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ETS 2022 - TEST 1

1. (A) He's parking a truck.
(B) He's lifting some furniture.
(C) He's starting an engine.
(D) He's driving a car.

2. (A) Some curtains have been closed.

(B) Some jackets have been laid on a chair.
(C) Some people are gathered around a desk.
(D) Someone is turning on a lamp.

3. (A) One of the women is reaching into her bag.

(B) The women are waiting in a line.
(C) The man is leading a tour group.
(D) The man is opening a cash register.

4. (A) The man is bending over a bicycle.

(B) A wheel has been propped against a stack of bricks.
(C) The man is collecting some pieces of wood.
(D) A handrail is being installed.

5. (A) An armchair has been placed under a window.

(B) Some reading materials have fallen on the floor.
(C) Some flowers are being watered.
(D) Some picture frames are hanging on a wall.

6. (A) She's adjusting the height of an umbrella.

(B) She's inspecting the tires on a vending cart.
(C) There's a mobile food stand on a walkway.
(D) There are some cooking utensils on the ground.

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