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Hello everyone, I’m group 10. My group includes Huy, Lâm and me.

Today, we are here to tell you about

one traditional music in Vietnam.

Here is the picture about it. Can someone guess??

That is Xoan singing, and we are going to talk about it

First, we must know what is xoan singing. It is a valuable intangible cultural heritage of Đất Tổ in
particular and in the treasure of Vietnam's national cultural heritage in general. Xoan singing is a form of
folk song, ritual and custom, also known as communal house singing or "Khuc Mon communal house", a
multi-element art form: Music, singing, dancing to serve the community's religious needs. .

Second, we will introduce to you where and when was Xoan singing established and originated?

The origin of Xoan singing has many explanations with legends placed in the time of the Hung Kings who
built the country. There is a story that King Hung went to find land to build the capital, one day he rested
in this place in the hometown of Xoan Phu Duc - An Thai, saw children herding buffalo singing and
dancing, the king liked it very much and taught many more songs. That dance of King Hung and the
buffalo herdsmen, they are also Xoan fairy dances.

Also, there is another story about its originate. King Hung's wife had a stomachache for a long time but
still did not give birth, a maid said that she should welcome Que Hoa to dance beautifully, sing or dance.
Que Hoa was called to the front of the bed, bending her arms and legs, looking like a fairy, voice like a
stream, sharp as a flower... King Hung's wife, watching dance, listening to singing, was indeed happy to
give birth to 3 unusually handsome sons. King Hung was very happy, commanded all the princesses in
the palace to learn the dances and songs of Quế Hoa. At that time, it was spring, so the king named the
singing and dancing dances as singing spring.

The folk story of Cao Mai commune tells that Nguyet Cu princess - King Cao Mai's wife, when she was
born, couldn't be comforted by anyone, only when she heard the people of An Thai village sing, she
stopped crying, and so on until the year she was born. up three years old. The grandparents also said
that Nguyet Cu went to An Thai village to hear singing and then had a stomach ache, so the military had
to carry a palanquin and run quickly back to the site so that she could give birth in time. It is also
because of the above circumstances that in Cao Mai, there is a custom of running in a palanquin of King
Ba and having Xoan singing on popular days of worship, which are meaningful village performances.

Some music researchers say that: Xoan singing appeared around the 15th century (ie, the post-Le era),
"Xoan lyrics have the same characteristics as the form and literature of the 15th century, that is, physical
form." It is not yet fixed, consisting of both aphasia and interspersed 6-hour sentences and concludes
that: Xoan singing is a form of customary music arising from the Le Dynasty.

Third, we wil tell you some instruments in Xoan singing

Instruments in Xoan singing are simple bamboo beats and drums combined with folk performing
instruments such as fans and wine glasses.

The next part of our presentation is about types of Xoan singing

There are 3 forms of Xoan singing: singing to worship the Hung Kings and the Village Citadel; singing
rituals to pray for good seasons and health; and festival singing is a form for men and women to
make love.

And here is some artists, performers of Xoan singing

Artist Nguyen Thi Lich
Artist Bui Thi Luong
Then, Preserving and promoting
Firstly, manage, protect and promote the heritage of Xoan singing in the context of market
economy and tourism development. Currently, Xoan singing is being affected by the negative
side of the market economy and international integration. Accordingly, the State should continue
to pay attention to the management and protection of the cultural heritage of Xoan singing.
Specifically, it is necessary to plan and support the restoration, embellishment and restoration of
the system of relics related to Xoan singing, building a cultural space of Xoan singing; Second,
protecting and promoting the value of melodies oval. It is necessary, in the immediate future, to
bring this cultural heritage back to the community of cultural activities, by arousing love and
pride for traditional culture in each citizen and the whole community. In addition, it is necessary
to strengthen the state management, attach the responsibilities of all levels of government, mass
organizations and people in order to socialize the conservation and promotion of the cultural
heritage of Xoan singing; strengthen propaganda to raise people's awareness of the value of the
cultural heritage of Xoan singing, so that each individual has a sense of protecting and promoting
the value of Xoan singing

Finally, here are some pictures about the costume

Men wear white shirts, turbans, and pants; Women wear five-piece tops, raven beaks,
white blouses, bibs, belts, bibs of different colors, silk pants, and sarongs

That is our talk today, any question???

If not, we have some question for you

1. Where was Xoan singing originated
2. When was Xoan singing established
3. Which one is the instrument in Xoan singing
A. Bamboo beats B. trumpet C. A and B

And the correct answer is A. More over, the other instrument is drums, fans and wine

And our presentation ends, thanks for listening

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