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12/6/23, 8:12 AM ClassMarker - Results

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My group > 2023 - Year 9 ISB > Baseline - Y9 ISB - 2023-24

Saila Hasan

Baseline - Y9 ISB - 2023-24
Points: 23 / 40
Duration: 00:24:55
Date started: Mon 4 Sep '23 11:01
Date finished: Mon 4 Sep '23 11:26


All Questions Correct 19 Partially Correct 1 Incorrect 14

Question 1 of 34 Points:

‫ِبْس ِم الَّلـِه الَّر ْح َم ٰـ ِن الَّر ِح يِم‬

)6( ‫) َو الَّنْج ُم َو الَّشَجُر َيْسُجَداِن‬5( ‫) الَّشْم ُس َو اْلَقَم ُر ِبُحْسَباٍن‬4( ‫) َعَّلَم ُه اْلَبَياَن‬3( ‫) َخ َلَق اِإْل ْنَساَن‬2( ‫) َعَّلَم اْلُقْر َآَن‬1( ‫الَّر ْح َم ُن‬
‫) َو اَأْلْر َض‬9( ‫) َو َأِقيُم وا اْلَو ْز َن ِباْلِقْسِط َو اَل ُتْخ ِسُر وا اْلِم يَز اَن‬8( ‫) َأاَّل َتْط َغْو ا ِفي اْلِم يَز اِن‬7( ‫َو الَّسَم اَء َر َفَعَه ا َو َو َض َع اْلِم يَز اَن‬
)13( ‫) َفِبَأِّي َآاَل ِء َر ِّبُكَم ا ُتَكِّذ َباِن‬12( ‫) َو اْلَح ُّب ُذو اْلَعْصِف َو الَّر ْيَح اُن‬11( ‫) ِفيَها َفاِك َهٌة َو الَّنْخ ُل َذاُت اَأْلْكَم اِم‬10( ‫َو َضَعَها ِلَأْلَناِم‬
)14( ‫َخ َلَق اِإْل ْنَساَن ِم ْن َصْلَصاٍل َكاْلَفَّخ اِر‬
Match the Qur'anic vocabularies below with its correct meaning:

By precise calculation ِ ‫بُح سَباٖن‬

With Justice ‫باۡل ِقۡس ط‬ 1/15
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Favors َ ‫آاَل ِء‬

Barrier َ ‫خ‬ٞ‫بْر ز‬

Question 2 of 34 Points:

Decide from you memorization, the next ayah after the following:
" ‫"َخ َلَق اِإْل ْنَساَن ِم ْن َصْلَصاٍل َكاْلَفَّخ اِر‬
Khalaqal insaana min salsaalin kalfakhkhaar

A. " ‫"َفِبَأِّي َءآاَل ِء َر ِّبُكَم ا ُتَكِّذ َباِن‬

Fabi ayyi aalaaa'i Rabbikumaa tukazzibaan
B. " ‫"َو َخ َلَق ٱۡل َج ٓاَّن ِم ن َّم اِر ٖج ِّم ن َّناٖر‬
Wa khalaqal jaaan mim maarijim min naar
C. " ‫"َمَر َج ٱۡل َبۡح َر ۡي ِن َيۡل َتِقَياِن‬
Marajal bahrayni yalta qiyaan
D. " ‫"َأاَّل َتۡط َغۡو ْا ِفي ٱۡل ِم يَز اِن‬
Allaa tatghaw fil meezaan

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Question 3 of 34 Points:

Match the options below:

One who returns to Allah Penitent (Muneeb) ‫منيب‬

The Preserved Tablet Kitabun Hafiz - ‫كتاب حفيظ‬ 2/15
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Fixed Mountains Rawasiya - ‫رواسى‬

Cracks and Fractures Furuj - ‫فروج‬

Question 4 of 34 Points:

Match the verses with its corresponding meaning

Allah created sun and moon with precise movement ‫الَّشمُس والَقمر ِبٌحْسبِان‬

Allah raised heaven above earth with His power and ‫والَّسماَء رفَعها ووضع الميزان‬
established justice on earth

Allah created Man from dry clay, Pottery ‫خلق اإلنسان من صلصال كالفَّخ ار‬

Allah is the Lord of the two sunrises and the Lord o the ‫رُب المْش رقين ورُب المْغِر بين‬
two sunsets

Question 5 of 34 Points:

What is the number of Surat al Qaf in the Holy Quran?

A. 50
B. 17
C. 60
D. 19

Question 6 of 34 Points:

‫ِبْس ِم الَّلـِه الَّر ْح َم ٰـ ِن الَّر ِح يِم‬ 3/15
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‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬

‫يس ﴿ ﴾ َو اْلُقْر آِن اْلَحِك يِم ﴿ ﴾ ِإَّنَك َلِم َن اْلُمْر َسِليَن ﴿ ﴾ َعَلٰى ِص َر اٍط ُم ْس َتِقيٍم ﴿ ﴾ َتْنِز يَل اْلَعِز يِز الَّر ِح يِم ﴿ ﴾ ِلُتْنِذ َر َقْو ًم ا َم ا ُأْنِذ َر‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫آَباُؤُهْم َفُه ْم َغاِفُلوَن ﴿ ﴾ َلَقْد َحَّق اْلَقْو ُل َعَلٰى َأْك َثِر ِه ْم َفُه ْم اَل ُيْؤ ِم ُنوَن ﴿ ﴾‬

‫‪Match the Qur'anic terms with the right meaning‬‬

‫‪by the wise Qur'an‬‬ ‫َو اْلُقْر َء اِن اْلَح ِكيِم‬

‫)‪(Allah is swearing by the qur'an‬‬

‫‪to warn‬‬ ‫ِلُتنِذ َر‬

‫‪Shackles‬‬ ‫أغالًال‬

‫‪Barrier‬‬ ‫سّدًا‬

‫‪Question 7 of 34‬‬ ‫‪Points:‬‬


‫‪Decide from you memorization, the next ayah after the following‬‬
‫"َو َجَعْلَنا ِم ْن َبْيِن َأْيِديِه ْم َسًّدا َو ِم ْن َخْلِفِه ْم َسًّدا َفَأْغَشْيَناُهْم َفُهْم اَل ُيْبِص ُر وَن "‬
‫‪A.‬‬ ‫ِإَّنَم ا ُتْنِذ ُر َم ِن اَّتَبَع الِّذ ْك َر َو َخ ِش َي الَّر ْح َٰم َن ِباْلَغْيِبۖ َفَبِّشْر ُه ِبَم ْغِفَر ٍة َو َأْج ٍر َكِر يٍم‬

‫‪B.‬‬ ‫َو َسَو اٌء َعَلْيِه ْم َأَأْنَذْر َتُه ْم َأْم َلْم ُتْنِذ ْر ُهْم اَل ُيْؤ ِم ُنوَن‬

‫‪C.‬‬ ‫ِإَّنا َنْح ُن ُنْح ِيي اْلَمْو َتٰى َو َنْكُتُب َم ا َقَّد ُم وا َو آَثاَر ُهْم ۚ َو ُكَّل َشْي ٍء َأْح َصْيَناُه ِفي ِإَم اٍم ُمِبيٍن‬

‫‪D.‬‬ ‫َلَقْد َحَّق اْلَقْو ُل َعَلٰى َأْك َثِر ِه ْم َفُه ْم اَل ُيْؤ ِم ُنوَن‬

‫‪Question 8 of 34‬‬ ‫‪Points:‬‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪4/15‬‬
12/6/23, 8:12 AM ClassMarker - Results

Which messenger was sent towards Nation Aad?

A. Salih AS
B. Nooh AS
C. Hud AS
D. Isa AS

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Question 9 of 34 Points:

Choose the correct meaning of the Quranic word, Al-Azeez Al-Aleem ‫َاْلَعِز يِز َاْلَعِلْيِم‬

A. The Most Sacred / The Most Holy

B. Exalted in Might and Knowledge
C. The Giver of Peace
D. The Great Forgiver

Question 10 of 34 Points:

.‫‏ وأَشار بالّسبابَة واْلُو ْسَطى َو فَّر َج بْينهَم ا شْيئا‬.‫ َأَّن الَّنِبَّي صلى هللا عليه وسلم َقاَل ‏ "‏ َأَنا َو َكاِفُل اْلَيِتيِم في الجَّنة َهَكذا‏"‏‏‬، ‫َعْن َسْهٍل‬

Sahl bin saad (R) reported that the messenger of Allah PBUH said:
"I will be like this in Paradise with the person who takes care of an orphan, and the Messenger of Allah PBUH
raised his index finger and middle finger by way of illustration" {Narrated by Al-Bukhari}

Match the options below:

A person who takes care of an orphan, spends money on

ِ ‫الَيِتيم‬ - Al-Yateem
him hand raises him 5/15
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Correct answer: ‫ َكاِفل‬- Kafil

A young child who lost his father ‫الوْس َطى‬ - Al-Wusta

Correct answer: ‫ الَيِتيم‬- Al-Yateem

The index finger ‫َكاِفل‬ - Kafil

Correct answer: ‫ الَّسبابة‬- As-Sabbabah

The middle finger ‫الَّسبابة‬ - As-Sabbabah

Correct answer: ‫ الوْسَطى‬- Al-Wusta
You did not select all available correct options.

Question 11 of 34 Points:

‫عْن َأِم يِر اْلُم ْؤ ِم ِنيَن َأِبي َح ْفٍص ُعَمَر ْبِن اْلَخ َّطاِب َر ِض َي ُهللا َعْنُه َقاَل َسِم ْعُت َر ُسوَل ِهَّللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم َيُقوُل‬

‫ َو َم ْن َكاَنْت‬، ‫ َفَم ْن َكاَنْت ِهْج َر ُتُه إَلى ِهَّللا َو َر ُسوِلِه َفِه ْج َر ُتُه إَلى ِهَّللا َو َر ُسوِلِه‬،‫ َو ِإَّنَم ا ِلُكِّل اْم ِر ٍئ َم ا َنَو ى‬،‫إَّنَم ا اَأْلْع َم اُل ِبالِّنَّياِت‬"
" ‫ِهْج َر ُتُه ِلُدْنَيا ُيِص يُبَها َأْو اْم َر َأٍة َيْنِكُح َها َفِه ْج َر ُتُه إَلى َم ا َهاَج َر إَلْيِه‬

Match the Qur'anic terms with right meaning:

Every activity or work that a Muslim performs using his ‫اَأْلْع َم ال‬
limbs, tongue and heart.

Plural of Niyyah; It means to intend a particular action ‫الِّنَّيات‬

with the aim of attaining nearness to Allah.

Having to part with one’s family and homeland. ِ‫ُدْنَيا ُيِص يُبَه ا‬

Correct answer: ‫الِه ْج َر ُة‬

For a worldly benefit that one wants to obtain ‫الِه ْج َر ُة‬

Correct answer: ِ‫ُدْنَيا ُيِص يُبَها‬

You did not select all available correct options.

Question 12 of 34 Points: 6/15
12/6/23, 8:12 AM ClassMarker - Results
Which of the following verses is the evidence of Tamanu

A. ‫﴾ األنبياء‬٢٢﴿ ‫ َفُسْبَح اَن ِهَّللا َر ِّب اْلَعْر ِش َعَّم ا َيِص ُفوَن‬ ۚ‫َلْو َكاَن ِفيِهَم ا آِلَه ٌة ِإاَّل ُهَّللا َلَفَسَد َتا‬

(21:22) Had there been within the heavens and earth gods
besides Allah, they both would have been ruined. So
exalted is Allah, Lord of the Throne, above what they
B. ‫َهَّللا َسَّخ َر َلُكْم َم ا ِفي الَّسَم اَو اِت َو َم ا‬ ‫َأَلْم َتَر ْو ا َأَّن‬
 ۗ‫َو َأْس َبَغ َعَلْيُكْم ِنَعَم ُه َظاِه َر ًة َو َباِط َنًة‬ ‫ِفي اَأْلْر ِض‬
‫﴾ لقمان‬٢٠﴿ ‫َم ْن ُيَج اِدُل ِفي ِهَّللا ِبَغْيِر ِع ْلٍم َو اَل ُهًدى َو اَل ِك َتاٍب ُم ِنيٍر‬ ‫َو ِم َن الَّناِس‬

(31:20) Do you not see that Allah has made subject to you
whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth and
amply bestowed upon you His favors, [both] apparent and
unapparent? But of the people is he who disputes about
Allah without knowledge or guidance or an enlightening
Book [from Him].
‫َو ِإْذ َأَخ َذ َر ُّبَك ِم ن َبِني آَد َم ِم ن ُظُه وِر ِه ْم ُذِّر َّيَتُهْم َو َأْش َه َد ُهْم َعَلٰى َأنُفِس ِهْم َأَلْس ُت ِبَر ِّبُكْم ۖ َقاُلوا َبَلٰى‬
) ( )172 َ ‫ۛن ا َ ِا ا ْ ا‬ ۛ
‫األعراف‬ ‫( ش هَ دِنَْ ا أ َ ت قَُلوُو ي وَ مْ لاقْيَِما ةَ إ ّنَِ ك ّنَُ ع نَ َه ذَٰ غ َفالِِني‬

(7:172) And [mention] when your Lord took from the

children of Adam – from their loins – their descendants and
made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], “Am I
not your Lord?” They said, “Yes, we have testified.” [This] –
lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, “Indeed, we
were of this unaware.”

Question 13 of 34 Points:

Choose the correct answer:

The term ‫ األَّو اِبين‬- Alawwabeen means

A. One who gives much charity

B. One who keeps return back to Allah (SWT)
C. One who obeys his/her parents
D. one whose heart is attached to masajid 7/15
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Question 14 of 34 Points:

A Muslim who is travelling is known as __________

A. Haaj
B. Mareed
C. Musafir
D. Jama'

Question 15 of 34 Points:

Jama' Taqdim is ___________

A. Combining prayers and perform it in the earlier salah time frame.

B. Combining prayers and perform it in the later salah time frame.
C. Combining prayers and perform it in the mean time frame.
D. Combining prayers and perform it after returning to his home land.

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Question 16 of 34 Points:

A sales representative travels a lot from Dubai to other Emirates and does not know in which trip to shorten.
help him by ticking the prayers in which he could shorten his prayers.

A. Abu Dhabi 129 KM

B. Dhaid 67 KM 8/15
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C. Umm Al-Quwain 50 KM
D. RAs Al-Khaimah 87 KM

Question 17 of 34 Points:

Which surah is describing purity?

A. Surah Al Ma'idah
B. Surah Al Mulk
C. Surah Al Baqarah
D. Surah Ar Rahman

You did not select all available correct options.

Question 18 of 34 Points:

Ghusl is _____________ for the one who gives bath to the dead body.

A. Impermissible
B. Permissible
C. Mandatory
D. Recommended

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Question 19 of 34 Points:

How many steps are there in performing full ablution?

A. 7 9/15
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B. 5
C. 6
D. Only 4

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Question 20 of 34 Points:

When someone accepts islam, it's mandatory for him/her to take Ghusl.

A. True
B. False

Question 21 of 34 Points:

When someone is in State of impurity and there is no water then

A. He should do Ghusl with sand

B. He can do Tayammum
C. No need Ghusl
D. He should skip the prayers till he finds water

Question 22 of 34 Points:

a traveller can wipe over footwear for_____

A. One day and night

B. two days and night
C. three days and night 10/15
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D. four days and night

Question 23 of 34 Points:

We need to recite:
" ‫"َر َّبَنا آِتَنا ِفي الُّدْنَيا َحَسَنًة َو ِفي اآْل ِخ َر ِة َحَسَنًة َو ِقَنا َعَذاَب الَّناِر‬
"rabbana atina fee alddunya hasanatan wafee alakhirati hasanatan waqina AAathaba alnnari"

A. From Yamani corner to the Black Stone in first round

B. From Black Stone to the Yamani Corner
C. From the gate of Ka’aba
D. From the Yamani corner to the Black Stone in every round

Question 24 of 34 Points:

Where to start the Tawaf

A. From Hajar ul Aswad (black stone)

B. From Yamani corner
C. From Meeqat
D. From place of Ibrahim

Question 25 of 34 Points:

Prophet Muhammad PBUH signed the treaty on behalf of the Muslims and Suhayl Ibn Amr signed on behalf of
the Quraysh.

A. True 11/15
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B. False

Question 26 of 34 Points:

Who was he?


Quraysh delayed him three days until there were rumors that he was killed, the prophet PBUH became very
sad and called the companions for (Bai'at Al-Ridwan)

A. Abu Bakr As-Siddique

B. Omar bin Al-Khattab
C. Ali bin Abi Talib
D. Othman bin Affan

You did not select all available correct options.

Question 27 of 34 Points:

The Battle of trench was fought in ________________

A. Rajab 3 AH
B. Ramadan 4 AH
C. Shawwal 5 AH
D. Muharram 6 AH

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Question 28 of 34 Points:

How long did it take the Muslims to dig the trench?

A. 15 days 12/15
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B. 20 days
C. 1 month
D. 2 weeks

Question 29 of 34 Points:

Prophet Muhammad PBUH wanted to perform Umrah because

A. He was advised by his companion to do so

B. He saw in a dream performing Umrah in the 6th year of Hijrah
C. He was invited by his friends of Makkah
D. His relatives requested him to visit Makkah

Question 30 of 34 Points:

Which of the following was NOT the condition of Hudaybiyah treaty?

A. Both parties will not fight for a period of ten years.

B. The parties would not interfere with the free movement of one another.
C. The Muslims would return this year and can visit Makkah the following year.
D. Muslims to stay no longer than 3 days in Makkah for Umrah the following year

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Question 31 of 34 Points:

All the answers are example of Iẓhhār Ḥalq̣iy, except:

A. ‫ِم ْن ِغْسِلين‬ 13/15
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B. ‫َو َم ْن َخَّفْت‬

C. ‫َو َألْنَعاِم ُكْم‬

D. ‫َّم َٰت ًعا َّلُكْم‬

Question 32 of 34 Points:

Is this a correct example of Idgham with Ghunnah?

‫َعيَشٍة َر اِض َيٍة‬

A. True
B. False

You did not select all available correct options.

Question 33 of 34 Points:

Choose the correct Tajweed rule:

A. Ikhfaa
B. Madd Lazim
C. Silah Kubra
D. Idgham with Ghunnah 14/15
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Question 34 of 34 Points:

Which one of this is Madd Wājib Muttaṣil?

A. ‫ِفـٓي َأۡح َسِن َتۡق ِو يـٍم‬

B. ‫َو آَل َأنُتۡم َعـٰـ ِبُدوَن‬

C. ‫َم آ َأۡغ َنـٰى َعۡن ُه‬

D. ‫ﭐَّلِذ يَن ُهۡم ُيَر آُء وَن‬

You did not select all available correct options. 15/15

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