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Faculty of Communication, Visual Art and Computing

Department of Computing
32334 November 2023 Session
IAS1223 Data Structures and Algorithms
Lab Exercise #1


Create a class name Student. The class have member data such as name, age and gender; and
member methods such as register_course, pay_fees and etc. (can add extra data and methods).

Create another class called Computing whose objects are records for student from Computing
Department in UNISEL. This class is a subclass of the class Student above. A Computing student
record has name, age and gender that inherited from the class Student; a matric number as type
String and a program enrolled as type String. Computing class may have constructors and other

Develop a main method to test both classes.

i. The task is in group of 2 to 3 students.
ii. Programming code preferably written in Java.
iii. Student mahy use any editor.
iv. Submit full coding with sample of output.
v. Due date: 13 NOVEMBER 2023

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