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Her Love for her Rival

This story evolves around a girl, experiencing the taste of the crucial world
between her life and herself, by overcoming it, she loved her greatest rival and
they became one.

There was once a time where in her childhood days, she was a depressed
person because of her parents. From that time she knew life was challenging
her, at her lowest point of life she remained strong despite the circumstances of
life that she experienced. It was that time when she thought to end her life and
give up everything when there’s no one in her life who could be there for her to
go on after every pain she felt. At that time, she hated life so much that in
every challenge of life that she’d encounter , she felt so hopeless to overcome it.
She was an immature, attention seeker, loner, judgmental, selfish and a toxic
person at that time. She failed to take many opportunities which made her to
have lack of experiences. She thought that being above someone would feed
her ego. She lived in a toxic beliefs at that time, but then, she is learning, she
had many realizations, everything feels so wrong for her and made her
confused about things and chose to stay quiet for a while and observed life .
And that’s how life fed her up to become someone who seeks the validation of
success and become more better for her self.
When she has no one to rely on, she chose to tuned down all her media and
chose to open up to her notes instead of people because only her could
understand what really is inside her, she wrote what she felt and reflected from
it like, she realized, “oh so this is the real me inside” And that’s how she
started knowing her real self and started to love who she really is by seeing the
beauty inside her that looked like an unbloomed flower before, and now she’s
still blooming on her own.

As life goes on, she learned, reflected on her own, observed many people
around her. As her being an observant person, she learned to reflect her own
personality by using other people’s experiences in life which make her to be a
sympathetic person.
Life taught her many lessons and it became her reason to go on. As she grows,
she learned how should life goes on, by realizing that, she accepted to live the
life despite having hard times coping with it. From that, she learned to live her
life to the fullest by taking and trying many opportunities, she realized that
embracing the uncertainties of life would help a person to be independent and
grow from her own. We know life is unbearable at times but as we continue to
understand how it should be coped up, our life and our selves will become one,
that’s how we realized how life’s go on. They say, love yourself before everything
else and that’s how you would be able to connect to life.

A rival is someone whom you would compete up of something, just like how
she lived her life; where she would compete whether to give up or choose to go
on. Love your competitors just like how you love the game, you know, our
greatest rival is our life , as we choose to understand it, We would know how to
continue our life and not just embrace how uncertain it is. That’s how we
would understand to live from it.

She has many reasons to give up yet she chose to go on despite fighting alone
on her own against her crucial rival, why? Because that’s how a real fighter
fight, she stand on her own, face her own rival even with or without others
help, and will never give up until the very end no matter how rough the
competition is, remember, never be afraid to fight alone.
No matter how life would come after you, never choose to give up and be
vulnerable from it, It’s okay to have breakdowns, to cry and to complain from it
as long as you stick to what you promised to yourself from the very start. At
the end of the day, the uncertainness of life can never beat you. Also never
forget to thank God, because we all know that he has his purpose to put us in
the most difficult situations in life, also for us to learn because that’s the
reason why he never granted a perfect life; for us to learn from our own
mistakes and grow from it.

One thing she learned the most was to live her life to the fullest and don’t let
trials and tribulations of life eat her beliefs, instead, she took it as a lesson to
move forward and not a reason to give up. As we grow on, we only have to two
choices; to live life to the fullest or to waste every moment of it, and she chose
to live it to the fullest because as we all know that we only live once to waste
every moment of it. It taught her that every moment she seeks from life, she
can’t always have it; but with patience, virtue, and confidence of one’s person
to face the challenges, displeasures, and consequences in pursuing it, that
kind of person will always win in life without hesitation. And from all the
experiences she had been through, despite the circumstances of life, giving up
is never her choice to live her life, and all that courage she has, it became her
reason to move forward, and I’m proud to say that “SHE” is me.

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