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Good Job Rawan!

You followed the correct paragraph structure and every part had the
relevant main idea. In the Writing Assignment try using more of the adjectives and new

vocabulary we have learnt from the book. Pay attention to the highlighted mistakes 😊

Dear Emma,

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to reach out and express my interest in the
festival staff position. I recently graduated from Humboldt University in Berlin with a
degree in Business Studies, and I have been learning a lot and gaining valuable
experience as an intern at a travel company.

I am really excited about the opportunity to join your team. I believe in my

communication skills, works ability to work under pressure, and fluency in English. I
am confident in my ability to ensure the safety and comfort of festival-goers, assist in
the smooth running of the event, and handle any crowd-related issues that may

I would be grateful for the chance to discuss my qualifications further and how I can
participate to the success of the festival. Thank you for considering my application.

Best regards,

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