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AA Research Paper Presented to the Faculty

Of the Junior High School Tibag High School Tarlac City

March 2020

The world has problem in online gaming addiction. Is a topic of increasing research

interest. Since the early 2000s, there has been a significant increase in the number of empirical

studies examining various aspects of problematic online gaming and online gaming addiction.

This entry examines the contemporary research literature by analyzing the prevalence of

problematic online gaming use and online gaming addiction; the negative consequences of

excessive online gaming; the factors associated with problematic online gaming and online

gaming addiction; gaming the treatment of problematic online gaming and online gaming

addiction. The entry concludes by looking at the trends in the field and a consideration of what

the future of online gaming addiction might be.

Since the early 2000s there has been a significant increase in the number of empirical

studies examining various aspects of problematic online gaming and online gaming addiction.

There is a lack of consensus as to whether video game addiction exists and/or whether the term

“addiction” is the most appropriate to use. Some researchers use terminology such as “excessive”

or “problematic” to denote the harmful use of video games. Terminology for what appears to be

the same disorder and/or its consequences includes problem video game playing, problematic

online game use, video game addiction, online gaming addiction, internet gaming addiction, and

compulsive internet use. This entry uses the term “gaming addiction” to describe the

phenomenon of excessive problematic gaming since there is demonstrable empirical evidence

that such behavior can include all the core components of addiction including salience, mood

modification, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict, and relapse (Griffiths, 2010).

According to Kuss (2013), in the 2000s, online games became popular, while studies of

Internet gaming addiction emerged, outlining the negative consequences of excessive gaming, its
prevalence, and associated risk factors. Internet gaming is a booming market. In 2012, more than

one billion individuals played computer games, which fuelled the 8% growth of the computer

gaming industry in the same year It is argued that only by understanding the appeal of Internet

gaming, its context, and neurobiologic correlates can the phenomenon of Internet gaming

addiction be understood comprehensively.

In the Philippines the students' learning takes place unexpectedly, but the inappropriate

usage of playing online games also leads in some problems such as being distracted in school.

Further, it is where the attention of the child were divided that even their health and social life is

unknowingly affected. Several studies in psychology have found out that increased time spent on

the Internet can lead to negative impact on a person's ability to communicate appropriately face-

to-face with friends, peers, family members including parents. Studies revealed that the human

brain is easy to destruct and one of the reasons is using technology. The education system tends

to go with the flow with this constant change in the society in order to get things relevant with

the generations today. Students' learning takes place unexpectedly, but the inappropriate usage of

playing online games also leads in some problems such as being distracted in school. Further, it

is where the attention of the child were divided that even their health and social life is

unknowingly affected.

According to Philippine Communications Today by Maslog C. of 1998, one social

problem that has been observed is that the Internet cafe observed is that the Internet cafe has

become mainly game centers. About one-half to m two-thirds of the computer in a typical

Internet cafe, according to one study, are devoted to games (violent and gory games).

The use of the remaining computers was roughly split between browsing, email, online

chat, word processing and research. The Internet cafes have become not just game centres. They
are becoming centres of addiction among the youth, mostly boys, including elementary school

pupils. According to one concerned Internet cafe entrepreneur, “Internet cafes are seducing

youths to a new form of addiction, one which may not destroy their bodies as drugs do, but,

which is certainly twisting their minds. To the young, play is reality and reality is play”.

This study was conducted to asses and find out the difference between Online Gamer

and Non-Gamer's Academic performance of Tibag High School. The aim of this paper is to

investigate a comparatively untouched area of research into games and education: whether or not

there is a link between the frequency with which computer and video games are played, and

academic achievement, as measured by traditional examination results, of those who play them. An

online game is a game played over some form of computer network

Statements of the Problem

This study seeks to identify the difference between the academic performance of Online

Gamer and Non-Gamer-student.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How is the academic performance of Online Gamer described?

2. How is the academic performance of Non-Gamer described?

3. Is there a difference between the academic performance of Online Gamer and Non-Gamer-


4. What implications to Tibag High School can be drawn from this study?
Significance of the Study

This result of the study is based on the influence of Online Gamer and Non-Gamer

academic performance of Tibag High School. Furthermore, the finding of the study would be

significant to the following:

Grade 10 Rizal Learners. The result of the study will let them know the difference between the

Online Gamer and Non-Gamer academic performance. Also to give awareness to the student’s

about their academic performance.

Parents. Findings of the study may benefit the parents around the family to be aware of the

difference between the Online Gamer and Non-Gamer academic performance.

Teachers. This study will expand the knowledge of the concerning to there student’s academic

performance. This may also help the teachers to get more information because this will provide

facts about the difference between the Online Gamer and Non Gamer academic performance.

This may also serve as a tool for the teachers to be guided in deciding to handle the there

students capability.

Researcher. The outcome of this study will help the researcher to know the value of online

gamer and non gamer academic performance.

Future Researcher. The study will aid in revealing the influence of study will provide the future

researchers to engage in similar study. It will also serve as a reference for the future research and

study that will be done by the future researchers.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study aims to determine the difference between Online Gamer and Non Gamer

Academic Performance of Tibag High School: A Case study. The selected sample will

consist of Grade 10 Rizal students.

Research Design

A causal-comparative design is a research design that seeks to find difference between

independent and dependent groups after an action or event has already occurred. The

researcher's goal is to determine whether the independent variable affected the outcome, or

dependent variable, by comparing two or more groups of individuals. There are similarities and

differences between causal-comparative research. To demonstrate how to use causal-

comparative research, examples in education are presented.



1. Are you an online gamer?



2. If you are online gamer what year did you start playing online games?

3. This question it is only for non-gamer. What is your highest general average?

4. When play online games in that year what is your general average?

5.How many hours in a day do you play online games?

6. Online games help you in your academic performance?



7. How being an online gamer help you with your academic performance?

8. How being an non-gamer help you with your academic performance?

9. For online gamer, what the advantage and disadvantage of online gamer in academic


10. For non-gamer, what the advantage and disadvantage of non-gamer in academic


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers a formal permission from the Grade 10 Rizal's student with the

recommendations of the research's adviser to conduct the study. Upon the approval of the

research’s adviser.

In the process of conducting the study, the researchers guided the participants in their

individual questionnaire to maintain the confidentially of the participant.

Data Analysis

After collecting the data from the respondents all the questionnaire the research’s will

now analyze the outcomes or answers from each questions. Data gathering through the

questionnaire was subjected to frequency count in other word the subject responses for each

individual question where added together to find the highest frequency of occurrence.
Formula: The mean is the average of the numbers. It is easy to calculate: add up all

the numbers, then divide by how many numbers there are. In other words it is the sum divided by

the count.

sum of the terms

mean= --------------------------
number of terms

We conduct 26 questionnaire to 26 respondents and then, there are 16 online gamers and

10 non-gamers. The result of all general average of online gamer is 89.93 while the general

average of Non-Gamer’s is 91.44. From the 26 respondents 17 of them says online are not

helpful for their academic performance and the remaining 9 was said that online games are

helpful to them. For the online gamer says that the online raise their critical thinking and to

strategize the school works. And for the non-gamer says that being a non-gamer help them to

focus on their study, study hard, to not divide their attention in learning, and to reach their

individual dreams.

Online gamer says some of the advantages of playing online games is that: It improves

social skills with the other players and they can communicate with them as well. It improves

coordination while playing online games. It increases there multitasking skills.

.And the disadvantage was general health spending a long period of time playing at a

computer can have detrimental effects on your health, epilepsy computer games can trigger

epileptic attacks in sufferers who play, which can be extremely dangerous, and aggressive

Non-gamer says some of the advantages of not playing online games they can provide

more time spent on the school works and their family.

And the disadvantage by not playing games, you are missing out on developing critical

thinking skills, learning about strategy, developing your brain, and interacting with others.

Games, especially tabletop games, have such a strong social element to them. You can learn so

much about a person in an hour playing a game with them.

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