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Students often appreciate a new grading system that emphasizes transparency, providing
clear and consistent criteria for assessment. Flexibility is key, allowing opportunities for
improvement and reassessment rather than a rigid, one-time evaluation. Constructive
feedback is valued, helping students understand their mistakes and areas for growth. A
holistic approach to assessment, considering various aspects of learning beyond traditional
exams, is seen as beneficial. Fairness in grading, avoiding extreme curves, ensures an
equitable evaluation process. Regular progress tracking and updates on performance
throughout the term help students stay informed and engaged. An inclusive system that
recognizes diverse learning styles and abilities contributes to a positive educational
experience for students.

2.As a student, adapting to a new grading system can be challenging. Understanding the
criteria, tracking progress, and interpreting grades may pose initial difficulties. Clear
communication from teachers about expectations and grading methods would be beneficial.

3. The new grading system can offer a clearer picture of my performance if it provides more
detailed feedback or incorporates various assessment methods. A well-designed system
should go beyond traditional grades, offering insights into strengths and areas for
improvement, ultimately enhancing my understanding of the subject.

4. As a student, my preference would depend on the specifics of each system. I might prefer
the new grading system if it offers more transparency, detailed feedback, and a holistic view
of my performance. However, if the new system is unclear or lacks fairness, I might lean
towards the old one. Ultimately, it's about the effectiveness and fairness of the grading
system in helping me understand and improve my academic performance.

1.n the Philippines, as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the Department of
Education (DepEd) Order No. 8, series of 2015 outlines the "Policy Guidelines on Classroom
Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program." The bases for grading include written
work, performance tasks, and quarterly assessments. This aims to provide a comprehensive
evaluation of a student's understanding and application of knowledge. Keep in mind that
educational policies may evolve, so it's advisable to check for any updates or revisions to the

2. In the Philippines, grades for students in Grades 1 to 10 and Grades 11 to 12 are

computed based on a system outlined by the Department of Education (DepEd). The
process involves assessing Written Work (WW), Performance Tasks (PT), and Quarterly
Assessments (QA), with each component assigned specific weights. A weighted average
formula is used for the Quarterly Grade, reflecting the importance of each category. For
instance, assuming equal weights, the formula is \[ \text{Quarterly Grade} = (WW + PT + QA)
\div \text{Total Weight} \]. The specific weights may vary, and students should refer to their
school's guidelines for accurate information.

3. As a future teacher, the process of computing grades at the end of the school year
involves collecting data from various assessments, including Written Work, Performance
Tasks, and Quarterly Assessments. These assessments are assigned appropriate weights
based on their importance in the overall evaluation. The final grade is typically calculated
using a weighted average formula, ensuring that the sum of the weights equals 100%. If
necessary, scores are converted to the designated grading scale, and the final grades are
communicated to students along with constructive feedback. Adhering to school or education
department guidelines is crucial to maintaining transparency and fairness in the grading
process, contributing to a positive and supportive learning environment.

4. In the reporting of student progress, future teachers utilize descriptors and grading scales
that align with the standards and policies of their educational institutions. These descriptors
provide qualitative insights into a student's performance, offering nuanced descriptions such
as "excellent," "proficient," "developing," or "needs improvement." Grading scales, often
represented by letter grades or numerical ranges, quantitatively measure student
achievements. For example, an A might represent a score between 90-100, accompanied by
the descriptor "Excellent." This combination of qualitative descriptors and numerical or letter
grades ensures a comprehensive evaluation, facilitating clear communication between
teachers, students, and parents about academic strengths and areas for improvement.
Teachers adhere to school guidelines to ensure consistency and fairness in the reporting of
student progressprogress

5. When determining learner promotion or retention at the end of the academic year, future
teachers consider a multifaceted approach. Academic performance, based on grades from
various assessments, forms a primary criterion. Attendance, participation, and engagement
in the learning process are crucial factors, emphasizing the importance of consistent
involvement in educational activities. Results from standardized tests, if applicable,
contribute to the assessment of a student's academic readiness. Additionally, the social and
emotional development of learners, including their ability to collaborate and manage
emotions, is considered. Individualized education plans and special education requirements
are also taken into account to provide appropriate support. Adherence to school guidelines
ensures a fair and comprehensive evaluation, ultimately guiding decisions about learner
promotion or retention in alignment with educational standards.

6. The report on a learner's observed values, as documented by a future teacher,

encompasses a holistic assessment of various aspects of the student's behavior and
engagement within the learning environment. This qualitative evaluation includes
observations on behavioral conduct, participation in class activities, work ethic, interpersonal
skills, motivation, and resilience in the face of challenges. It provides a comprehensive
narrative that goes beyond academic achievements, offering insights into the student's
overall development. This report serves as a valuable communication tool with parents and
guardians, fostering a collaborative approach to support the student's growth. The
information gathered from these observations aids in identifying areas for improvement and
guiding interventions to enhance the overall learning experience for the student.

1.The reception of a new grading system among future teachers and students varies. While
some appreciate the potential benefits of a more detailed evaluation that aligns with holistic
development, others may find challenges in adapting to change. Preferences depend on
factors such as clarity, transparency, and effectiveness in fostering a positive learning
environment. Open communication and feedback are crucial for addressing concerns and
refining the grading system to meet the needs of both educators and learners.
2. The new grading system, viewed by future teachers, offers benefits such as a
comprehensive evaluation with diverse assessment methods, aligning well with modern
pedagogy. It fosters clearer communication through detailed feedback. Students appreciate
the clarity and transparency, gaining insights into specific performance aspects. The shift
toward a holistic evaluation contributes to a less stressful learning environment, emphasizing
growth over a rigid grading scale. Overall, the positive points for both teachers and students
revolve around a nuanced and inclusive approach to assessing academic achievements.

3. Teachers face challenges with the new grading system, requiring adaptation in teaching
methods and assessment strategies. Increased preparation and planning for diverse
assessments, providing detailed feedback, and potential need for professional development
are notable challenges. Effective communication with students and parents becomes crucial
for a smooth adaptation to the new grading system.

4. As a future teacher, my preference for the distribution of percentages among written work,
performance tasks, and quarterly assessments would depend on the educational context
and specific objectives. The distribution should aim for a balanced representation,
emphasizing continuous engagement, practical application, and comprehensive evaluation.
The goal is to support a holistic approach to student assessment, ensuring that each
component contributes meaningfully to the overall understanding of a student's progress and

5. As a future teacher, I don't have personal experiences or emotions. However, I can

provide insights into the potential perspectives of teachers on computing grades. Some
teachers may find the experience of computing grades fulfilling as it allows them to gauge
student progress and celebrate achievements. However, it can also be challenging, requiring
careful consideration of various factors and the responsibility to provide fair and accurate
assessments. The satisfaction often comes from contributing to students' growth and
success, while the challenges may stem from the complexity of balancing multiple aspects in
the grading process.

In the shift towards self-directed learning and outcomes-based education, grades may play a
less central role. Emphasizing competencies and practical application of knowledge can be
more meaningful for students. However, grades can still provide a convenient way to assess
progress and communicate achievements. Balancing both approaches could be beneficial
for a comprehensive educational experience.

1.As a teacher, I provide timely and constructive feedback to students on their performance.
Feedback is given regularly, both during and after assignments or assessments, focusing on
specific strengths and areas for improvement. This helps students understand their progress
and encourages continuous learning. Additionally, I create opportunities for discussions to
address questions or concerns, fostering a supportive learning environment.

2.As a teacher, I adhere to the school's established reporting system for communicating
students' performance to parents. This typically involves periodic report cards,
parent-teacher conferences, and possibly digital platforms where parents can access grades
and feedback. Clear and transparent communication is maintained, ensuring parents are
well-informed about their child's academic progress, strengths, and areas needing
improvement. Regular updates help establish a collaborative relationship between teachers
and parents to support the student's overall development.

3. Occasionally, I encountered concerns from parents about the clarity or interpretation of

grades. In such cases, I proactively scheduled meetings to discuss their questions, providing
detailed explanations of assessment criteria and how grades were assigned. I emphasized
the importance of ongoing communication, encouraged parents to reach out with any
concerns, and explored potential solutions collaboratively. Addressing concerns promptly
and maintaining open lines of communication helped foster a better understanding and
partnership between teachers and parents.

1.As a student, the grades on my school report card hold significant meaning for me. They
serve as a reflection of my understanding of the material, my effort, and my overall academic
performance. Grades provide valuable feedback on my strengths and areas that require
improvement, guiding me in setting goals for future learning. Additionally, they play a role in
college admissions and future opportunities, making them an essential aspect of my
educational journey.

2.Yes, knowing my grade does motivate me to work harder. Grades serve as a tangible
representation of my efforts and achievements, and seeing areas where I can improve
encourages me to strive for better results. It provides a clear benchmark and helps me set
goals for continuous learning and improvement in my academic performance.

1.As a parent, the report card offers a valuable overview of my child's academic
performance. It provides insight into their strengths and areas that may need attention.
However, it might not capture the complete picture of their overall development. Therefore, I
believe it's important to complement the report card with ongoing communication with
teachers to gain a more comprehensive understanding of my child's progress, including their
social and emotional well-being.

2.As a parent, I would appreciate additional information in the report card about my child's
social and emotional development. Including comments or a brief summary from teachers
about how my child interacts with peers, engages in class, and manages emotions would
provide a more holistic understanding of their overall well-being. Academic success is
important, but a well-rounded report card that acknowledges social and emotional growth
contributes to a more complete picture of my child's education and development.

3.As a parent, I find card distribution day important because it offers a structured opportunity
to receive and discuss my child's academic progress with their teachers. It allows for
face-to-face interactions, providing insights beyond what may be conveyed in a written
report. This engagement fosters a collaborative relationship with teachers, enabling me to
gain a more nuanced understanding of my child's strengths and areas for improvement. It's a
valuable occasion to address any concerns, set goals, and actively participate in my child's
educational journey.

4. As a parent, I consider card distribution day crucial as it provides a structured platform to

engage with my child's teachers and gain insights into their academic progress. Preparation
is key, ensuring I arrive with specific questions and topics for discussion. Open
communication during these meetings allows for a holistic understanding of my child's
development, encompassing not only academics but also social and emotional aspects.
Collaboratively setting goals with teachers establishes a shared commitment to my child's
success. Acknowledging effort alongside grades and attending relevant workshops further
enhances my involvement in my child's education. Approaching these interactions with a
positive mindset fosters a constructive partnership between parents and teachers,
contributing to my child's overall growth and achievement.

1.Common issues raised on students' performance often include concerns about academic
struggles, incomplete assignments, difficulty grasping certain concepts, and inconsistent
effort. Additionally, parents may inquire about their child's participation in class, behavior,
and social interactions with peers. Time management, study habits, and any noticeable
changes in attitude or motivation are also common topics of discussion. Addressing these
concerns collaboratively with parents allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the
student's needs and enables effective support strategies to be implemented.

In the era of self-directed learning and the emphasis on demonstrating competencies,

grades may not be the sole measure of one's abilities. The focus shifts towards practical
application, critical thinking, and the tangible demonstration of knowledge, skills, and values.
While grades can provide a snapshot of academic performance, the evolving educational
landscape values holistic learning experiences and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in
real-world scenarios. Thus, self-directed learners often emphasize a broader understanding
of their capabilities beyond traditional grading systems.

The impact of grades on student motivation can vary from person to person. For some
students, grades serve as a motivational factor, providing a tangible measure of their
academic performance. Achieving good grades can be a source of pride and
encouragement, motivating them to work harder.
However, it's essential to recognize that motivation is a complex aspect influenced by
various factors. Some students may find intrinsic motivation by the joy of learning, personal
interest in a subject, or the desire to acquire specific skills. On the other hand, an excessive
focus on grades alone may lead to stress and hinder the genuine love for learning.
In the modern educational landscape, there's a growing emphasis on understanding and
nurturing diverse sources of motivation to create a more comprehensive and effective
learning environment.

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