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“Life is Short”

Life is frequently characterized as a brief trip, punctuated by the passage of

time. Our time here is simply a blink in the vast scheme of things, a murmur in
the wind. It serves as a poignant reminder of our passing and an exhortation to
savor each moment while it lasts.

Life is short, which emphasizes how important it is to live intentionally and

with purpose. Every day is a priceless gift that gives us the chance to follow
our passions, treasure our relationships, and make a difference in the world.
We are forced to prioritize what is important and to concentrate on the things
that offer us joy and contentment when we recognize that our time is limited.

However, the idea that life is fleeting can also cause regret and anxiety. It
makes us stop and consider how we spend our days, asking ourselves if we
are getting the most out of it or wasting it on pointless activities. It acts as a
sobering reminder that we cannot promise tomorrow, therefore we must live
in the now and not look back.
Furthermore, the fleeting nature of life emphasizes the need of appreciation
and thankfulness. Every dawn, every belly laugh, every emotional moment
spent with loved ones becomes a priceless memory to be treasured. We learn
to appreciate these moments, see the beauty in the commonplace, and show
thanks for the blessings we have when we accept the transient aspect of life.

We are urged to live fully and truthfully, to embrace the present, to seek
connection and significance in everything we do, and to acknowledge the
transience of life. Because in the end, what counts are the richness of our
memories and the depth of our experiences, not the number of days we have
left on earth. Since life is brief but has endless potential for beauty and
amazement, let's welcome each day with open minds and hearts.

My Aim in Life

Life without aim is useless, aimless and pointless. Life is a great blessing of
God. It should be spent on a purpose, with certain aim. Otherwise, there will
be no difference between the life of man and that of animals

Life is olden times was simple. Man had to hunt for food, nothing more. But
now is a different time. We have new challenges to meet. We have new
problems to solve. So, one should be ready for all these things. One can face
life and its problems with a plan. Without a plan, life would be difficult to lead.

I want to become a teacher. The question is why so. There are many other
professions. One can be a doctor, earning a lot of rupees daily. One can be an
engineer, getting thousands of rupees as salary. One can be a shop- seeper
earning lots of profits. One can also be a trader, selling things and earning lots
of profits. Why then a teacher?

I want to become a teacher because I love this profession. Not only that I love
it, but also for its greatness. I know teachers in our country are low-paid. I also
know that people don't think this profession as a great one They think that
teachers are merely teachers, with no high status in life.

I admit, teachers are not given proper status in our society. But, all the same,
I like this profession. I think teaching is the highest job to do. It is because
teachers bring light of knowledge in the lives of the people. They take them
out of ignorance. They teach them good values.
This is what I think, I believe. In my opinion, a poor literate man isbetter than
an illiterate rich man. So, that is why I want to be a teacher. This is my aim in


Trust that the future can still be beautiful even if it looks different than what
you were expecting. Trust that even here, more is unfolding beyond what you
have been able to see. Even when things have changed.

You may not be able to be everything to everyone, but you can still be
everything you were meant to be by choosing to be present and ready to grow
at every place on the journey. You do not miss out on what is meant for you
when someone says 'no' to you. You have not missed out on being able to
know Love and Peace just because all that fell apart this year. You are still
here, and this matters more than you know. You are going to have more
opportunities to live, to learn, to grow.

Years from now, you won't remember every conversation, every thought or
everything you accomplished, but I hope you remember the times you bravely
chose to love. I hope you remember that when times were hard, you found
courage to not give up. I hope you don't just remember the people who left,
but the ones who stuck around. I hope you remember that even after the
longest nights, morning Light found you, somehow. I hope you always
remember that all along, through everything that was changing, you were
changing, too.

So if you have to say goodbye to something or someone, I hope you can trust
that in time, you will be fine. Not perfect, but fine, and years down the line, life
will be different, but still beautiful. You will still be whole. Even if you're living
somewhere different. Working something different. In a community or in a
relationship you never could have even imagined could be possible.

Wonders of science

In the past, science was not so developedit is today. Peoplewere solely

dependent on the mercy of God. But, today thesituation has got completely
changed. Now the wonders ofscience are visible everywhere. Our present
civilization may becalled a successive development of science. Science has
removedsuperstitions. It has removed suffering.

The development of science has made our life secured. In thepast, people
suffered from various fatal diseases. But now thedevelopment of Medical
Science made diseases curable. There wasa time when countless people
died of plague' and cholera'. Theydied uncared. These diseases were
incurable then. But thesituation has changed now. Lots of medicines and
methods oftreatment are available for various diseases. X-ray machine
andother tools for better treatment is really a wonder of science.

Science has played a remarkable rolethe field of transportalso. A few hundred

years ago traveling was a difficult task.People often traveled on foot or on the
horseback. But todayscience has developed the fastest means of traveling.
Motorbike,Car, Jeep, Bus, Truck, Train, Ship, and Aeroplane have
madetraveling very easy and comfortable. All these are the gifts ofscience.

The invention of wireless, the radio, the telephone, the computer,and

television has solved the problems of time and distance. Nowthe journey to
Mars and the landing on the moon are possible dueto the wonder of science.
Science has made cameras, watch,tanks, bombs, rockets, missiles, etc. All
these are wonders ofscience. Today life cannot be imagined without these


Loving yourself, self love, that is what everyone recommends when you are
looking for love in your life. And no matter how cliché it sounds, loving
yourself is not only a way to accept yourself, but also to set your norms and
values. Know what you are worth.

Know what you are worth, know how you are put together, what your good and
bad qualities are, how you like to see yourself, how you like to hold on,
comfort and support yourself. Love yourself before you allow someone else.
Learn from your past, from your mistakes, accept your mistakes, and grow.
You are your past, you are your present, you are your mistakes and your
lessons. You are yourself, you develop, you want to grow and you want to feel
worthy, you want people to treat you with dignity. And that's why you love
yourself. You love yourself, to be able to give that same love and to be able to
expect from someone else.

If you love yourself, accept yourself and respect yourself, you know how you
should be treated. Then you discover a love, one that you understand, one
that supports you and comforts where necessary. Love that complements
you instead of shading.
Gender Stereotypes in the Media

One of the most vital warnings within Miss Representation is how the media
affects men and women as a society. Unfortunately the media plays a crucial
role in acting as the messenger to society and an increasingly powerful one at
that. Mainstream media bombards children and adults alike with
overwhelming messages that women should be beautiful and sexy, while men
should be powerful and often violent. These messages limit children's ideas
of what is possible in the world and can have damaging effects on their self-
esteem, health, and the way they treat others.

Socially constructed ideas of beauty are placed on our children at an

extremely young age and these images are nearly unavoidable to every eye.
Wherever one turns there are images, messages and billboards about what it
is to be beautiful and how necessary it is to American society. Young woman
and even young girls are developing a negative body image of themselves
through the accumulation of images that the media and society have on
display. Adolescents begin learning a negative body image at a young age and
from late adolescence on eventually can view themselves as objects to be
valued by others, which in turn is generally men. These outcomes of self-
objectification can be poor task performance, lower self-esteem, decreased
intrinsic motivation, and eating disorders.

Today's media can be viewed as a factor that plays a central role in the
promotion and maintenance of eating disorders. These sociocultural
pressures include the slender ideal body image espoused for women. This
acts as the centrality of appearance in the female gender role and the
importance of appearance for women's societal success. Whether it is thin
women in scantily clad clothing in movies to represent seduction or
advertisement of weight loss in commercials featuring a perky and thin
woman, this societal obsession with weight has become.

Healthy Meals are Essential in Everyday life

Food is necessity but eating healthy food will ensure a longand fulfilled life.
Everyone should eat healthier food so ourbodies get energised and fit. Also,
healthy food will garter along but healthy life.

Lots of people dream of being more active and fit, butexperiment can only
take you a part of the way. Diets willaffect the way bodies grow, according to
what is eaten andwithout all the necessary nutrients and vitamins, people
canget ill easily. The nutrients in healthy food provide the energy our body
needs and eventually eating healthier will become apart of everyday life.
Healthy eating will not only ensure a fitand energised body but also a long and
healthy life.

For some people life is very short and they don't haveamazing opportunities or
the chance for an extended life. Toensure a long and happy, healthier food
diets will go a longway. The food ingested by our bodies either convertsfat
orenergy. Since health food contains a lot of energy, people canbe garunteed
with a longer life. Eating healthy food will onehundred percent sure you a long
and satisfied life.

Some people may argue that junk food, though unhealthy, is atreat for bodies.
However eating junk food will break theconsistently of your food balance,
therefore your body willturn all the energy into fat.

Heatlty food is vital for both the body, mind and soul. Beingenergised and
living a healthy life are only a few of thebenefits of eating healthier. Eating
healthy is only one steptowards self improvement and a better version of you!

Reading and Writing Skills
(Patterns of Development Writing II)
Submitted to: Ms. Lilibeth S. Tenila
Submitted by: Jhon Ray S. Abiso

Table of Contents:

A. Contrasting................1
B. Comparing..................2
C. Cause & Effect.............3
D. Effect to Cause...................4
E. Problem Solution...............5
F. Process analysis texts and.........6
G. Informative..............7

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