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"Either we get to the top together, or no one gets there.


Nominated for three Oscars, the movie
is brilliant in its simplicity and narrative sensitivity.
"A clear example of mental fortitude and feminine power in all its
splendor." - Alexa L.

Between 1954 - 1968 the movement for civil rights in the

United States was a long struggle, and mainly pacifist
(because they didn't use the violence), this with the purpose
of full access to civil rights and equality before the law for
groups that did not have them, on the all to African -
American citizens. However, the civil rights movement had no
progress in its early days. Katherine Johnson not only marked
the nation for her help in expand the borders of space while
making tremendous strides that also opened the door for
women and people of color in the universal quest to explore
La película se relaciona con la their borders, follow their dreams and goals. People who
materia de Taller de Matemáticas
didn't have oportunities because the color of their skin.
por la necesidad de incluir
operaciones tan precisas como el People who did not have the access, even in the library. She
hilar una aguja. Desde emplear played an inportant rol, because her dedication and skill as a
formulas para una trayectoria mathematician helped bring man to the moon and before
espacial perfecta, hasta calcular that made it possible for astronauts to took the first steps in
los segundos en que el motor de
la nave espacial esta listo para
Space. If not for the courage, leadership, strength and
partir. Como dicen, el espacio y achievements of these brilliant women, what was previously
las matemáticas no pueden only a dream didn't have been achieved. They called her "The
separarse. human Computer".
"The knowledge is power, the power
"Just its the way, doesnt make it right." does not mean knowledge."
"In my mind we already travel to space." - Melany Valeria

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