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Few prepositions

1. The preposition "At" is used in various contexts in English. Here are some common uses with examples:
 Location: Example: I'll meet you at the coffee shop.
 Time: Example: Let's have a meeting at 3:00 PM.
 Events: Example: I saw her at the concert.
 Age: Example: She learned to play the piano at the age of six.
 Direction: Example: Look at the beautiful sunset!
 Groups and Organizations: Example: He works at a software company.
 Price: Example: I bought this book at a discounted price.
 Skill or Proficiency: Example: She is excellent at playing the guitar.

2. The preposition "by" is versatile in English and can be used in various contexts. Here are some common uses
with examples:
 Time: Example: I will finish the report by tomorrow. Explanation: "By" is used to indicate a deadline or the
point in time when an action will be completed.
 Means or Method: Example: I travelled to the city by train. Explanation: "By" is used to specify the means
or method used to accomplish an action.
 Agent or Doer of an Action: Example: The book was written by Mark Twain. Explanation: "By" is used to
indicate the agent or author of a particular action.
 Location or Position: Example: Stand by the door. Explanation: "By" can be used to indicate a location or
 Amount or Rate: Example: He earns by the hour. Explanation: "By" is used to express an amount or rate of
 Close to or Next to: Example: The park is by the river. Explanation: "By" is used to indicate proximity or
location close to something else.
 Through the Action of: Example: The decision was made by the committee. Explanation: "By" can indicate
the action of a group or entity.
 Passing Through: Example: She walked by the bookstore. Explanation: "By" is used to indicate movement
past a location or object.
 Not Later Than: Example: Please arrive by 8:00 PM. Explanation: "By" is used to indicate the latest
acceptable time for an action.
 With the Help of: Example: She succeeded by her own efforts. Explanation: "By" can indicate the means or
method with the help of which an action is achieved.

3. The preposition "for" is a versatile word in English and is used in various contexts. Here are some common
uses with examples:
 Purpose or Reason: Example: She bought a new laptop for work. Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the
purpose or reason for an action.
 Recipient: Example: This gift is for you. Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the recipient of an action or
 Duration of Time: Example: I will be on vacation for two weeks. Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the
duration of time during which an action takes place.
 In Favor of: Example: I am for the proposal. Explanation: "For" can be used to express support or agreement
with something.
 Exchange or Substitution: Example: I traded my bicycle for a skateboard. Explanation: "For" is used to
indicate exchange or substitution.
 Considering or Taking into Account: Example: He is tall for his age. Explanation: "For" is used to express a
comparison or consideration in relation to a particular characteristic.
 Employment: Example: She works for a multinational company. Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the
employer or the entity someone is working for.
 Cause or Reason: Example: She was fined for speeding. Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the cause or
reason for a consequence.
 In Exchange for Payment: Example: I bought this book for $20. Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the
amount paid in exchange for something.
 Unit of Measurement: Example: He ran for five miles. Explanation: "For" is used to indicate the unit of
measurement in relation to distance, time, etc.

4. The preposition "from" is used in various contexts in English. Here are some common uses with examples:
 Origin or Source: Example: I am from New York. Explanation: "From" is used to indicate the point of origin
or source.
 Starting Point in Time: Example: The concert will run from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Explanation: "From" is
used to indicate the starting point in time for a duration.
 Distance or Direction: Example: The library is just a few blocks from here. Explanation: "From" is used to
indicate distance or direction in relation to a point.
 Material or Composition: Example: The table is made from wood. Explanation: "From" is used to indicate
the material or composition of an object.
 Separation or Removal: Example: I need a break from work. Explanation: "From" is used to indicate
separation or a break from a specific activity.

 Source of Information: Example: I heard the news from a reliable source. Explanation: "From" is used to
indicate the source of information.
 Cause or Reason: Example: She is suffering from a cold. Explanation: "From" is used to indicate the cause or
reason for a condition.
 Reference Point in Time: Example: He has been working here from 2010. Explanation: "From" is used to
indicate a reference point in time for the duration of an activity.
 Exclusion or Not Including: Example: I want to separate the red apples from the green ones. Explanation:
"From" is used to indicate exclusion or the act of separating one thing from another.
 Expression of Comparison: Example: She is different from her sister. Explanation: "From" is used to express
a comparison between two things.

5. The preposition "in" is one of the most versatile prepositions in English and is used in various contexts. Here
are some common uses with examples:
 Location or Place: Example: The cat is in the box. Explanation: "In" is used to indicate location or place
within an enclosed space.
 Time: Example: She will be back in an hour. Explanation: "In" is used to indicate a point in future time or
a period within which an action will occur.
 Inclusion or Membership: Example: She is in the choir. Explanation: "In" is used to indicate inclusion or
membership in a group or organization.
 Surroundings: Example: The air is thick with humidity in the jungle. Explanation: "In" is used to
describe the surroundings or environment.
 Means or Instrument: Example: He wrote a letter in pencil. Explanation: "In" is used to indicate the
means or instrument used for an action.
 State or Condition: Example: She is in a good mood. Explanation: "In" is used to describe a person's
state or condition.
 Category or Type: Example: I am interested in science. Explanation: "In" is used to indicate a category or
type of interest.
 Language: Example: The book is written in English. Explanation: "In" is used to indicate the language in
which something is expressed.
 Movement or Direction: Example: They are going in the same direction. Explanation: "In" is used to
indicate movement or direction.
 Container or Surrounding Shape: Example: She found a ring in the jewellery box. Explanation: "In" is
used to indicate being contained within a space or a surrounding shape.
 Expression of Measurement: Example: The room is 10 feet in length. Explanation: "In" is used to
express measurement, dimension, or size.

 Manner or Style: Example: He spoke in a confident manner. Explanation: "In" is used to describe the
manner or style in which something is done.

6. The preposition "of" is a versatile word in English and is used in various contexts. Here are some common
uses with examples:
 Possession: Example: The book of Mary is on the shelf. Explanation: "Of" is used to indicate possession or
 Origin or Source: Example: A cup of coffee. Explanation: "Of" is used to indicate the origin or source of
 Material Composition: Example: A ring made of gold. Explanation: "Of" is used to indicate the material or
composition of an object.
 Content or Substance: Example: A glass of water. Explanation: "Of" is used to indicate the content or
substance of something.
 Description or Characteristic: Example: The city of lights. Explanation: "Of" is used to describe a
characteristic or quality.
 Relationship: Example: A friend of mine. Explanation: "Of" is used to indicate a relationship or association.
 Partitive or Quantity: Example: A group of people. Explanation: "Of" is used to indicate a partitive
relationship or quantity.
 Cause or Reason: Example: Tired of waiting. Explanation: "Of" is used to indicate the cause or reason for a
feeling or action.
 Measurement or Dimension: Example: A height of 6 feet. Explanation: "Of" is used to express
measurement, dimension, or size.
 Time: Example: The beginning of the movie. Explanation: "Of" is used to indicate a point in time.
 Belonging to a Category: Example: The capital of France. Explanation: "Of" is used to indicate belonging to
a specific category or group.
 Source or Origin in Authorship: Example: The works of Shakespeare. Explanation: "Of" is used to indicate
the source or origin in terms of authorship.
7. The preposition "on" is used in various contexts in English. Here are some common uses with examples:
Surface or Location: Example: The cat is on the table. Explanation: "On" is used to indicate a specific surface or
 Days and Dates: Example: We will meet on Monday. Explanation: "On" is used to indicate days of the
week or specific dates.
 Attached or Positioned: Example: The picture is hanging on the wall. Explanation: "On" is used to
indicate attachment or being positioned.

 Contact or Connection: Example: She put a note on my desk. Explanation: "On" is used to indicate
contact or connection.
 Based on a Topic or Theme: Example: A book on history. Explanation: "On" is used to indicate the topic
or theme of something.
 Engaged in an Activity: Example: I'm working on my project. Explanation: "On" is used to indicate
engagement in an activity or task.
 Means of Transportation: Example: He is on the bus. Explanation: "On" is used to indicate the means of
 Supported or Resting: Example: The cup is on the saucer. Explanation: "On" is used to indicate support
or resting.
 Expressions of Time: Example: I will call you on the weekend. Explanation: "On" is used in expressions
of time, such as "on the weekend" or "on time."
 Television or Radio: Example: I saw the news on TV. Explanation: "On" is used to indicate a medium,
such as television or radio.
 Based on a Plan or Schedule: Example: We are on schedule. Explanation: "On" is used to indicate
adherence to a plan or schedule.
 State or Condition: Example: He is on fire with enthusiasm. Explanation: "On" is used to express a state
or condition.
8. The preposition "to" is one of the most common prepositions in English and is used in various contexts. Here
are some common uses with examples:
 Direction or Movement: Example: She is going to the store. Explanation: "To" is used to indicate the
direction or movement toward a place.
 Indicating a Recipient: Example: I gave the gift to her. Explanation: "To" is used to indicate the recipient of
an action or object.
 Purpose or Intention: Example: She went to the library to study. Explanation: "To" is used to indicate the
purpose or intention behind an action.
 Extent or Duration: Example: I worked from 9 to 5. Explanation: "To" is used to indicate the extent or
duration of an action.
 Comparison: Example: He is tall compared to his brother. Explanation: "To" is used to express a comparison
between two things.
 Addition or Inclusion: Example: She added sugar to her coffee. Explanation: "To" is used to indicate
addition or inclusion.
 In Relation to: Example: This is the key to success. Explanation: "To" is used to indicate a relationship or

 Limit or Range: Example: The temperature ranged from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. Explanation: "To" is used
to indicate a limit or range.
 Attitude or Reaction: Example: She is friendly to everyone. Explanation: "To" is used to express attitude or
reaction toward someone or something.
 Belonging or Possession: Example: This book belongs to the library. Explanation: "To" is used to indicate
belonging or possession.
 Giving or Offering: Example: I presented a gift to him. Explanation: "To" is used to indicate giving or
offering something.
 Expressing a Ratio: Example: The ratio of boys to girls is 2:1. Explanation: "To" is used to express a ratio or
9. The preposition "with" is used in various contexts in English. Here are some common uses with examples:
 Accompaniment: Example: She went to the park with her friends. Explanation: "With" is used to indicate the
company or accompaniment of someone or something.
 Instrument or Means: Example: He wrote a letter with a pen. Explanation: "With" is used to indicate the
instrument or means by which an action is performed.
 Having or Possession: Example: She is a woman with great talent. Explanation: "With" is used to indicate
possession or a characteristic.
 Together or Combined: Example: Let's make a sandwich with cheese and ham. Explanation: "With" is used
to indicate things that are combined or used together.
 Manner or Method: Example: She approached the problem with caution. Explanation: "With" is used to
indicate the manner or method in which an action is carried out.
 Relation or Association: Example: He is a professor with expertise in linguistics. Explanation: "With" is used
to indicate a relation or association.
 Feeling or Emotion: Example: He looked at her with love in his eyes. Explanation: "With" is used to express
a feeling or emotion.
 Using or Employing: Example: She painted the picture with watercolours. Explanation: "With" is used to
indicate the tool or medium used in creating something.
 Condition or State: Example: He came in with a smile on his face. Explanation: "With" is used to indicate the
condition or state accompanying an action.
 Support or Assistance: Example: She provided him with advice. Explanation: "With" is used to indicate
support or assistance.
 Against: Example: He fought with courage against all odds. Explanation: "With" is used to indicate
opposition or resistance against something.
 Distance or Separation: Example: The house is equipped with a backyard. Explanation: "With" is used to
indicate a certain distance or separation.

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