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For the book talk I will do all of RA and come back to Sebastian.

1. Title and author (information about the author)

a. The Ranger's Apprentice: The ruins of Gorlan and Sebastian: A Book about
2. Illustrator (name and a little information, if appropriate)
a. For Sebastian: Also illustrated by Jeanette Winter
3. Statement of theme if appropriate
a. For Sebastian(taken from the book): “Describes how Johann Sebastion Bach
survived the sorrows of his childhood and composed the music the world has
come to love”
b. For Ranger Apprentice: The start of the story of Will and Horace, two boys who
lost their parents early in life and how they began their journeys to help others and
do good for the world.
4. Introductions to characters if appropriate
a. RA: Will and Horace: : The start of the story of Will and Horace, two boys who
lost their parents early in life and how they began their journeys to help others and
do good for the world. Even as they find that the things they thought they wanted
to do in life are either not possible or more difficult than they thought.
b. Sebastian: Johann Sebastian Bach, his wife Anna and his brother
Chistolpher .
5. Introduction to plot action if appropriate
a. RA: Included in the intro to characters, since they is barely a plot in the first book
6. Introduction to topic and information if appropriate
a. RA: Fantasy book, information covered in other sections
b. Sebastian: A decent introduction to the composers that is suitable for young
children, the books understandably leaves a lot of information out and
simplifies things but it should serve as a great
7. Mention of reviewers’ comments-must be reputable sources
a. For RA, also from Goodreads: “One of my students came up to me on the first
day of school and flat out told me it didn't matter what I did - he just hated
reading. I said, "that's okay, but I just hope you'll find one book you can love." I
handed him a copy of the first Ranger's Apprentice and asked him to try it. He
came back at the end of the week and said, "I still hate reading, but I love this
book! Do you have any more?" What more can I say?”
i. A commonality between some reviews is that the books are a bit violent
(nothing crazy though) but good reads for middle school age kids.
b. For Sebastian, from Goodreads: “A serenely beautiful biography that
recounts how Johann Sebastian Bach overcame obstacles to become a great
composer. Includes a link to the space age—Voyager. We learn of his family
tree and his arduous persistence to become better and better. We learn of his
family tree, including his twenty children, his teaching duties and his
beautiful music, of course. Simple, logical format--Each colorful illustration
is accompanied by a few lines of text.”
8. Display of book
a. I will bring a picture of RA
9. Oral reading from the book to provide readers with a sample of the text
a. “In the Anteroom outside, Will heard the parting sally and felt blood rush to his
cheeks. It was the taunt he hated most, although he had tried to never let Horace
know that, sensing that he would provide the bigger boy with a weapon if he did.
The truth was, nobody knew Wil’s second name. Nobody knew who his parents
had been. Unlike his yearmates, who had lived in the fief before their parents had
died and whose families histories were known, Will had appeared, virtually out of
nowhere, as a newborn baby. He had been found, wrapped in a small blanket and
placed in a basket, on the steps of the Ward building fifteen years ago. A note had
been attached to the blanket, reading simply “ His mother died in childbirth. His
father died a hero. Please take care of him. His name is Will.”.

10. Display of selected illustrations if picture book

a. Pg
11. A reference to the curriculum where the book contributes to an aspect
a. RA: Text Comprehension: “Students interpret and respond to texts through
application of comprehension strategies.”
b. For Sebastian: Students examine musical sounds as they relate to rhythm, melody,
dynamics, harmony, and form. The book would serve as an introduction to the idea of
12. Why you love it!
a. RA: It’s a great introduction to the fantasy genre for young readers. I think any
middle school age student would absolutely love this book. Its fast pace, chapters
are only about 10 pages each so it gives them plenty of time to put it down and
pick it back up again and it should just altogether be an enjoyable reading
experience for young readers who might enjoy the fantasy genre.
b. Sebastian: A good introduction to one of the best composers ever and a suitable
introduction to the life of the composer. Has a great introduction to various vocab
that will be useful to students in a music class.

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