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Subject: Urgent Request for Projector Repair in Room 22

Dear [HOD's Dr. M. Rizwan],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing on behalf of the Civil Engineering 7th-semester
students who utilize Room 22 on the 2nd floor for our classes.

We are currently facing a significant challenge due to the malfunction of the projector in Room
22, which has persisted for several weeks. This issue disrupts our learning experience, hindering
our ability to comprehend complex course material.

Understanding the importance of visual aids in our technical field, we kindly request your
immediate assistance in repairing or replacing the malfunctioning projector. This action will
greatly contribute to the quality of our education and ensure that our academic progress remains

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter, and we are confident that your support will
make a significant difference in our academic experience.

Thank you for your consideration.

[2020-2024 session, 7th Semester]
[Civil Engineering]

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