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the picture shows a group of children who were
celebrating their birthday very happy they had a
delicious cake and many fruits on the table there
were also juices and everyone wants to blow out the
candle but the birthday girl was the girl with the blue
hat and the other children had their hats of different
colors and dressed in party clothes and they look
My favorite place at home is my living room. It is a
spacious and comfortable room. In the center of the
room, there is a large and cozy sofa where the floor
will relax and watch TV. In addition, we have a shelf
on one of the walls that is full of books and decorative
objects. There is a coffee table in front of the sofa
where we put our drinks and snacks when we
receive visitors. In the corner of the room, there is a
beautiful plant that gives life to the space.
What I like most about this room is the natural light
that enters through the large windows. There are
curtains that we can open during the day to let in the
sunlight. We also have a floor lamp in one corner that
provides soft, cozy lighting for the evenings.

Unit 3
This semester I have the firm intention of focusing on
my studies in a more committed way. By spending
more time on my subjects and I will strive for
exceptional results. I plan to attend all classes and
take detailed notes. In addition, I will make an
effective study schedule that allows me to review
and adequately prepare for exams. I also intend to
collaborate more with my classmates. I am sure that
we can learn much more by working together on
projects and discussing the topics of the course. I will
be willing to share my knowledge and learn from
Regards, [Alexandra Vera]
I have two pets at home, a dog named Max and a cat
named Luna. They are adorable and unique in their
own way. Max is bigger than Luna, not only in size
but also in weight. He is the biggest dog in the
neighborhood. Luna, on the other hand, is the
smallest cat I've ever seen, but that doesn't make her
any less brave. In fact, she is the bravest cat I know.
She is always up for exploring new places and taking
on any challenge that comes her way.
Regarding his personality, Max is the most playful.
He always wants to play with his ball and runs up and
down the garden. Luna, on the other hand, is the
more independent of the two pets. She prefers to
spend time huddled in a quiet corner of the house,
observing everything around her with curiosity.


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