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Activity 8

Examine your social networking profile. In which sites are you active? Put a tick
mark (√) in the appropriate box.

Social Networking Sites Not at all Rarely Sometimes Most of the time
Facebook √
Twitter √
Linked In √
Google+ √
YouTube √
Pinterest √
Instagram √
TumbIr √
MySpace √
Flickr √
Bebo √

Can you think of possibilities for how you can use your social net Working site as an
educational tool? Describe clearly how you can appropriately utilize it in your lesson.

Social networking sites have become part of our every day lives.We used it to
communicate our families and loved ones.As we all know it started when COVID 19
have spread all over the world.As a student those social networking sites has a huge
role in our studies.We continuously learn through it and also continuously
communicate to our teachers and classmates in terms of activity.So as student I will
utilize those social networking responsibly because it could probably help me to
have a huge understanding about our lessons.Nowadays,we cannot deny that it is
much easier to learn and gather more information about the tpoic or lesson because
of these social networking sites . Specially nowadays,that the university
implemented an blended learning whicg we are also able to comply and submit our
activities through Google classroom and etc.

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