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SOME of these sentences contain mistakes related to subordinate nominal clauses.

mistakes and CORRECT them .JUSTIFY your correction.

1) I noticed how his clothes were worn and shabby.

2) How can I convince you of that he is a liar?

3) That he should say such a thing seems unlikely.

4) We do it in time is essential.

5) Your suggestion , we go to see them right away, is not viable.

6) I wonder if you are really enjoying yourself.

7) He left without saying good-bye I can’t believe.

8) I can’t tell you why to say you will do it.

9) I forgot to tell you how wonderful a day we spent there.

10) I’m not certain of what to do.

11) His suggestion we could spend the night there was not clearly expressed.

12) They want to know if or not you can come.

13) It’s a pity he came late.

14) Everything depends on if he manages to get here on time.

15) He should think me capable of that astonishes me.

16) If you can solve this problem is for you to tell.

17) I asked myself who could have been that strange man.

18) He claims that he is an expert on the subject.

19) The question would be if he is willing to take on the job.

20) They want to know if or not you can come.

21) The fact which you haven’t enough time is no excuse.

22) He hotly denied the rumour which he had been visited by the police in connection with the
recent crime.

23) What a pity you hate swimming in cold water! It’s a lovely day for a swim.

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