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CHAPTER 2: MONSTERS OF AL HORRID CREATURES IN THIS WORLD, THOSE that stalk the Mourntand are by far the worst. Every ‘manner of beast and monster can be found there, even those never before known within Cyre prior to the ca- tasirophe. Additionally, many creatures exhibit strange muta~ tions and illogical bodily changes. What facet of the ‘Mourning led to these twisted creatures is uncertain. The danger they pose, however, is undeniable. —Report to Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn (Cyre once stood atthe heart of Khorvaire, the proudest and, ‘some would say, most successful of all the regions of Galifa. Despite this, its ecology was similar to that found in many of the other nations ‘Warmer than Karrmath, less forested than Aundai, the lands ‘of Cyre were beautiful once. Never could its people have imagined the wasteland their home would become, oF the living fear that would stalk its every hill and hollow MUTATIONS ‘The most common and potent mitiions found among the creatures ofthe Mourland ean be fund in Eberron: Rising {from the Last Wor Those ised her are rer, jst as «dangerous. ‘Whenever players encounter a cesture inthe Mournland, yeu can ral onthe flowing table of uations to determine ‘what effects the Mourning has had on that rear. 46 Mutation T The creature gains the Displacement trait ofthe displacer beast. It projects a magical ilusion that makes it appear to be standing near its aetual postion, giving attacks disadvantage. IFhit by an attack, this trait ceases to function until the end of the creature's next tum, It also ceases ifthe creature is incapacitated or has a speed of 0. 2 One ofthe creature's limbs is made of glass It gains +1 (0 AC, and any unarmed attack with that limb becomes magical and deals +1 damage. Ifthe creature rolls ori struck by a critical ht, the limb shatters. It then can no longer make attacks with that limb, and ifthe limb aided in movement the creature's movement speed is halved. 3. ‘The creature gains a flying, burrowing, or swimming. speed equal to its walking speed. A creature cannot sina speed it already has; thus, an eagle will always gain a burrowing or swimming speed. 4 Choose a mundane, manmade object that could appear in the area. When immobile, the creature igsias the False Appearance trait ofthe mimie and is indistinguishable from an ordinary object. The creature's skin or hide takes on an appropriate texture to the chosen object, and it unfolds itself from the object's shape to attack or move, 3 ‘Tho-ereature has the mind of a different boing inside ‘of it and acts differently as a result, Rell 36100 + 9 and go to that page in the Monster Manual. The