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One service project (either Community, Employer, or Professional) is mandatory

for students. Over the length of the program, I completed the Professional
project. I was on a student committee which met several times over the course of
the year to find ways that the AAMD could better serve students.
An idea that was proposed was to review student posters which is a requirement
of the university attended. Due to the timing, there were not many submitted. In
the end it was not a successful plan.
I did apply to be on a future committee within the AAMD after graduation. I
attended many online seminars throughout my student time. Because of these
seminars, I gained extra knowledge of the treatment planning system and other
ways to improve my planning techniques.
I believe that being on a committee after graduation will only increase my skills.
The involvement within the AAMD is a great networking opportunity and ways to
better the field. Without this requirement from the University of Wisconsin-La
Crosse I would not have been as informed on what the AAMD provides to both
students and certified medical dosimetrists.

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