DELETE .jpg Sequence
 Windows > Cinematic > Movie Render Queue > (Navigate to level sequence) > Unsaved Config > + Setting
> .exr Sequence > Compression > DWAB
 … + Setting > Game Overrides
 … + Setting > Anti-aliasing > Spatial Sample Count > 4-16
 … Anti-aliasing > Temporal Sample Count > 4-16 (32-64 for fast moving objects)
 … Anti-aliasing > Override Anti Aliasing
 … + Setting > Color Output > Disable Tone Curve
 … Load/Save Preset > Save as Preset
 … + Setting > Console Variables > Console Variables + > r.ScreenPercentage > 200
 … Console Variables + > r.DepthOfFieldQuality > 4
 … Console Variables + > r.MotionBlurQuality > 4
 … Console Variables + > r.ShadowQuality > 4
 Accept
 Render (Local)

Camera Shake

 24 FPS (helps with motion blur)
 Post process volume > Motion Blur > 0.5
 For slow motion, double your frame rate. Ex. 2x Slow Motion use 48fps

Depth of field
 Set focus plane on POI

Camera Settings

 Current Camera Settings > Current Focal Length > 35.0 as a starting point
 Focus Settings > Manual Focus Distance > eye dropper > select focal point
 Set focus plane on POI
 Filmback > 16:9 DSLR
 Adjust aperture to blur background

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