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Location: Veritas University, Abuja.

Name: Doreen Chioma Mbonu

Contact Details: 3 Bauchi Street, Gwarinpa Estate


Category: Tertiary


I am a female with a unique identity,

My identity shapes who I become,
A friend, sister, aunt, a role model and poet,
It brings joy and sorrow upon me,
This makes up who I truly am,
But being a female matters most dear,
I’m proud to be a female with all I am and I’ve done,
It’s such a big part of me and it’s who I am,
I know I’ll face challenges but I’ll never run.
As a female I faced challenges but I have found strength in my identity,
My experiences makes me who I am,
My perspective is as a result of my experiences,
I am strong, resilient and determined even if the world looks down on me.
No matter what I’ll stand tall, experiences has made me wiser,
It’s not only about my body but mind, heart and soul.
Life has taught me to value myself and to stand up for what I believe in,
Even if you doubt me, I know my worth and strength.

Being a female means resilience, compassionate and strength.

I’m proud of womanhood because of my perseverance,
You can view me as wgiceak but I know my strength,
I stand alongside other females united in our strength,
Our voices together are stronger than any obstacle,
We lift each other which makes us soar,
With our voices we can show the world our worth,
Let’s be heard and seen for who we truly are,
Strengths undeniable power unbreakable voices unshakable,
No matter the challenge we rise above.

I’m more than just biology or experiments carried out,

Am important to the world, a rare gem,
I prove myself every day to show you my worth,
But I’m looked down on, why?
Develop me to show you my true potentials,
But you find it hard, or is it because of what society says about me?
Yes, I’m vulnerable but still give me a chance to prove myself,
You lay up excuses because of the pile of trash that’s in your head,
It’s deceived you and conceived your mind that am worthless,
Train me, do not delay me, a future awaits us all only if you understand,
Clock is ticking, birds are chirping and all are watching,
Times are changing, open your eyes to see who I truly am,
But you’re all wrong, I will prove to you I’ll make it big someday.

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