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SEMESTER 2 2022/2023











Group Members’ Profile Photos






1.0 Introduction

In a world where the rhythm of life is complemented by the beats of music, the demand
for seamless and efficient concert experiences has never been greater. Our project endeavors to
bridge the gap between music aficionados and their favorite live performances by introducing an
innovative Concert Ticket Reservation System. This system is providing event organizers and
attendees with a comprehensive platform that streamlines the reservation and ticket purchase
process. As the appetite for live events continues to grow, our project aims to be at the forefront
of this evolution, offering a technologically advanced and user-friendly solution that not only
simplifies ticket transactions but also enhances the overall accessibility and enjoyment of live
music events. This proposal outlines the key objectives, features, and benefits of our Concert
Ticket Reservation System.

In this proposal, we will highlight the importance of managing the database management
for concert ticket management and the advantages of using a proper computerized database over
a conventional approach to raw data storage will be emphasized in this proposal. Aside from
that, our team will demonstrate how a reliable database can assist us in gathering data, analyzing
it, and producing better reports so that the clothes business can make better judgments in the
future. Additionally, the suggested system will free up the administrator to add, remove, update,
and calculate data as well as deliver summaries and calculations based on predetermined criteria
without having to manually alter the data that is saved.

Our team's overall goal is to create and execute a strong database system for concert
ticket reservations in order to improve inventory accuracy, automate repetitive processes, and
produce previously hidden derived information. As a result, our team will demonstrate the need
of completely optimizing the advantages database system of clothes retailers and hope to be able
to offer verifiable proof of its effectiveness in contrast to when employing a conventional
approach of data organization.

2.0 Data Requirements

2.1 Customer User Views of Concert Ticket Reservation System

2.1.1 Customers
The system refers to people who are interested in reserving concert tickets as customers. To be
classified as a customer, a person must first register with the system. The data stored on
customers are CustomerId, name, address, phone number and email. The customers may choose
to reserve a ticket and are allowed to reserve multiple tickets. They don’t have any limits on how
many tickets they can reserve at once. The CustomerId is unique and cannot belong to different

2.1.2 Concert/Event
A concert is organized by organizers. Each concert offers a lot of performances by registered
performers. The data stored for each concert includes the ConcertId, date, start time, end time
and hall ID where it is held. A concert should have at least one performer performing. It also
allows performances from many performers. If a concert is to be held, it produces a lot of tickets
but a ticket can only belong to only a single

2.1.3 Seating
Each hall has its capacity, which can be seen by the number of seatings available. The seating
shows the position of seats in a certain hall. Each hall has multiple seats which data saved are
seat id, row number, and number. Each seat can belong to multiple tickets because the halls can
have multiple concerts.

2.1.4 Ticket
The details of a ticket to a concert are stored depending on the generation of tickets. A ticket is
generated for any customer who successfully reserved a seat for a concert. To generate a ticket, a
customer must choose a concert and seat. A ticket should belong to only one customer and
cannot be duplicated. The price of the ticket will also be calculated and kept within the database.

2.2 Organizer User Views of Concert Ticket Reservation System
2.2.1 Organizers
The system refers to the organizers as people who are in charge of creating or holding the
concert. Each organizer may be able to hold many concerts at a single time. However, each
concert can only be organized by one organizer at a time. Each organizer is also required to
manage at least one hall. When registering as an organizer, Organizer ID, name, phone number,
email and address are recorded in case anything related to the concert happens.

2.2.2 Customers
The system refers to people who are interested in reserving concert tickets as customers. To be
classified as a customer, a person must first register with the system. The data stored on
customers are CustomerId, name, address, phone number and email. The customers may choose
to reserve a ticket and are allowed to reserve multiple tickets. They don’t have any limits on how
many tickets they can reserve at once. The CustomerId is unique and cannot belong to different

2.2.3 Performer
Those who are referred to as Performers are people or groups of people interested in performing
in a concert held by the organizers. Any groups interested in performing in a concert held by the
organizers must be registered by the system first to obtain a unique ID. A registered performer
may be involved in many concerts. The data stored for the performers include Performer ID,
name, contact number and number of members.

2.2.4 Concert/Event
A concert is organized by organizers. Each concert offers a lot of performances by registered
performers. The data stored for each concert includes the ConcertId, date, start time, end time
and hall ID where it is held. A concert should have at least one performer performing. It also
allows performances from many performers. If a concert is to be held, it produces a lot of tickets
but a ticket can only belong to only a single

2.2.5 Hall
The organizers prepared several halls to hold the concerts. The hall can accommodate one
concert and has many seating available. The data stored in the hall is the hall ID, name, location
and capacity. At the same time, a hall can be managed by a single organizer at a time so it stays
maintained at all times.

2.2.6 Seating
Each hall has its capacity, which can be seen by the number of seatings available. The seating
shows the position of seats in a certain hall. Each hall has multiple seats which data saved are

seat id, row number, and number. Each seat can belong to multiple tickets because the halls can
have multiple concerts.

2.2.7 Ticket
The details of a ticket to a concert are stored depending on the generation of tickets. A ticket is
generated for any customer who successfully reserved a seat for a concert. To generate a ticket, a
customer must choose a concert and seat. A ticket should belong to only one customer and
cannot be duplicated. The price of the ticket will also be calculated and kept within the database.

3.0 Transaction Requirement

3.1 User View: Customer

3.1.1 Data Entry

- Enter the details of a new customer (E.g. details of Elle Fanning)
- Enter the details of a new booking (E.g. details of booking of a ticket number T01 booked
by Elle Fanning)

3.1.2 Data Update/Deletion

- Update or delete the details of a customer
- Update or delete the details of ticket booking

3.1.3 Data Queries

- Display the details of a customer alphabetically
- List the details of tickets booked by specific customer
- Identify payment status of given ticket
- List the bookings of specific customer that booked more than given number
- Identify the amount of tickets booked by a customer
- List the tickets that cost lower than given price at given performer that doesn’t perform

3.2 User View: Organizer

3.2.1 Data Entry

- Enter the details of a new concert (E.g. details of concert number C01)
- Enter the details of a new performer (E.g. details of singer Maye)
- Enter the details of the hall to hold the concert (E.g. detail of hall number H01 where
concert performed by Maye will be held)
- Enter the details of seats of the hall (E.g. detail of seat S01 of hall H01)
- Enter the details of a new ticket (E.g. details of tickets for seat in the hell which will held
concert number C01)

3.2.2 Data Update/Deletion

- Update or delete concert details
- Update or delete ticket details at given concert
- Update or delete performer details
- Update or delete seat details at given hall or concert

3.2.3 Data Queries

- List the concert held at given date
- Identify the seat available at a given concert.
- List the performers that perform at given concert number
- Identify the amount of performance any performer has done.
- Identify the amount of ticket booked at a given concert number
- List the concerts that each performer who has performed at more than average of given
number of concerts.
- List the seats availability of a given hall or concert.

4.0 Conclusion

In a nutshell, the proposed suggestion of producing a proper database management for

concert ticket reservation management system will provide abundant benefits to both parties
which are the customers alongside with the event organizers. One of the most obvious
advantages of implementing a database concert ticket reservation management system is to help
to improve overall efficiency. The database concert ticket management system will help event
organizers to alter the data available in the database freely without having to change other
affected data one by one since by using the database, most of the update processes are fully
Other than that, using a database management to keep a great quantity of data helps to
prevent the loss of data. By storing data for the concert ticket reservation system using a
traditional method or without a proper database can lead to loss of data or redundancy. The
purpose of applying database management to the concert ticket reservation is to prevent this
particular problem.
Last but not least, creating a database management system can aid the event organizers to
gain new insight. Storing data in a database can help the organizers to make wise decisions such
as which month has the most customers, which seats are the most popular, which hour has the
most online traffic jams etc. This data which couldn’t be gained from naked data can be
extremely important to the event organizers.
Our group hopes to be able to implement database management to concert ticket
reservation systems to unlock more hidden potential in keeping data for the concert ticket
reservation system and to empower event organizers to reach new heights and deliver more
exceptional events in the future.

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