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TITLE = Morphology and Syntax

Submitted by= AWAL ZEB KHAN
Registration # 2987FLL/BSENG/S22
Submitted To: Dr. Khalid Mahmood
Faculty of: English Language and
International Islamic University
Q= Define and provide five example of deep and surface structure?
Ans: Surface Structure and Deep Structure:
The terms deep structure and surface structure were introduced by
Noam Chomsky as a part of his work on transnational grammar.
As per Chomsky, deep structure refers to concepts, thoughts, ideas &
feelings whereas surface structure refers to the words / language we
use to represent the deep structure.

1 The Deep Structure:

Deep structure refers to concepts, thoughts, ideas & feelings.
The deep structure is the abstract structure that allows the native
speaker of a language to know what the sentence means.
Deep structure expresses the semantic contents of a sentence.
Is the way in which a Person sorts for information and processes
through their own Communication Model.
This Involves their:
• Beliefs
• Sensory experience
• Preferred Processing Style
• Meta Programs
• Past Experience
• Perceptions of Choice and possibility
• Sub modalities
And all Unconscious Behaviour Just like their Knee Jerk reactions and
responses, that they may not want to make public.
Example of Deep Structure:
1. Active Voice:
- Deep Structure: "The cat chased the dog."
2. Passive Voice:
- Deep Structure: "The dog was chased by the cat."
3. Questions:
- Deep Structure: "Did you finish your homework?"
4. Negative Sentences:
- Deep Structure: "She does not like coffee."
5. Coordination:
- Deep Structure: "John and Mary went to the store."
6. Modal Verbs:
- Deep Structure: "She can swim."
7. Wh-Questions:
- Deep Structure: "Who ate my sandwich?"
2 The Surface Structure
surface structure refers to the words / language we use to represent
the deep structure.
The surface structure is actually produced structure. It refers to the
sentence as it is pronounced or written.
surface structure of a sentence determines its phonetic form.
Surface structure how the sentence is actually represented.
Surface structure is actual form of a sentence. It is forms of sentences
resulted from modification/transformation.
Surface structure is a form of language that is based on deep

Example of Surface Structure:

1. Simple Declarative Sentence: The cat is sleeping.
2. Yes/No Question: Is the dog barking?
3. Imperative Sentence: Close the door.
4. Wh-Question: What is your name?
5. Exclamatory Sentence: How beautiful the sunset is!
6. Negative Sentence: She did not attend the meeting.
7. Passive Construction: The cake was baked by Mary.

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