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However, today it seems that the "thank you" culture has been gradually forgotten.

Maybe it's
because people have to go with the flow of life, live faster, more hurriedly, and easily let go of things
they think are trivial, unnecessary including the word "thank you". Sometimes when they receive the
help they just nod to indicate that they have received or understood. This is very evident in the upper
and lower relationships: parents and children, bosses and employees, etc. Maybe they think saying
thank you will lower their position or affect something. Because it's so trivial. Have you ever
wondered “when you do something to help someone, what do you expect to receive from it?”, is it a
gift or the money that they will pay back to you? I am sure the things that will come to mind are the
two words "thank you".

Then why don't you say thank you to the people who are ready to help you at any time? More
importantly, saying "thank you" means that you have a very good sense of self, respect for others and
yourself, courageously admit your mistakes, and appreciate the help of others. In life, saying "thank
you" is not a difficult thing at all. But those very close and simple words have gradually become
unfamiliar to each of us. How happy it is to hear a thank you from someone when you've just helped
them, but sadly not a single word has been sent to you. A thank you, even a simple form of politeness
becomes too difficult to say.

Each human only lives once, let's try to improve ourselves, become virtuous people, know how to say
thank you at the right time and right place, and strive to be good citizens of society.

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