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can't talk about education because our education is different


Sometimes, people badmouth our education in Africa.



I was in a discussion group and suddenly it started. A girl

came up with the idea of talking about where we come from,
everyone talking about their cultures and what happens in
each region or in our tribes. there were a lot of us but
unfortunately for me I was the only African in the group.
but at first, I was at ease without any worries until it
happened. Everyone started talking in turn and I was the
last person who had to talk about my origins or my culture. I
felt inferior but I didn't take it seriously. there were
Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish, German, Brazilian, Italian,
African (just me. and on the other hand, I was the only one
in the group. I felt inferior but I didn't take it seriously.
there were Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish, Germans,
Brazilians, Italians, Africans (just me.) and we were all girls
in this discussion group. when my turn came and I started
talking about how education is in Africa, how we do things
in Africa, our habits, our lifestyles, our behavior, our
clothes. I started by hearing words like: (savages, dogs,
animals, how can we live like that, words not possible.) I
stopped talking and without knowing how I started crying.
in addition, in our class I was the first in all subjects and it is
this education, this culture that they are denigrating which
made me who I am today this culture which allowed what I
am first in all classes. What is the point of convincing
someone to do something but with lies? If I knew from the
start, I would never enter this discussion group. and I
believe that the law prohibits any form of racist now. but the
question I ask myself is that if I had denounced his
daughters will they be punished by the law?

In this life, it is not by breaking the law that we commit

injustice. but we can also commit injustice in thought, by
action, by our words, and even by our behavior.

I would like my readers, after reading my story, to

understand that nowadays injustice is found in our everyday
lives. Just thinking badly about something positive or about
someone is injustice. I would like my readers to ask the
question whether they are not committing injustice in their
everyday lives? ask themselves questions to see if they are on
the right track. I would also like to make my readers
understand that something that will make us angry that we
would not like someone to do to us but we do the same thing
to someone else is also injustice. Let’s just learn to treat
everyone as we would like someone to treat us and even
animals because they too suffer injustice sometimes.

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