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Ricky Gebala

Melinda Perkins

To What Extent Were the Progressive Era Reformers Successful at Bringing About Change at the
National level?

Shortly after the Reconstruction Era the Gilded Age began to unfold around the late

1870s, which led to rapid economic and industrial growth. The Gilded Age was not what it

seemed, there was a high level of corruption running rampant such as “Boss” Tweed's New York

City political machine, which led to a poor salary for workers. Continually, there was a

laissez-faire government in place which Incorporated the use of child labor and lack of safety in

factories. On the contrary, There was a development of mass immigration from eastern and

southern Europe, which led to an increase in voting and job opportunities. The characterization

from the Gilded Age would be subject to much debate.

Although the progressives failed to act on civil reforms for people of color . It is

significantly more justifiable to categorize them as successful due to breaking up corrupt

businesses, giving rights to those less privileged, and their efforts to try to end child labor. All of

these reformations were done to bring about success at a national level.

It is significantly justifiable to categorize Progressive Era reformers as successful because

of breaking up corrupt businesses. For example, the illustration in document A promotes the

usage of trust busting done by Theodore Roosevelt and the overall theme is to give warning to

large monopolies through restrictions like the Sherman antitrust act. Continually, The intended

audience of this illustration was to all Americans whether they are illiterate or literate due to the

easy ability of understanding the drawing. In addition, Document B supports That progressives
Ricky Gebala
Melinda Perkins

were successful in breaking up corrupt businesses, because it was shown to curb the power of

trusts and monopolies and maintain market competition. The Sherman Antitrust Act was issued

in 1890, while the Clayton Antitrust Act was issued in 1914 and was meant to strengthen the

Sherman Antitrust Act through eliminating predatory and discriminatory pricing, and other forms

of unethical corporate behavior. During an era in which monopolies needed to be curbed, the

progressives made a lasting impact for the better on eliminating unlawful business practices.

Another reason why the progressives were successful in bringing national change was the

equal representation of minorities. Document C’s purpose, calls out Kaiser Wilson (the German

president) as a dictator and shames the lack of women voting. In the US, before this Photograph

the national women's party was established in 1912 which brought about more women's rights.

Continually, the 19th Amendment, which allowed women to vote, was secured by Alice Paul, a

prominent female Progressive. Additionally, this proves that progressives made a prominent

positive impact on American society because without the 19th amendment, The US truly couldn't

say that every person had equal rights.

Furthermore, It is justifiable to determine that the progressives were successful in

bringing beneficial National change to the US Through ending child labor usage. Document E,

indicates how US industrialization has exploited the use of minorities and society, stripping them

of their opportunity to grow mentally and prove more beneficial to American society. The

purpose and audience of this article is slightly biased as Jane Addams was a teacher herself and

directed this passage to the educators of the US. Continually, To combat the use of child labor the
Ricky Gebala
Melinda Perkins

progressives instituted the use of unions which protected workers and muckraking, which

through photos, showed the issues of child labor. Without the Progressive's help child labor could

still be running rampant throughout this country.

Despite all the progressives' positive actions and efforts to bring about success in the

nation, there still was a great level of inequality for the civil rights of people of color. Document

D, highlights the racial injustice and lack of respect for black soldiers returning from war while

the white soldiers receive praise for their heroism. To combat the growing racial tensions and

miss representation for colored people the National Association for the Advancement of Colored

People was developed to focus on better job opportunities for colored people. Even with all these

efforts to bring positive reformation to the US, the Great Migration of African Americans still

faced exclusion and discrimination in the workplace. Continually, document F illustrates the still

heavily reliant use of child labor within the southern US. Rather, even with the progressives best

efforts to dissolve child labor, like the child labor act of 1916, which later was deemed

unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court, they still couldn’t end child labor.

In conclusion, the progressive era reformers were successful to a great degree because of

their ability to break up corrupt businesses, give rights to those less privileged, and within their

best efforts…to try to end child labor.

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