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Stay in your prime ( the heading)

Health ( main sub-heading)

Career ( main sub-heading)
Routine( main sub-heading)

=mental health

(information which gonna add in the poster)


=free time/hobby
= time with your fav people
=alone time

Sleep= An average teen need 8-10 hours to get enough sleep. Also quality is
important. Getting a significant sleep can recover fast to be able to work well. to
get quality sleep you should
using the electrical devices for 60-90 mins before you go to bed.also try to
control internal clock to go to bed and wake up at the same time everytime.( add
more info or not/your choice)

Diet= You should eat your meals regularly without skipping. should limit your
sugary drink intake. you eat more green vegetales. ( add more info or not/your
go to the link and take some notes and add. bc i m bored.

mental health= teenagers have higher possiblity to suffer from depression and
emotions chnages because this is the age they are growing . Control your emotion as
strong as you can.
( add more info or not/your choice)

Exercise= everyone should do excercises, such as walking, running, cycling etc....

which is moderate excercises and every teens can do for their health.( add more
info or not/your choice)

Hobby= everyone has hobby for their happiness. do your hobby for your happiness in
your leisure time.( add more info or not/your choice)

Routine= we need personal routine to organize your life. for you sleep,free
time,learning time

Career= you should also focus on your school. to be able to learn and understand
more of your lessons you should follow the fact which mention up above.( add more
info or not/your choice)
Free time= do smth which make you happy in your free time. this is what a free time
is which make you happy and to release your dopamine.( add more info or not/your

time with your fav people= multiple researches have shown that spending time wih
fav people make you happier and also reduce your stress.( add more info or not/your

alone time=Set aside a few minutes each day to be alone with your thoughts — just
10 minutes a day can help.
Silence your electronics and allow yourself to think for a few minutes. If you
aren't used to solitude, it can feel uncomfortable at first.( add more info or
not/your choice)

Disclaimer= all the facts will not be included in the


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